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World Sustainability Organization

World Sustainability Organization

Consulenza e servizi aziendali

Milan, Lombardy 1.845 follower

protect critical habitats and endangered species globally by means of the sustainability certifications FOS and FOE

Chi siamo

The World Sustainability Organization is an organization whose aim is to protect critical habitats and endangered species globally by means of the sustainability certifications Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth and the related conservation and awareness projects. FRIEND OF THE SEA ( Friend of the Sea is a project of the World Sustainability Organization (WSO), providing certification of products and services which respect the marine habitat and aquatic species. Seafood and Omega3 supplements from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture can be certified, following audits to verify compliance with strict sustainability requirements. Audits are carried out by qualified auditors of independent and nationally accredited certification bodies. Other products and services can apply for Friend of the Sea certification, such as sustainable salt, restaurants and chefs, UV Creams, ornamental fish species, public aquariums, seaweeds, shipping, whale and dolphin-watching operators. Over a thousand companies have products certified by WSO certification programs in over 70 countries. Friend of the Sea also deploys its own conservation projects and campaigns to protect endangered species and habitats. FRIEND OF THE EARTH ( Friend of the Earth is a project of the World Sustainability Organization, providing certification of products and services which respect the land habitat and species. Food products, textiles and fashion from sustainable agriculture and farming can be certified Friend of the Earth, following audits to verify compliance with strict sustainability requirements. Audits are carried out by qualified auditors of independent and nationally accredited certification bodies. Over a thousand companies have products certified by WSO certification programs in over 70 countries. Friend of the Earth also deploys its own conseervation projects and campaigns to protect endangered species and habitats.

Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società di persone
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso World Sustainability Organization


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