Foto di copertina di InfraEngineering


Ingegneria civile

Chieti, Chieti 3.819 follower

Chi siamo

InfraEngineering is a design firm fully owned by TOTO Holding, a large organisation based in Italy, operating internationally in the field of motorway concessions, construction of large infrastructure projects and renewable energy. InfraEngineering is headquartered in Chieti, Italy. It was established in 2011 channelling the experiences of Toto Costruzioni Generali, a leading Italian contractor who has successfully designed and built more than 100 km of bridges and viaducts, 135 km of tunnels and 3,000km of precast girders. InfraEngineering is a 50-strong, highly specialised design firm that has developed strong competencies in the field of value engineering and design of infrastructure projects, and the development of renewable energy plants. The firm has extensive experience in the assessment and retrofit of bridges and tunnels, being responsible for the engineering services for the 281 km Strada dei Parchi motorway, a main Italian motorway including 153 viaducts, 54 tunnels and 28 toll-booths. The firm has substantial experience in design/build projects, with special attention on producing designs that are buildable and cost-effective, considering construction methods and keeping innovation at the heart of the design work. Our professionals were involved in very large and complex infrastructure projects in Italy and internationally. Recent InfraEngineering projects have been developed in Italy, Czech Republic, USA and Poland. The company operates in conformity to the Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001 and 14001.

Sito Web
Ingegneria civile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Chieti, Chieti
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso InfraEngineering

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