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Media System Lab

Media System Lab

Ricerca nanotecnologica

Rovereto, TN 2.910 follower

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low prices forgotten" (B. Franklin)

Chi siamo

Media System Lab has been a reference for microscopists since 1998 and today we have grown to occupy two locations with a total of over one thousand square meters. We have always been passionately and professionally committed to supporting microscopists in Italy and Europe in both Material Science and Biotechnology. Our range of services covers every need of an electron microscopy laboratory, from the preliminary assessment of the room by site survey, to the maintenance and repair of installed instruments, to the supply of advanced scanning and transmission electron microscopes, accessories and consumables. Our problem-solving capabilities are backed by advanced technical expertise and innovative instruments. We offer a wide range of electron microscopes with tungsten filament or Field Emission Gun. From the small tabletop to the highest performing SEM FEG, from the most compact and innovative TEM to the Dual Beam FIB, we provide customized solutions for every budget and application. Training is an essential part of our proposition, we offer courses and webinars through the online platform MS Academy Lab, and our team of experts provides technical training on topics related to electron microscopy at all levels, both in our facilities and in our customers' laboratories. Media System Lab is much more than a company, it is the microscopists' place. Our team is passionate, professional and reliable. We are proud to serve the scientific community, contributing to the advancement of research and technology in every field. Media System Lab is the microscopists' partner. Visit our website Media System Lab and on LinkedIn. Media System Lab is the place for microscopists.

Sito Web
Ricerca nanotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rovereto, TN
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Microscopia elettronica, Life Sciences, Material Sciences, Imaging, biotecnologia e Nanotecnologia



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