Foto di copertina di UNDP Rome Centre
UNDP Rome Centre

UNDP Rome Centre

Affari internazionali

Leading Climate Action and Energy Transition for a Sustainable Future

Chi siamo

UNDP Rome Centre for Climate Action and Energy Transition (‘UNDP Rome Centre’ for short), acts as the principal, integrated global platform for the strategic partnership between the Government of Italy (through the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security – IMEES or Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica - MASE in Italian) and UNDP for delivering on two critical policy areas: Youth and Climate, and Climate Finance. - Youth and Climate (via Youth4Climate): Emphasise the critical role of youth in climate action, advocating for their meaningful participation in decision-making processes to address the climate crisis and achieve sustainable development. - Climate Finance (via PISTA and Energy for Growth): Identify, finance, and implement country-level actions to reduce the energy access gap and boost the energy transition, while supporting projects in developing economies to decarbonise and enhance climate resilience.

Affari internazionali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Non profit
Settori di competenza
Climate, Clean Energy, Climate Action, Innovation, Youth, Climate Finance, Just Transition e Renewable Energy


Dipendenti presso UNDP Rome Centre


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