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Sustainable Bus

Sustainable Bus

Tecnologia, informazione e mezzi di comunicazione

Milano, Lombardia 31.391 follower

The only international media fully focused on sustainability and innovation in public transport

Chi siamo

Sustainable Bus ( is an international media fully focused on clean buses and sustainability in the field of public transportation. Sustainable Bus covers product news (electric buses, hybrids, CNG, LNG, biofuels, fuel cell), tenders, experiences, case studies, market trends, international exhibitions and congresses. Why? Simple: because global challenges such as urbanization and climate change are demanding public transportation a paradigm shift. Sustainable Bus doesn’t just follow the market, it aims to play a role in the building of a new mobility culture based on the value of sustainability. The transition has just begun. Sustainable Bus wants to take part to the journey and be its voice.

Tecnologia, informazione e mezzi di comunicazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
media, buses, sustainable transport, sustainability e electric bus


Dipendenti presso Sustainable Bus


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