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Rilemo (ex. Previeni)

Rilemo (ex. Previeni)

Fabbricazione di apparecchiature medicali

Milan, Milano, Italy 1.331 follower

Diagnose Anyone, Anywhere

Chi siamo

Rilemo, formerly Previeni, envisions a world where unfortunate late diagnoses will not exist anymore, a world where every Doctor will be able to diagnose Anyone, Anywhere. To create this future, Rilemo developed a portable, AI-Powered medical imaging device to help clinicians detecting fluid-related conditions such as edema, cancer, or hemorrhagic events, even before symptoms arise. Rilemo can therefore help avoiding late diagnosis by spotting what is going on early, which in case of Emergency Rooms, this means a reduction in the lenght-of-stay, costs and mortality of of up to 50%. If you want to learn more or join our team, feel free to drop us a message or visit

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di apparecchiature medicali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Milano, Italy
Società privata non quotata
Settori di competenza
Medical Diagnoses, Medical Imaging, Electromagnetic Tomography e Artificial Intelligence


Dipendenti presso Rilemo (ex. Previeni)


  • Rilemo (ex. Previeni) ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Nadim Conti

    Chair & CTO @Rilemo (ex. Previeni) | Former CERN, INFN

    🌍 How lucky are we to be on this pale blue dot? A planet home to billions, with a future depending on our next choices. Tiny steps starting with few of the most empowering stories I’ve heard at #ECR2025 last week. 💡 One take home message from this European Congress of Radiology? Every one of us can make the difference in our future on Earth, not only in doing no harm to people as vowed by doctors, but to Earth too. 🫁 Of over hundred interactions, the story of Susan Shelmerdine stuck to me dearly when I heard how simply, by using a food container and some sticks, she trained Ultrasound physicians in remote locations. 🚑 And how Mihai Ranete and team brought medical diagnostic instruments around Romania in a van to make healthcare reachable by everyone, a valuable mission deeply resonating with Rilemo (ex. Previeni). 🧸 Or lastly, how companies are crafting games to make children’s play with parents at a “hospital game” and hence not move inside the MRI machine, reducing the problem of motion blur with a simple, human connection. 🍀 It is becoming clear that powerful, yet simple solutions to our sustainability crisis are there, fuelled by brilliant people empowering a shared knowledge as done by Manuel Signorini and others online. We’re now in a historical moment where, together, we can make the next 5 years transformational, to become, as brilliantly said by Andrea Rockall, the generation of imagers that also decreases harm to planet Earth. #Innovation #Diagnostics #Radiology #Medtech #Startup

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  • What does a Vision need to bloom? Our take? A community with diverse views to grow together, something we’ve found with rivers of inspiring energy last Tuesday at the B4i - Bocconi for innovation. With a vision to Diagnose Anyone Anywhere, four months ago we were looking for an empowering Acceleration Program, and in B4i we’ve found more. The human factor. A group of insightful and passionate people growing together in challenging and intensely rewarding moments spanning from the B4i - Bocconi for innovation, to the advisors and mentors who provided us invaluable support. Not only did the unwavering support and infectious energy we received truly make all the difference in our growth, this journey has been instrumental in helping us build the foundation for our next steps. As we look back on these moments with gratitude (and maybe a tear or two), we know that this moment is the beginning of a new chapter of our adventure, that we’re proud to be taking with our fellow Batch X companions Spods, Hello Dexter, Dimot MA, Prefe, and Forte! To learn more about our latest developments, join us at: 📍 February 26th - March 1st, at the #ECR2025 in Vienna #B4i #DemoDay #Startup #Innovation #Diagnostics #Rilemo #Previeni #Medtech

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  • Rilemo (ex. Previeni) ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Roberto Reginato

    Maximizing profitability | Bridging industry & finance | Governance improvement | Cross-functional leadership & operations | Innovation focus & Disruptive mindset | VC & Startups mentor | Global Executive MBA

    START-UP MONDAY!!                             [N.47] Rilemo (ex. Previeni) 🌍 Milan, Italy 🍰 #MedTech #HealthCare 🚫 People with acute or chronic pain need hospital transport for diagnosis. There, first-line exams are often ineffective in imaging fluids inside organs, a key sign of deadly and impairing pathologies 💡 Rilemo's portable medical device images fluids in organs in under 10 seconds. Its images can be integrated into existing workflows and techniques, while also enabling out-of-hospital diagnostics, cutting length of stay, costs, and mortality by 50% 🍀 By enabling real-time diagnoses for anyone, anywhere, Rilemo contributes to SDG goals #3 "Good Health and Well-being", #9 “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”, #10 "Reduced Inequalities” and #12 “Responsible Consumption and Production” 💲 Open €500k pre-seed up to €700k, for industrialization, first sales as "research use only" in Q1 2026 . Interested in connecting with potential investors ⚔ Valentina Lidoni, Nadim Conti, Pablo Giaccaglia, Alessia Rosa & Desirée Spreafico #Previeni #Rilemo #MedicalInnovation #HealthTech Start-Up Monday!! and Start-Up Weekend!! are formats for showcasing innovative startups through an elevator pitch. If you're interested in collaboration or investment, don’t hesitate to reach out to them directly or contact me - I'm here to bridge connections. If you are a startup looking to introduce yourself, don't hesitate to get in touch; I'd be happy to assist. #StartUpMonday #StartUpWeekend #Startups

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  • We have listened to the healthcare system and understood that doctors and hospitals need allies all along the patient pathway, not only in prevention but also in diagnosis, monitoring, and follow-up. To align our purpose with this need, Previeni evolves and becomes Rilemo. Born from the Italian words RILEvare (to detect) and MOnitorare (to monitor) while also recalling the detection of hemoglobin for clinicians, Rilemo embodies our mission: to be side-by-side with doctors to diagnose and monitor fluid-related pathologies in Anyone, Anywhere. To learn more about our latest developments, join us at: 📍 February 4th, at the B4i - Bocconi for innovation Demoday 📍 February 26th - March 1st, at the #ECR2025 in Vienna Together, we can bring diagnostics closer to people. #healthcare #innovation #imaging #B4i #Rilemo #Previeni Rilemo (ex. Previeni)

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    1.331 follower

    This week, the seed of Previeni’s vision grew a step forward thanks to the #Seed4Innovation grant awarded by the University of Milan, supporting the development of our technology and its pre-clinical validation in the months to come. We are deeply grateful to Professor Luca Maria Sconfienza, Professor at the University of Milan, and Head of the Operative Unit of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio for his guidance. Our heartfelt thanks also go to the #Seed4Innovation team, the Università degli Studi di Milano, and Fondazione UNIMI for this opportunity. A special mention to our mentors, Enrico Perfler and Luca Ravagnan, as well to Paola Bagnoli and Ilaria Libani for their support throughout this journey. Thank you again for being part of our journey through 2024. We are looking forward to 2025 to share all that has been growing in Previeni in bringing our fluid-related diagnostics wherever the patients are.

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio

    17.960 follower

    Complimenti al team di Ricercatori del progetto Previeni che ha vinto la competizione #Seed4Innovation, organizzata da Università degli Studi di Milano e Fondazione UNIMI per premiare le migliori idee imprenditoriali nate dalla ricerca dell’Ateneo e dei Research Partners con un #Grant dedicato allo sviluppo delle tecnologie e un percorso di accelerazione imprenditoriale.   Il team di PREVIENI, Valentina Lidoni, Nadim Conti e Pablo Giaccaglia, coordinato dal Prof. Luca Maria Sconfienza, Professore di Università degli Studi di Milano e Responsabile dell’Unità Operativa di Radiologia Diagnostica e Interventistica del nostro Ospedale, sta sviluppando un dispositivo hardware portatile, potenziato da Intelligenza Artificiale, per rilevare e quantificare in modo sicuro edemi articolari o la presenza e accumuli patologici di fluidi in vari distretti corporei. Il dispositivo potrà essere integrato con le attuali tecniche di imaging, arricchendone il contenuto informativo a disposizione del medico. #Ospedale #Hospital #Research #Ricerca #ProgettoPREVIENI #Tecnology #Tecnologie #IntelligenzaArtificiale

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  • Rilemo (ex. Previeni) ha diffuso questo post

    🎬 Startup Spotlight - Meet Previeni! 🎬 Imagine a world where early diagnosis is accessible to everyone, everywhere. That’s the mission of Previeni, which is developing portable medical imaging technology to address one of healthcare’s biggest challenges: late or inaccurate diagnoses. Founded by Valentina Lidoni, Nadim Conti, Pablo Giaccaglia, Alessia Rosa and Desirée Spreafico, the team combines cutting-edge #technology with a deeply personal drive to make medical prevention a priority for all. ✨ Why B4i? Previeni’s journey began in our #PreAccelerationProgram, where they refined their strategic direction and built a strong foundation. Joining the #AccelerationProgram was the natural next step to refine their roadmap and tap into B4i’s network of mentors, advisors, and industry experts. Curious about their solutions? Watch the full interview. ▶️ #StartupSpotlight #HealthTech #MedicalInnovation #B4i #AccelerationProgram #Previeni

  • Rilemo (ex. Previeni) ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Marco Carminati

    Associate Professor of Electronics at Politecnico di Milano

    Many thanks to Nadim Conti for sharing with students his path in #electronics starting from home hobbies, through technical contributions to particle physics at INFN and CERN and now leading the challenge of building novel portable diagnostic instrument at Previeni startup. Definitely a great role model, inspired by passion.

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    1.331 follower

    How can we chart a sustainable and healthier future for chronic respiratory patients? Digital solutions can be the right answer, and their enablers an essential part of the solution. At the Italian Congress of Pneumology last week, we explored how to answer to these questions during the symposium “Digital approaches to chronic respiratory diseases”. Here Valentina Lidoni, our CEO, shared Previeni’s vision on leveraging digital solutions for chronic respiratory diseases. 💡 Digital solutions are not just tools—they’re enablers. In a world facing a shortage of doctors and a growing number of patients with chronic conditions, these solutions bridge gaps by making diagnosis more accessible and personalizing treatment. 🔄 When paired with traditional methods in hybrid care models, digital technologies offer healthcare systems the needed scalability by providing professional insights on the acquired data, which, as pointed out by Fabrizio Bellina, EMBA, can help healthcare to scale towards the patients while maintaining high standards of care. 📊All of this starts with data. The success of digital solutions relies heavily on the quality of the data they’re built upon, and how they were acquired. There’s still a wide landscape of phases in the pathology onset that would improve healthcare's response if timely monitored. Phases which with current diagnostic techniques are difficult to probe. This is where we step in as Previeni. By providing accurate, actionable insights that integrate seamlessly with traditional systems while staying close to the patient, doctors can intervene sooner while improving the treatment outcome. 🎤 As these discussions resonate deeply with our work, we’ll be continuing the conversation today, November 26th, at Grand Prix Innovation at Palazzo Mezzanotte, organised by the CCI France Italie - Camera di Commercio and Comune di Milano on a round table hosted by Nico Valenti Gatto from B4i - Bocconi for innovation. You can find the registration link in the comments. #DigitalHealth #RespiratoryCare #Pneumology #ChronicCare #HybridCare #HealthcareInnovation

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  • What happens when we venture beyond the known frontiers of health? We explored it last week at Frontiers Health in Berlin, with our CEO Valentina Lidoni & Chairman Nadim Conti. By diving into the trends reshaping healthcare today a few stood out: 💡 80% of healthcare spending is tied to chronic conditions, a staggering figure we’re reminded of daily through the insights of doctors we work with (see the third image 👇). 📊 High mortality rates from neoplasms and chronic respiratory diseases reflect urgent, rising challenges that need personalised solutions now. 💊 The future of treatment is evolving toward a holistic approach, with Software Enhanced Drugs from companies like Click Therapeutics, Inc. offering personalized therapies tailored to individual healing journeys. 🔄 Hybrid care might be the key to overcoming inefficiencies in care, blending the power of telehealth and in-person care to improve patient experiences, reduce unnecessary treatments by up to 30%, and drive better outcomes. These insights reaffirm the work we’re doing at Previeni by bringing diagnosis to patients wherever they are, especially in emergency and follow-up care, where personalised medicine is already proving its game-changing potential. Hungry for more? If you’re a student in Milan, join us for a lunch seminar at Politecnico di Milano on Nov. 7th to dive deeper into these trends and chat with our team (see comments for more info)! #FrontiersHealth #HealthcareInnovation #ChronicCare #HybridCare #DigitalHealth #PersonalizedMedicine

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Rilemo (ex. Previeni)

    1.331 follower

    With great data comes great responsibility, especially to bring healthcare to all. But How? Our Valentina Lidoni and Pablo Giaccaglia had their takes at Stati Generali & the Italian Tech Week. 🏥 In Stati Generali della Sanità Digitale and DTx, we were pleased to hear how much emphasis was placed on bringing healthcare closer to patients. 🎤 Our CEO Valentina shared Previeni’s Vision in the roundtable on the role of startups in healthcare innovation, which is to bring the diagnosis wherever patients are. An important point emphasised by other panelists during the event, with whom we align, was that to make healthcare more accessible, reducing inequalities, and shifting care closer to patients, we need approaches to holistically embrace the clinical pathway & drive it parallel to the patients abilities, and not only needs. We’d like to thank PoliHub - Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator for the invite to participate! 🤖 Meanwhile at the Italian Tech Week, we were inspired by the range of ideas shared on Italy's positioning as a leader in healthcare innovation. 🤝 Here our CIO Pablo shared a common vision on AI. While it is still in its early stages, its ability to generate real-time insights for clinicians will be crucial to break down barriers between care and patients, especially in underserved or remote areas where access to further exams can be trivial, and may become a problem of the past with the work being done in Previeni. 🚀 If you want to learn more on how we’re pushing these boundaries & meet us, we’ll welcome you at #EventXLifeSciences in Florence on October 8-9 and Frontiers Health in Berlin on October 17-18! #healthcare #startups #medtech #italiantechweek

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