Foto di copertina di Nordmeccanica


Produzione di macchinari

Piacenza, PC 11.732 follower

The source for Coating, Laminating and metallizing machinery.

Chi siamo

Nordmeccanica is the largest manufacturer of Coating and Laminating machinery for Flexible Packaging, Industrial and Pharmaceutical applications. Now providing innovative state of the art Vacuum Coaters for the film and paper metallizing Industry. During 45 years the Italian Company has delivered globally to the industry more than 4000 machines. Among them state of the art 3-ply laminators in one single pass; high performances coaters and laminators as well as innovative compact design machinery. Thanks to the integrated design, the use of quality components, the recognized value for money of the products and the continued innovation, Company is holding strong on the leadership position. Nordmeccanica Vacuum is the Group Company manufacturing Mettallizing Machinery and featuring an outstanding line of products covering all areas of industrial metallization. Nordmeccanica group provides sales and after-sales services: in North America (Usa; Canada and Mexico) out of Nordmeccanica NA the Hauppauge, NY location. in South America out of Nordmeccanica LA the Buenos Aires based location. in China out of Nordmeccanica China, the Shaghai besed location. in India out of Nordmeccanica India, the Mumbai based location.

Produzione di macchinari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Piacenza, PC
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Coating, Laminating and Metallizing machinery for Flexible Packaging, Industrial and Pharmaceutical applications


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    Visualizza il profilo di Willi Mueller

    Managing Director W&H América Latina

    WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER Expands Regional Service with the Launch of "W&H de México" We are excited to announce the opening of our new Service Center, “W&H de México”, a significant step in strengthening our regional support and enhancing service efficiency. This strategic initiative underscores our commitment to providing faster, more personalized, and more effective assistance while maintaining the exceptional quality and reliability that define Windmöller & Hölscher. At the same time, we reaffirm the vital role of our esteemed commercial partner, Incotecnica, which continues to lead the sales of spare parts and new machinery. Their expertise and dedication remain fundamental in delivering the best solutions to our customers. With “W&H de México”, we are better equipped to support our customers across Mexico and Central America, ensuring their operations run smoothly and efficiently. Thank you for your continued trust. We grow so you can thrive. Windmöller & Hölscher Gruppe

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    The ICE Europe - International Converting Exhibition has just begun and the colleagues of Nordmeccanica together with the representatives of megapak GmbH & Co. KG are already busy showing their visitors the latest technologies in the field of coating, lamination and metallization. To discover the innovations developed by our team of experts, you can find us at Megapak stand: Hall A6 - Stand 380. #coating #laminating #metallization #technologies #innovation #future #sustainability #safety #digitalization #teamwork

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    En el stand de Incotecnica en  Plasimagen le presentaremos personalmente las últimas novedades tecnológicas en el sector de huntadura y laminacion para embalaje flexible. Desde el innovador CWM desarrollado en colaboración con Nordson NDC (Nordson está presente en el stand). Hasta las estructuras innovadoras cualificadas para soluciones de economía circular. Visítenos. Stand 2522

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    With over 40 years in the market, Majicplast produces smooth and printed flexible packaging for automatic and manual packaging with high automation technology. Majicplast recently took a technological leap by investing in a Nordmeccanica laminator and a Windmöller & Hölscher Rotogravure printer. The installation of these new machines has enabled a new evolution in technology and efficiency, in line with their mission of delivering products of the highest quality and sophistication. With the new SUPER COMBI 5000 laminator from Nordmeccanica, Majicplast can produce tri-laminated products, achieving the highest efficiency by applying the adhesive directly to the aluminum. As a COMBI machine, it is also possible to produce laminated products with solvent-free technology, thinking about future sustainable products with recyclable and temperature-sensitive materials such as MDO-PE. In February 2025, Nordmeccanica's VP of Technology, Vincenzo Cerciello, visited the Majicplast factory and met the new generation of the Malandrin Andrijic family, owners of Majicplast. Together with Alberto Rivero, Commercial Director for Latin America at Nordmeccanica and Carsten Mader, Commercial Director for Latin America at Windmöller & Hölscher, Cerciello had the opportunity to thank them for their partnership and trust in Nordmeccanica technology. In the photo, from left to right, we see César Malandrin Andrijic, Carsten Mader, Alberto Rivero, Vincenzo Cerciello, Pedro Henrique Malandrin Andrijic and Flávio Malandrin Andrijic Filho in front of the SUPER COMBI 5000

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    Com mais de 40 anos de mercado, a Majicplast produz embalagens flexíveis lisas e impressas para empacotamento automático e manual com alta tecnologia de automação. Recentemente a Majicplast deu um salto tecnológico investindo em uma laminadora Nordmeccanica e impressora de Rotogravura Windmöller & Hölscher. A instalação destes novos equipamentos permitiu uma nova evolução em tecnologia e eficiência, em linha com sua missão de entregar produtos da mais alta qualidade e sofisticação. Com a nova laminadora SUPER COMBI 5000 da Nordmeccanica a Majicplast consegue produzir produtos tri-laminados, alcançando a mais alta eficiência através da aplicação do adesivo diretamente sobre o alumínio. Sendo uma máquina COMBI, também é possível produzir produtos laminados com tecnologia sem solvente, pensando em produtos sustentáveis do futuro com materiais recicláveis e sensíveis a temperatura como por exemplo MDO-PE. Em fevereiro de 2025 o VP de tecnologia da Nordmeccanica, Vincenzo Cerciello, visitou a fábrica da Majicplast e conheceu a nova geração da família Malandrin Andrijic, donos da Majicplast. Junto com Alberto Rivero, Diretor Comercial na América Latina da Nordmeccanica e Carsten Mader, Diretor Comercial na América Latina da Windmöller & Hölscher, Cerciello teve a oportunidade de agradecer pela parceria e confiança na tecnologia Nordmeccanica. Na foto, da esquerda para direita vemos César Malandrin Andrijic, Carsten Mader, Alberto Rivero, Vincenzo Cerciello, Pedro Henrique Malandrin Andrijic e Flávio Malandrin Andrijic Filho em frente a SUPER COMBI 5000.  

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    Con grande tristezza annunciamo la scomparsa di Bruno Giorgi. Una persona unica, piena di umanità, passione e competenza. Bruno è stata l'energia e il sapere alla base della gestione di una delle catene di montaggio più avanzate del nostro settore, lo stabilimento di Gariga del Gruppo Nordmeccanica. Lo stabilimento è stato per decenni l'unica vera catena di montaggio del nostro settore producendo macchine altamente standardizzate e allestite ai più alti livelli di qualità: la linea Simplex. La famiglia Cerciello e tutti i colleghi e gli amici del Gruppo si uniscono ai suoi cari in questo triste giorno. With great sadness we announce the passing of Bruno Giorgi. A unique person, full of humanity, care and passion. Bruno has been the energy and the know-how behind the management of one of the most advanced assembly lines within our industry, the Gariga plant of the Nordmeccanica Group.  The plant has been for decades the only real assembly line in our industry producing high standardized machine set up at the highest quality levels: the Simplex family. The Cerciello family and all of the colleagues and friends within the Group join his loved ones on this sad day. Con gran tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Bruno Giorgi. Una persona única, llena de humanidad, pasión y competencia. Bruno fue la energía y el know-how detrás de la gestión de una de las líneas de montaje más avanzadas de nuestro sector, la planta de Gariga del Grupo Nordmeccanica. La planta es desde hace décadas la única verdadera línea de montaje de nuestro sector, produciendo máquinas altamente estandarizadas y configuradas con los más altos niveles de calidad: la línea Simplex. La familia Cerciello y todo el personal y los amigos del Grupo se unen a sus familiares en este triste día.

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    Founded in 1992, Finepack is one of the most versatile and competitive manufacturers of flexible packaging in today’s Brazilian market. This week Vincenzo Cerciello, VP technology Nordmeccanica Group visited the Company to renew the appreciation for the business awarded during 25 years of successful cooperation. In fact at location Finepack operates 5 Nordmeccanica machines, the first installed in 2001. 4 Installations are coaters and laminators, the 5th, the most recent, is a Vacuum metallizer, a NordMet 13F installed in 2023. Vincenzo had the opportunity to thank Finepack founder Edmur Batista do Carmo for the continued preference in behalf of the Cerciello family and in particular of the President, Antonio Cerciello. Vincenzo was accompanied by Willi Muller, Managing Director of Windmöller & Hölscher América Latina, representing the Nordmeccanica Group in Brazil. During the meeting multiple topics have been discussed, covering technological developments and market trends. The collaboration between Nordmeccanica and Finepack has been confirmed for the coming future as Edmur Batista do Carmo expressed appreciation for the quality and reliability of the Nordmeccanica products. The picture shows, left to right: Vincenzo Cerciello, Edmur Batista do Carmo, Willi Muller by the NordMet Metallizer. This last addition to the Finepack set up has been installed to metallize PET, LDPE, MDOPE, BOPP and more. Machine is complete with Plasma treatment, regular and AlOx metallization. The combination of the Nordmeccanica equipment Finepack has installed, allows for versatility while playing in the highest league subject innovative and recyclable packaging compounds with focus on sustainability. The ability to apply functional coatings on one of the multiple Super Combis they own, to apply advanced metallization such as AlOx on the NordMet recently installed and to finish with lamination makes for Finepack the power to compete in the most advanced segment of the packaging industry strong with cutting edge technology production processes.  

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