NOI Techpark

NOI Techpark

Servizi di ricerca

Bolzano, Bolzano 14.895 follower

Nature of Innovation

Chi siamo

South Tyrol's Innovation District

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bolzano, Bolzano
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Automotive, Digital, Green Technologies, Automotive & Automation, Start-up Incubator, Prototyping Labs, Innovation Management, EU Opportunities e Food & Health


Dipendenti presso NOI Techpark


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    Stringent legislation, but also the needs of consumers, require a rethinking of design, processes and products in line with the circular economy. Materials with high levels of post-industrial recycled content, such as those already used today, are only the beginning: for the transition ahead, we also need resources with post-consumer recycled content, as well as bio-based and biodegradable materials. On November 14th, we aim to provide inspiring keynotes, insights into innovative projects and solutions (from Stellantis, Roechling and Maip, among others), and outlooks on future challenges and rewards – and of course there will be opportunities for sharing and networking.

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    Starting a business requires courage, perseverance, creativity – and money. As female founders often face tougher challenges than their male counterparts when it comes to financing their projects (keyword: gender investment gap), together with female investors, business angels, public funding experts and successful female entrepreneurs, we will look at the financing and funding opportunities available specifically for female (co)founders.

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    From sourdough to yoghurt -  fermentation has shaped global food traditions. And is being revitalised by cutting-edge research, becoming the key to more sustainable, healthier food. Yesterday, ICOFF, the International Centre on Food Fermentations, opened its doors in our innovation district.  During a press conference and tours of the facilities, numerous visitors had the chance to learn more about fermentation, its future, and the ongoing research.  As an competence centre of the Freie Universität Bozen, ICOFF brings together international expertise to work on innovations that not only increase the nutritional value and shelf-life of food, but also recycle residual materials. It is supported by leading national and international food companies working together to find solutions for a sustainable future in food production. Barilla Group Dr. Schär Giuliani spa Mila - Bergmilch Südtirol Natural Smarter Pulse, Società Benefit Puratos THT VOG Products What’s Cooking Group

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    Innovative ideas welcome! Thinking about applying to our Inventors & Pre-Incubation Programme? Join us for the Open Day to explore our innovation district and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at our Prototyping Lab. Doors open: October 29th , 6-7 PM The Start-up Incubator team is excited to answer all your questions. You can find the registration link here:

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    “Plants speak. They have a lot to say, but we don’t listen.” Matteo Beccatelli and Tommaso Beccatelli, with their company Plantvoice SB, aim to measure the stress levels of trees and shrubs, enabling farmers to intervene in time and save their crops. Read the full article on StartupItalia to find out more!

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    WANTED: Innovative Business Ideas 💡 Ready to shake up the market with your innovative product or exciting business idea? Our Inventors & Pre-Incubation Programme offers the perfect platform to launch your idea. Here's what you'll get: 👉🏻 Personalized coaching sessions with experienced mentors 👉🏻 In-depth market and feasibility analysis 👉🏻 Access to our cutting-edge Makers Space 👉🏻 Expert guidance on financing options 👉🏻 Comprehensive SWOT analysis 👉🏻 Practical support to turn your vision into reality Interested? Apply here: until November 15th!

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    Kudos to HBI - Fair Sustainable Innovations! Proud to have accompanied HBI from the first prototype tests up until today. We look forward to what is more to come and will continue supporting this company with our expertise, network and infrastructure at NOI Techpark. Daniele Basso Stefano Dal Savio

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Joule, immagine

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    La #sostenibilità premia e l’#innovazione anche, soprattutto agli #EniAward 🏆 Un evento che, dalla sua prima edizione nel 2008, è ormai diventato un punto di riferimento nel campo della #ricerca scientifica per il futuro dell’#energia in tutto il mondo e che ha l’obiettivo di sviluppare un migliore utilizzo delle fonti energetiche, promuovere la #scienza e la #tecnologia applicate all’ambiente e valorizzare le nuove generazioni di ricercatori. Questa mattina al Quirinale, alla presenza del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella, sono stati premiati diversi ricercatori e progetti che si sono distinti in questi ambiti 👏 Tra i riconoscimenti spiccano anche alcune #startup che hanno ricevuto la menzione speciale Eni Joule for Entrepreneurship. Nello specifico: - SLY, la cui ricerca permette il rilevamento precoce di incendi e fughe di gas, tra cui metano grazie a tecnologie #IoT e #MachineLearning 💻 - HBI - Fair Sustainable Innovations, la cui ricerca punta allo sviluppo di una tecnologia per il trattamento dei fanghi di depurazione in maniera circolare 🌀    - RarEarth, la cui ricerca si focalizza sul riciclo e riutilizzo delle terre rare da veicoli a due ruote a fine vita che contengono magneti al Neodimio-Ferro-Boro ♻ Sfoglia la gallery per scoprire di più sull’evento 📷 Leggi il comunicato stampa:

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    How can artificial intelligence enhance the efficiency and processes of companies? IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige took on this question and provided interesting insights into the topic at the recent "Digital Connect" event a NOI Techpark. Thanks for the great event and the fascinating insights!

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige, immagine

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    Alzi la mano chi non ha mai utilizzato l’intelligenza artificiale! Proprio l’IA è stata al centro del nostro evento “Digital Connect”, che ieri ha attirato l’attenzione di circa 300 persone. L’IA non si limita a scrivere testi e generare immagini, ma può supportare le aziende ad aumentare l’efficienza, ottimizzare i processi produttivi e offrire nuove possibilità di comunicazione con i clienti. Ecco 3 highlight della giornata: 📢 Interventi da parte di relatori di alto livello 💻 Nuovi tool, che possono aiutarci nel nostro lavoro 💡 Impulsi, idee e uno sguardo verso il futuro Nel nostro comunicato stampa trovi le testimonianze di alcuni dei relatori presenti all’evento 👉 ---- Wer noch nie mit KI gearbeitet hat, hebe die Hand! Die Künstliche Intelligenz stand im Mittelpunkt unserer Veranstaltung „Digital Connect“, an der gestern rund 300 Interessierte teilgenommen haben. Künstliche Intelligenz schreibt nicht nur Texte und generiert Bilder, sondern kann Unternehmen dabei helfen, ihre Effizienz zu steigern, Produktionsprozesse zu optimieren und neue Wege der Kundenkommunikation zu eröffnen. 3 Highlights des Tages: 📢 Hochkarätige Referentinnen und Referenten. 💻 Neue Tools, die uns bei der Arbeit unterstützen. 💡 Impulse, Ideen und Zukunftsperspektiven. In unserer Pressemitteilung kannst du einige Stellungnahmen unserer Referentinnen und Referenten nachlesen 👉 Manuela S., Nicoletta Boldrini, Dominik Matt, Christoph Beckmann, Karl Maresch, Patrick Ohnewein, Andreas Pichler, Krista Frick, Susanne Waldthaler, Alessio Trazzi, Thomas Quetri, Victoria Riess, MBA, Florian Hübner (Mr. Tech), Christoph Holz, Gianluigi Bonanomi, Dr. Lukas Staffler, LL.M., Marco Bentivogli, Markus Frings #DigitalConnect #artificialintelligence #AI

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    Are you ready for inspiration, an exchange of ideas and the chance to connect with new role models? Are you ready to take your start-up to the next level? This evening, meet like-minded female founders at NOI Techpark’s inaugural Female Founders Circle. Gain valuable insights, share ideas with female movers and shakers, and learn how to overcome the unique challenges of launching and growing your innovative start-up.

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    Happy World Food Day! 👨🏼🍳 From prototypes in our kitchen lab to experiments in our scientific laboratories:  We thrive on pushing the boundaries of food innovation. // Passionate about food in all its bold and exciting forms and flavours.

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