Foto di copertina di Peter Pichler Architecture
Peter Pichler Architecture

Peter Pichler Architecture

Architettura e pianificazione

Milano, Milano 4.790 follower

Peter Pichler Architecture is an award-winning laboratory for architecture based in Milan.

Chi siamo

Peter Pichler Architecture is an award-winning laboratory for architecture based in Milan. We are a young, dynamic and experimental team dedicated to developing an innovative and contemporary approach to architecture. Understanding tradition is the key to radical evolution. Hence, we incorporate close familiarity with local culture and respect for the natural environment into every single project. This credo builds our studio’s foundations and reflects the way we work. Our vision and team are the pillars of our success.

Architettura e pianificazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Milano
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Contemporary Architecture and Design, Architecture, planning, reconstruction, creative master plan e Design


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