Foto di copertina di RDM Group
RDM Group

RDM Group

Fabbricazione di carta e prodotti cartacei

Milan, Italia 28.255 follower

RDM Group is the leading producer in the recycled cartonboard business.

Chi siamo

RDM Group is the leading producer in the recycled cartonboard business and the largest producer in Italy, France, the Netherlands and in the Iberian Peninsula. While coated board is mainly supplied to the European market, solid board is representing a leading segment worldwide including US and Asia. RDM cartonboard is 100% recyclable and designed to be reintroduced into a virtuous circular economy cycle through recovery and recycling after use. The packaging of future decades must be sustainable and consistent with the principles of circular economy, and this is why RDM Group has based its business model on those principles. By replacing the idea of waste with that of resources, its aim is to reduce raw material consumption and increase efficiency in the use of materials. It has its headquarters in Milan but can boast a strategic presence at international level thanks to its sales network and its 9 production plants - 3 of which in Italy, 1 in France, 1 in Germany, 2 in Spain and 2 in the Netherlands.

Fabbricazione di carta e prodotti cartacei
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Italia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso RDM Group


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