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OBDA Systems

OBDA Systems

Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Roma, RM 329 follower

Semantic Solutions for Enterprise Data Management.

Chi siamo

In today’s information society, large and medium-scale businesses, to maintain a competitive advantage in their business sector must face two main challenges. On one hand, developing efficient and effective solutions for the management of their information assets, to allow for quick access on demand to relevant data. On the other hand, opening their resources to third parties, to foster collaboration and business opportunities. All this must be accomplished in an era in which we are witnessing an exponential growth in the quantity of data that must be managed, and of the processes that use such data. These problems are commonly referred to in the IT sector as data governance, Open Data production, and Big Data management. OBDA Systems, an innovation startup of Sapienza University of Rome, proposes solutions based on the most recent breakthroughs in the field of semantic technologies, to provide its clients with a direct and effective means to access key information from large and complex data sources. These solutions are based on the representation of the business domain through an ontology, and on applying automated reasoning techniques over this ontology. OBDA Systems is a private company, part of the Almawave Group.

Servizi IT e consulenza IT
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Roma, RM
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Semantic Technologies, Ontology-based Data Access, Ontology Modelling, Data Bases e Data Quality


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