Foto di copertina di SIS - Società Italiana Sementi
SIS - Società Italiana Sementi

SIS - Società Italiana Sementi


San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna 2.150 follower

plant breeding, seed research, seed production, food safety

Chi siamo

SIS, Società Italiana Sementi S.p.A., is one of the major seed company in Italy and was established in 1947 with the aim of making available to Italian farmers innovative tools to improve in a sustainable way the productions of several crops: winter and durum wheat, rice, corn ,soybean, alfalfa, grass and legume forages. The company’s activity has always been involved in all stages of the seed lifecycle: from developing, testing and registering new varieties -contributing to increase productivity and quality of the national plant breeding program- to seed multiplication, processing and obviously marketing and commercialization of its products, nationally and abroad. In 2017, Bonifiche Ferraresi, the largest agricultural company in Italy, became the major investor of SIS, in order to increase control and production of the various made in Italy food chains both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, and to enhance innovation, technology and research in agriculture.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso SIS - Società Italiana Sementi


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