Foto di copertina di MCM S.p.A.
MCM S.p.A.

MCM S.p.A.

Produzione di macchinari

Vigolzone, Piacenza 9.733 follower

Integrated Manufacturing Solutions

Chi siamo

MCM Machining Centers Manufacturing SpA is an Italian leading company in designing and manufacturing high precision machining centers, automation and Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS). The company has grown over the years thanks to the acknowledgement gained on worldwide markets, with a large portfolio of international companies primarily active in the Aerospace, Automotive, Industrial, Energy, Oil & Gas and Defense. The corporate size, policies and structure are focused on offering solutions that can fulfill customers' requirements, making MCM a reliable partner.

Sito Web
Produzione di macchinari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Vigolzone, Piacenza
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Horizontal Machining Centers, FMS, Automation, Flexible Manufacturing, CNC Machines, Industry 4.0, Machine Tools, Multitasking Machines, Milling & Turning Machines, Milling Machines, Supervision Software, Precision Machining, System Integration e Manufacturing Technology


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