Les Copains

Les Copains

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda

Bologna, Emilia Romagna 2.504 follower

French Spirit, Italian Savoir-Faire

Chi siamo

It all started in Paris in the heart of the Seventies. Back then, the French capital was the center of the European cultural and economic renaissance, a land of passion and inspiration. The stars of the new fashion revolution would gather at the Café des Anglais, at the Palladium and in the typical Montmartre venues. Meanwhile, “Salut les Copains” was a radio program dedicated to the Boulevard Saint Michel artists who were fashion and style trendsetters for those years. The name of the Brand is dedicated to this unique, unrepeatable atmosphere, bringing up a concept of knitwear that became more than just a functional and traditional garment, but rather a cultural heritage of a fascinating age.

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bologna, Emilia Romagna
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
fashion, made in Italy e knitwear production


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