🎉 Congratulations to Alessandro Arnold on completing your thesis! Your work in Biomedical Engineering at the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering) entitled "Investigation of wearable-based metrics to assess motor performance during telerehabilitation with ARC intellicare", has provided significant insights for the development of ARC intellicare, our #telerehabilitation medical device. Many thanks to Professor Luca Palmerini for his valuable support, and to Alice Mantoan, ARC Product Manager, and Riccardo Fava, ARC Product Owner, for their guidance as supervisors throughout this project. Alessandro, Best wishes for your future endeavors! 🌟 #Henesis #ARCintellicare #medicaldevice #rehabilitation #biomedicalengineering #wearablesensors
Chi siamo
We combine our passion for cutting-edge technologies and science to solve global real-world challenges known to affect people quality of life. Today, we cooperate with relevant industrial partners, academic researchers, top experts and tomorrow, our prototypes will be tangible products entering your home, office, car, gym, medical center and hospital, to help people keeping or restoring autonomy and independence at physical, emotional and cognitive level.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Henesis
- Settore
- Servizi di ricerca
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Parma, PR
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2007
Strada Budellungo 2
Parma, PR 43123, IT
Via Magellano 10
San Giovanni alla Vena, PI 56010, IT
Dipendenti presso Henesis
Our Business Development & Clinical Affairs Manager, Francesca Sernissi, will take part to an insightful webinar on "Health Tech B2B: Data Protection". They will share real-world experiences of dealing with compliance while growing their businesses in digital health. 🚀 Looking forward to seeing you there! ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dzXKkRVp
CEO at Chino.io - making data protection simple. PhD in privacy and health tech, CIPP/E, passioned about innovation.
I’m really excited to co-host this event where top Health Tech CEOs share their real-world experiences on navigating compliance while scaling their businesses in digital health. 🚀 📅 Date: March 26th, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 🎤 Speakers: 🔹 Francesca Sernissi, Business Development & Clinical Affairs Manager - Henesis 💼 🔹 Daniele Conti, PhD, CEO - SynDiag 🏥 🔹 Luiza Dobre, CEO - Komed Health 📞 🔹 Johannes Kraus, Co-Founder - Youth 🌍 🎙 Co-hosts: 🔹 Jovan Stevovic, CEO - Chino.io 🔐 🔹 Jose Garcia 🎞️🎙️ 💡 What you'll learn: ✅ The biggest compliance challenges in B2B sales from real-world experiences – and how to overcome them ⚠️ ✅ Why data protection can make or break your deals with healthcare providers 🏥 ✅ Actionable insights from CEOs who have successfully tackled these challenges 💡 💬 Join us for this game-changing conversation! Drop a comment if you're in, or tag a colleague who should attend. 👇 ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dzXKkRVp #HealthTech #DataProtection #GDPR #B2BSales #DigitalHealth #Compliance
✅ Our Quality Management System has been certified by Bureau Veritas Group in compliance with the ISO 13485:2016 standard. This certification reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest #quality standards in the design, development, and manufacturing of medical devices. It reinforces our dedication to continuous improvement and delivering products that meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders while ensuring safety and #regulatory compliance. We are proud of this achievement and look forward to further enhancing our processes and contributing to the #healthcare industry’s innovation. Find out more » https://lnkd.in/dJPqwERF #Henesis #qualitymanagement #BureauVeritas
☀️ FOURIER - End of project statement: a step forward for building-integrated photovoltaics. The end of the FOURIER Project marks a major step in the advancement of building-integrated photovoltaics (#BIPV) and the transition towards sustainable energy. Selected in September 2021 as the winner of the call for proposals by #CSEA (Cassa per i Servizi Energetici e Ambientali), FOURIER brought together key players in the industry and research fields to develop high-efficiency #photovoltaic cells integrated into building facades, combining technology, aesthetics, and large-scale applicability. One of the distinctive features of FOURIER is the creation of a 100% Italian supply chain. The project involved: Camlin Group Italy (Henesis), Focchi Group, Applied Materials Italia, IMEM-CNR, Eurac Research, and GruppoSTG - The Italian Photovoltaic Factory, creating a synergistic ecosystem of excellence. FOURIER introduced key innovations such as photovoltaic ink, capable of transforming glass surfaces into semi-transparent #solar panels, shingling technology for a seamless and efficient facade integration, and future possible application of photovoltaic ink in tandem photovoltaic modules for applications in BIPV and the automotive sector. With the project now completed, the next steps will focus on optimizing #energy performance, scaling up production, and expanding market applications. This is just the beginning of a new era for smart buildings, where facades will not only protect but also generate clean energy. Read the official end of the project statement » https://lnkd.in/d9qnZVak #FOURIER #sustainableenergy #renewables #smartbuildings
As life expectancy increases globally, safeguarding its quality on our planet is our mission, by researching, developing, validating and bringing to market scalable and truly sustainable technologies. Following a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, our solutions help to preserve, restore and protect people’s autonomy and independence, enhancing their motor, cognitive and emotional status, at home, office, car, gym, medical center, hospital or in mobility. Thank you, Francesca Sernissi, for sharing your thoughts and a special thanks to Age-It for providing valuable insights during the event dedicated to Prevention, Active Aging, and Positive Demography. Discover more » https://lnkd.in/d58hzAZr #Henesis #olderadults #activeageing #prevention #digitalhealth
Oggi al Ministero della Salute si è parlato di come fermare l'ageismo e iniziare a vedere l'invecchiamento della popolazione come un'opportunità preziosa — a patto che agiamo ora. 👉 Ecco i miei principali take-home messages: 🔹 Integrare servizi sanitari e sociali non è più procrastinabile. È tempo di passare dalle parole ai fatti, perché solo con un sistema realmente integrato possiamo rispondere ai bisogni complessi degli anziani. 🔹 Co-housing e senior living aperti alla comunità sono soluzioni concrete. Favorire contesti abitativi che contrastino solitudine e rallentino perdita di autonomia e declino cognitivo è un cambio di paradigma necessario. 🔹 Essendo il secondo Paese più longevo al mondo, l’Italia può e deve farsi promotrice del cambiamento, sperimentando soluzioni innovative con il sostegno delle istituzioni. La Legge 33 e la sua prima implementazione a Roma rappresentano segnali incoraggianti in questa direzione. 🔹 Il consorzio Age-It ha un obiettivo ambizioso: creare l’Istituto Italiano sull’Invecchiamento. Un centro che possa guidare ricerca, innovazione e politiche dedicate alla longevità. 🔹 Tecnologie digitali, dispositivi indossabili e Intelligenza Artificiale giocheranno un ruolo cruciale. Strumenti innovativi per raccogliere Real World Data permetteranno di progettare programmi efficaci per supportare gli anziani, i caregiver e i professionisti della salute. 💡 L'invecchiamento non è un problema: è un'opportunità per ridisegnare il nostro welfare e creare nuove soluzioni di valore per la società. Ma dobbiamo agire ora. Grazie ai partner di Age-It per il loro instancabile impegno e per aver dato vita a un evento così stimolante e ricco di spunti! Per chi non mi conoscesse: Sono Francesca Sernissi, responsabile dello sviluppo clinico e del business di Henesis e ARC intellicare.
We are proud to share the completion of a significant research project by our thesis student, Anna Zorzetto, under the supervision of Prof. Giulia Cisotto from the Università degli Studi di Padova. The thesis, titled "Testing and Optimizing hvEEGNet: A Deep Learning-Based Solution for EEG Automatic Artefacts Detection," explores an innovative approach to improving the analysis of #EEG signals. Our ML Leader, Lorenzo Monni, together with the dedicated #ML team, provided essential support for this #research. The project focused on optimizing a #deeplearning method to automatically identify and remove artifacts from EEG signals. Special thanks to Prof. Giulia Cisotto for her invaluable support. Congratulations, Anna, for your achievement! 🎉 #Henesis #team #unipd #braincomputerinterfaces #neuroscience #brain #brainactivity
We had the pleasure of being invited to hold the seminar "Wearable-based telerehabilitation with ARC intellicare" at the Laboratory of Wearables and Mobile Health - Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. During the session, Alice Mantoan (ARC Product Manager) and Riccardo Fava (ARC Product Owner) presented our journey in developing our medical device for #telerehabilitation, ARC intellicare. ARC integrates artificial intelligence algorithms to enhance patient treatment and support #healthcare professionals in their practice. We thank the Professor Luca Palmerini for this opportunity to share our insights and offer a hands-on demonstration of ARC. #Henesis #ARCintellicare #AI #artificialintelligence #wearabledevices #inertialsensors #medicaldevice #telemedicine #digitalhealth
🎤 Let's talk about digital transformation in healthcare! Tomorrow, our Clinical Affairs & BD Manager Francesca Sernissi will be one of the speakers in the event "Digital Leadership" by Confcooperative Sanità e NODE Soc. Coop., presenting an authoritative point of view on the use of artificial intelligence for health data analysis. 📍Rome, via Torino 146 - December 5th, 2024, 14:00-16:30 #Henesis #speach #digitaltransformation #artificialintellingence #health #dataanalysis
📢 Confcooperative Sanità: La #Digital #Leadership al centro della trasformazione digitale! 🌐 Il prossimo 5 dicembre, dalle 14:00 alle 16:30, ospiteremo la seconda sessione del percorso IN.NO.CARE, dedicato alla Digital Transformation ideato da Confcooperative Sanità e NODE Soc. Coop. assieme al prezioso apporto del Professor Sergio Pillon del Comitato Scientifico della Federazione. Questo appuntamento, che si terrà a Roma (Palazzo della Cooperazione), è un'opportunità importante per i nostri dirigenti cooperatori di immergersi nei temi più attuali e strategici della #sanità #digitale. 💻 Programma della giornata: ✅ Cybersecurity nella sanità digitale: proteggere i dati e rispettare le normative con Gianluca Marmorato. ✅ Gestione dei dati e cloud: innovazione e sicurezza con Danilo d'Elia d’Elia. ✅ Intelligenza Artificiale per l’analisi dei dati sanitari: scoprire il potenziale con Francesca Sernissi. ✅ Servizi Dante EDIH e spazio Q&A: con Sergio Pillon e Danilo d’Elia. 🎯 La #formazione è il cuore del nostro impegno per il futuro: preparare il sistema #cooperativo a rispondere alle sfide di oggi e del domani. #Formazione #DigitalLeadership #Innovazione #ConfcooperativeSanità #INNOCARE #SanitàDigitale
🌟 What an incredible experience at #FocusLive2024! We loved connecting with all of you through our #brain games and letting you try out ARC intellicare, our medical device for #telerehabilitation. A huge thanks to the Focus Live team for such an amazing event and to everyone who stopped by to explore our technologies. Your enthusiasm and interest truly inspire us! Stay tuned for more updates, we can’t wait to share what’s next! 🙌 #Henesis #ARCintellicare #Milan #Focus #FocusLive #ai #braincomputerinterface #neuroscience #artificialintelligence #motorlearning
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