Storm Reply, Main Sponsor di CTO Connect 2025: innovazione, strategia e confronto sul futuro della tecnologia. Il 4 marzo 2025, Storm Reply ha partecipato come Main Sponsor al Codemotion CTO Connect di Roma, un evento di riferimento per la community dei CTO e dei professionisti dell’innovazione. Un’occasione unica per confrontarsi sulle sfide e le opportunità legate all’evoluzione tecnologica, esplorando nuove prospettive su trend emergenti e strategie aziendali. A rappresentare Storm Reply sono stati Alessandro De Carolis, intervenuto nel tavolo tematico Cloud, approfondendo le strategie di scalabilità e gestione delle infrastrutture IT, e Leonardo Di Marzio, che ha partecipato al panel su AI, Innovazione e Regolamentazione, discutendo il delicato equilibrio tra progresso tecnologico e normative. Durante l’evento, l’agenda ha offerto approfondimenti su temi chiave del settore: ➖ AI e produttività: il ruolo dell’intelligenza artificiale nello sviluppo software; ➖ Geopolitica e sovranità del dato: strategie e implicazioni per le aziende; ➖ AI: innovazione o regolamentazione? Un dibattito tra esperti su rischi e opportunità; ➖ Cloud e scalabilità: nuove frontiere nella gestione delle infrastrutture IT; ➖ GreenTech e sostenibilità: come l’innovazione può supportare una crescita responsabile; ➖ Sicurezza e resilienza: proteggere dati e infrastrutture nell’era digitale. Siamo fieri di supportare eventi che alimentano il dibattito sull’innovazione tecnologica e sul futuro del ruolo del CTO. Un sentito ringraziamento a Codemotion e a tutti i professionisti che hanno condiviso la loro esperienza e visione, tra cui Leandro Gelasi, Giovanni Ponti, Roberto Saracino, Mara Marzocchi, Luca Fregoso, Dario Carmignani e molti altri. #StormReply #CTOConnect #Cloud #TechInnovation #AI #CyberSecurity #CTOCommunity #DigitalTransformation
Chi siamo
Storm Reply is a global AWS Premier Consulting Partner and a specialist for professional cloud computing services in the Reply network. Storm Reply holds comprehensive technical expertise on the most relevant enablers of digital transformation including Cloud, Big Data, IoT, and Cybersecurity - addressed by a clear understanding of the business factors. Having consolidated experience and certifications in Cloud IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS architectures, Storm Reply provides end-to-end services for Cloud adoption: - Cloud Strategy, Advisory and Migration - Public, Private & Hybrid Cloud Architectures Design & Deployment - Cloud Native Software Development - Cloud Security Fully Managed Operations 24x7 - ROI & TCO Evaluation Our goal is to exploit the full potential of the Cloud for mid-sized and large companies to help them achieve their strategic targets by leveraging speed, flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness. Storm Reply (a Reply Group company) Cloud is there, Storm is coming.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Storm Reply
- Settore
- Servizi IT e consulenza IT
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 201-500 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Turin
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Settori di competenza
- Cloud Computing, Digital Transformation, AWS, IoT, Big Data, Cyber Security, Cloud Migration, Fully Managed Operations, Microservices, Cloud Native Application, Serverless Architecture e Amazon Web Service
Dipendenti presso Storm Reply
Don Mishory
Managing Partner @ Storm Reply | AWS Premier Consulting Partner | Databricks Elite Partner
Sheryl Hampton
Digital leader, data strategist, and CX/marketing/consulting team builder
Bernard Paques
CTO at Storm Reply France
Massimiliano Sanna
Associate Partner at Storm Reply France
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The other day, we were at the AWS GenAI Loft in Berlin, where among other things I shared this picture and how I sometimes feel that clients are jumping on the GenAI trend with dedicated projects, when in reality there is a certain Pareto Principle to be applied. At Storm Reply, we make very sure clients understand that 80% of their big GenAI effort in the end probably will really be Software Engineering and "only" 20% effort will be in GenAI. Yes, GenAI also is turning Software Engineering itself on its head, but we'll leave that aspect to another post. Right now I just want to share that we are working with clients to make them understand that a GenAI project is never 100% GenAI. So, let's assume that 20% of the project work is spent on GenAI itself. And - if we drill deeper into those 20% - we find another Pareto, where 80% of that time is Orchestration and Prompt Engineering and another 20% is tool choice. Does that feel about right? An important part of our job at Storm Reply is to guide clients through today's GenAI jungle, but also to manage expectations. My point is: 20% of 20% is just 4% time spent on tool choice. And I think it should be more. More though needs to go into that part of the project. There is some disconnect between assuming 100% of the project time is GenAI and at the same time only investing minimal time in tool choices. It is not sufficient to throw the "best" LLM under the sun at every GenAI challenge I see. And it is also not OK to assume the next best RAG Black Box will be my perfect Knowledge Chatbot companion. Every aspect needs and deservers more thought. There are Concious Decisions to be made when ramping up GenAI adoption in an organization. We help with that!
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Der globale Markt für unabhängige Softwareanbieter (Independent Software Vendor - ISV) wächst weiter - mit einer prognostizierten jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 12,99% zwischen 2021 und 2031 [1]. Die Fähigkeit, sich zu differenzieren und vom Markt abzuheben ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. In einer Studie über Technologie- und Softwareunternehmen [2] gaben fast 50% der Befragten an, dass der zunehmende Wettbewerb durch größere und neue Konkurrenten die größte Herausforderung für ihr Unternehmen darstellt. Um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, ist es daher notwendig, das Tempo neuer Innovation zu erhöhen. Hier ein paar Themen mit denen sich ISVs aktuell auseinandersetzen: 📌 Ihr Produkt als SaaS Lösung anbieten 📌 - Das Angebot SaaS-basierter Lösungen eröffnet neue Einnahmequellen und wandelt CAPEX-Kund*innen in wiederkehrende Einnahmen um. 51% der Führungskräfte gaben an, dass die Cloud es ihnen ermöglicht, neue Einnahmequellen zu erschließen. [3] - 40% der Führungskräfte gaben an, dass die Cloud es ihnen ermöglicht, in neue geografische Märkte vorzudringen [4] 📌 KI als Key Asset in die Roadmap der eigenen Softwareprodukte integrieren 📌 - Es wird erwartet, dass 90% der neuen Unternehmensanwendungen bis 2025 KI enthalten werden. [5] - 93% der Unternehmen halten den Zugang zu innovativen Technologien, wie KI für notwendig, um ihre Ziele der digitalen Transformation zu erreichen. [6] 10% der unabhängigen Softwareunternehmen gaben an, dass Business Intelligence and Analytics ihr wichtigstes strategisches Softwareangebot ist. [7] 📌 Verbesserung der Customer Experience 📌 - 86% der Kund*innen sind bereit, für großartige Kundenerlebnisse mehr zu bezahlen. [8] Die speziell für Softwareanbieter entwickelte Storm Reply Road.MAP for ISVs unterstützt unsere Kunden dabei in die Cloud zu migrieren und Innovation voran zu bringen. Ich verlinke in den Kommentaren drei weiterführende Links zu dem Thema Cloud Adoption für Softwarehersteller. #ISV #CloudMigration #AWS #Innovation Reply Amazon Web Services (AWS) Quellen: [1] Global Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) Market Covid-19 Impact Analysis, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threats, Trends, Applications, And Growth Forecast To 2031 [2] High Growth Study, Hinge Research Institute [3, 4] The Path to Value in the Cloud, Windstream and Oxford Economics [5] IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2020 Predictions, [6] Leaders Place Innovation at the Heart of Digital Transformation Study, Forrester, [7] Experience is everything report, PWC, [8] 37 Customer experience statistics you need to know for 2022, SuperOffice, 2021
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On June 5th, the AWS Summit will take place in #Hamburg for the very first time! For over 10 years, this event has been a must-attend for me — an incredible place to connect, learn, and exchange ideas on the latest AWS innovations. This year, we're bringing back: our very own Reply Party, organized by Storm Reply! If you’re interested in joining, just drop me a message. And of course, you’ll find us at two Reply booths — stop by to discover how we’re helping businesses drive innovation on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Looking forward to great discussions, networking, and sharing insights. Will you be there? Let’s connect! 👇 And most important: registrations are open (see linke below in comment section) #AWSSummit #AWS #ReplyTech #CloudInnovation #Networking
Lunedì scorso abbiamo avuto il piacere di partecipare insieme a Data Reply IT, Sense Reply e Retail Reply al Sales Kick Off presso la sede di Amazon Web Services (AWS) con il coinvolgimento dei Leader delle nostre rispettive organizzazioni per allinearsi sulla strategia del 2025. È stato un dialogo che rafforza la nostra collaborazione e ci permette di sviluppare soluzioni sempre più avanzate per supportare i nostri clienti nel loro percorso di trasformazione digitale. Facciamo un grande in bocca al lupo a Giulia Gasparini per il suo nuovo ruolo di Country Manager AWS Italy e ringraziamo l'intera Sales League per la condivisione e la pianificazione delle nostre prossime attività congiunte. #StormReply #AWS #CloudComputing #DigitalTransformation
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Today, on International Women’s Day, I’m proud to reflect on the progress we’ve made over the past year: we’ve significantly increased the percentage of women in our team! 💡 But numbers alone aren’t enough—we want to make a lasting impact. That’s why we’re actively supporting STEM education and inspiring young talent. This year, we’re once again hosting our Girls’ Day, where we’ll introduce students to the world of AI and cloud computing — this time with AWS PartyRock! 🚀 A more diverse tech industry starts with creating opportunities. Let’s continue shaping a future where everyone can thrive in tech. Who else is running initiatives to encourage more women in STEM? Let’s exchange ideas! 👇 #InternationalWomensDay #DiversityInTech #STEM #GirlsDay #AWS #WomenInCloud Storm Reply Reply
Oggi Giovanni Capone, Senior Manager e responsabile dell’Offering di Cloud Adoption Migration and Modernization, spiega come Storm Reply guida i suoi clienti in qualità di partner strategico nel percorso di adozione del cloud Amazon Web Services (AWS). Se vuoi saperne di più ed iniziare a disegnare la tua roadmap to cloud, contatta Giovanni Capone #AWS #CloudAdoption #CloudStrategy #Migration #Modernization #RoadmapToCloud #JourneyToCloud
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🏆 Top Company 2025 – Again! 🚀 Since 2022, we've been recognized as a Top Company on kununu every year. Today, we’re proud to hold a 4.7 rating—significantly above the industry average of 3.9 in consulting. With an 83% recommendation rate, it’s clear: we’re doing a lot of things right. And it’s not just Kununu. Our annual Reply employee survey tells a strong story. But there’s always room to improve. For me, leadership means creating an environment where people can thrive: 🔹 Helping as many employees as possible spend most of their time… 1️⃣ Doing what they are great at. 2️⃣ Doing what they love. 3️⃣ Creating real impact for our customers. It’s a philosophy inspired by Ikigai: "Do what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and (ideally) what you can be paid for." I’m lucky — my role as Managing Director at Storm Reply aligns with this. But we know great workplaces don’t happen by accident. We’ll keep asking our employees: Where can we improve? (And let’s be honest—it’s not just about bonuses.) But for now—it’s time to celebrate! 🎉 This award shows we’re on the right track. 👉 What’s one thing that makes a workplace truly great for you? #TopCompany #Leadership #LifeLongLearning #Consulting #Career #StormReply #GreatPlaceToWork
Lunedì scorso, presso la sede Officine Edison Milano, abbiamo partecipato con piacere al workshop interamente dedicato alla Generative AI insieme al team Amazon Web Services (AWS) È stata l'occasione per condividere ed approfondire le potenzialità della Generative AI, in grado non solo di aumentare efficienza e produttività, ma anche di trasformare il mondo di Energy e Utilities con diversi use case. Abbiamo trattato temi come i pattern di utilizzo RAG e Agenti, quando ricorrere al fine-tuning o alla distillation, e come scalare gli use case di Generative AI in produzione. Infine ci siamo confrontati sulle prospettive e sul percorso che Edison ha intrapreso per adottare questa tecnologia. Grazie a Cosimo Basile e Matteo Bonanomi per l'organizzazione, i team Digital e ICT di Edison per l'attiva partecipazione e Dario Luigi Vercesi e Lorenzo Montelatici per lo stimolante confronto finale. #GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalTransformation #EnergyInnovation #AWS
Guido Maria Nebiolo, Manager in Storm Reply e responsabile dell’offering di Artificial Intelligence, oggi spiega come la piattaforma Enterprise di Generative AI può velocizzare e rendere più sicuro lo sviluppo delle applicazioni. 👉 Per maggiori informazioni, contatta: Guido Maria Nebiolo #StormReply #AI #CloudComputing #Enterprise #GenerativeAI