Ratti Luino machinery in a video, discover more on our website: www.rattiluino.com #rattiluino #rattiluinosrl #textilemachinery #twistingmachine #coveringmachine #spareparts
Ratti Luino S.r.l.
Produzione di macchinari
Cassano Valcuvia , Varese 365 follower
"Leaders in twisting technology since 1869"; "three brands, one company, the art of covering"
Chi siamo
RATTI LUINO S.R.L. con i suoi brand RATTI, OMM e MENEGATTO è un'azienda italiana produttrice di torcitoi e macchine spiralatrici dal 1869. Sotto il nome Ratti, la nostra azienda produce un range completo di torcitoi a doppia torsione per la lavorazione di fibre continue come polyestere, poliammide, seta, viscosa, polipropilene, acrilico; per diverse applicazioni, includendo filati stretch e cucirini. Sempre sotto il nome Ratti produciamo macchine spiralatrici per singola e/o doppia copertura, completamente elettroniche. Con il nome OMM e MENEGATTO produciamo macchine spiralatrici per il processo di ricopertura di filati sia rigidi sia elastici. _____________________________________________________________________ RATTI LUINO SRL, with its RATTI, OMM and MENEGATTO brand names, is an Italian company producing Two-For-One twisting and covering machines since 1869. Our Company is producing, under the Ratti name, complete range of two-for-one twisting machines for continuous filament as polyester, polyamide, silk, viscose, polypropylene, acrylic yarn, for different applications, including stretch yarn, sewing threads. With our RATTI brand we produce also fully electronic covering machine. Under the OMM and MENEGATTO brand names we produce complete range of covering machines for covering processes of both elastic and rigid yarns.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Ratti Luino S.r.l.
- Settore
- Produzione di macchinari
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Cassano Valcuvia , Varese
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1869
- Settori di competenza
- twisting machines, covering machines, textile machinery, spare parts for twisting and covering machines e continuous filament fibers
Via Provinciale, 309
Cassano Valcuvia , Varese 21030, IT
Dipendenti presso Ratti Luino S.r.l.
Download here our spare parts catalogue for covering machine, with original parts for our brand machines: Ratti, OMM & Menegatto: https://lnkd.in/eCj-X64 more, on our website you can find all our twisting and covering machines production line.
🏭 Manufacturer of two-for-one twisting machines for synthetic and artificial yarns; & covering machines for elastic, rigid yarns and rubber tapes ⚙️ As Ratti OMM & Menegatto, we supply original spare parts for our machines ⚡ Electronic cabinets upgrades and revamping: • Upgrade of electronic cabinets • Electronic traverse upgrades • Machine maintenance service • Special applications on Customer request 🛠️ Service for spindles repair and spindle maintenance 📡 All the Ratti, OMM & Menegatto machines are satisfying the requirements of “Industry 4.0”, being equipped with the latest control technologies. contact us for any information you may need: 🌐 www.rattiluino.com 📧 info@rattiluino.com
some pictures of COLOMBIATEX fair, in Medellin, where Ratti Luino participated together with their agent @maquinaria y repuestos Britex and with the support of ACIMIT thanks to everyone who come to visit us!
New Ratti quality system for covering machines check the video, and contact us for any further info! Available for Ratti, OMM, Menegatto and also other brands of covering machines info@rattiluino.com; www.rattiluino.com;
Ratti Luino presents the new TRACON device, suitable for electronic traverse stroke adjusting and controlling; and suitable for adjust the soft edge and the profile of the take-up bobbins. The device is suitable both for new, and also for old machines; do not hesitate to contact us for any further info at info@rattiluino.com;
Ratti Luino was at Febratex 2024, together with our agent in Brasil Tabatex Comércio e Representações Têxteis Ltda., thanks to all our Customers who visited us!!
Terceiro dia [PARTE 2]
+ 1
We are very proud to announce that Ratti is taking part to CELLFIL European project for enhance #sustainability in #textile production!
https://lnkd.in/evJHs5QF Ratti Luino, manufacturer of two for one twisting machines and covering machines for elastic and rigid yarns, has recently installed a new powder coating plant at its Cassano Valcuvia (Va) - Italy site. In this plant we coat with powder coating the sheets of our machinery, produced in-house with Salvagnini machines, but we also carry out coating works for all those customers and companies who need to carry out this treatment on their laser-cut parts. Definitely an investment that makes us even more autonomous in our internal production; but at the same time allows us to expand our production horizon.
Ratti Luino - new powder coating plant - nuovo impianto di verniciatura