Foto di copertina di Wallife



Rome, RM 4.412 follower

Innovative insurance products to protect people from new technology risks

Chi siamo

Since its inception, human life has kept evolving continuously, in a more and more unstoppable and global process. Anyways, behind every conquest there is and always will be a potential distorted use of what was thought to be created for the good. Today human life is way larger than what we can actually see. Our human digital and biological projection is infinitely broader than our physical existence: it begins even before we are born, and persists over time, even well beyond our biological life. Wallife is the first company in the world able to provide answers about safety and protection from still unknown risks. Our activity primarily consists in the identification of the new risks. Wallife studies and investigates the new boundaries of the risks, originated by the technological and scientific progress, linked to the existence of the human being itself, on both a biological and a digital level. Subsequently, we envision and design the ways people can be protected, through the use of currently available technologies or the development of new ones. Then, we analyze and assess the costs of receiving such protections. In the same way, we want to start researching and prototyping the future commercial development of insurance products for the protection from risks that already exist but are not guaranteed by the current products/offers.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, RM
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Education, Research, Protection, Data protection, Insurance, Fintech e Insurance


Dipendenti presso Wallife


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Raccolta fondi

Wallife 2 round in totale

Ultimo round

Serie A

12.276.617,00 USD

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