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Hot Lab

Hot Lab


Milano, Lombardia 4.970 follower

Multi-Award winning yacht & design studio based in Milan, Italy. Part of the Viken Group.

Chi siamo

HOT LAB, ARCHITECTURE FOR VOYAGERS Multi-Award winning yacht & design studio based in Milan, Italy. Part of the Viken Group. Hot Lab’s work benefit some of the most prestigious shipyards and refined owners who are accompanied and advised throughout the entire design and construction process of their yachts. The studio is managed by Antonio Romano and Enrico Lumini, respectively marketing and design manager. In little more than a decade, the design studio has emerged at the front of a very complex and competitive sector, giving life to the shared objective of the partnership: to work for clients who are proud to own a Hot Lab designed product. Their lead came about not only from hard work, but also in virtue of the dual soul symbolized in the two words that compose the studio’s name: passionate about everything that pertains to client relations and the more romantic aspect of a job that always begins with a pencil and a blank sheet of paper; experimental and technological about the use of advanced software for everything down to the smallest detail. The studio has received several international awards, including many ShowBoats Design and World Superyacht Awards, in addition to the World Yachts Trophies and Finest Interior Awards, and can boast of consolidated relationships with both Italian and foreign shipyards that work from the studio’s interior and exterior designs on both custom and series produced yachts.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Yacht Design, Industrial Design, Architectural e Interior Design


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