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🇮🇹Un altro traguardo straordinario raggiunto! Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che la nostra casa madre, UMBRAGROUP SpA, è la prima azienda umbra a ottenere la prestigiosa certificazione "Top Employer 2024"! 🌟 Questo riconoscimento celebra le eccellenze nelle pratiche HR, contribuendo a creare un ambiente di lavoro migliore per tutti. Essere certificati come "employers of choice" è un grande onore per noi. Il programma Top Employers Institute, attivo da oltre 30 anni, ha già certificato più di 2.230 aziende in 121 paesi, premiando quelle realtà che, grazie alla loro dedizione e innovazione in ambito HR, fanno la differenza nella vita dei propri dipendenti. "Questo riconoscimento premia la nostra dedizione nel mettere i collaboratori al centro di ogni processo aziendale. I valori di UMBRAGROUP, racchiusi nell'acronimo FIRST, riflettono la centralità della persona, le radici della nostra organizzazione e la nostra visione verso il futuro e il progresso" - Beatrice Baldaccini, Chief People & Brand Officer UMBRAGROUP Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questo incredibile successo! 🙌❤️ 🇬🇧UMBRAGROUP Spa achieves another extraordinary milestone! We are thrilled to announce that our parent company in Foligno is the first Umbrian company to obtain the prestigious "Top Employer 2024" certification! 🌟 This recognition celebrates excellence in HR practices which help create a better working environment for everyone. Being certified as "employers of choice" is a great honor for us. The Top Employers Institute program, active for over 30 years, has already certified more than 2,230 companies in 121 countries, rewarding those companies that, thanks to their dedication and innovation in the HR field, make a difference in the lives of their employees. "We are being recognized for our dedication in putting employees at the center of every business process. The values of UMBRAGROUP, encapsulated in the acronym FIRST, reflect the centrality of the person, the roots of our organization and our vision towards the future and progress." - Beatrice Baldaccini, Chief People & Brand Officer UMBRAGROUP Thanks to everyone who made this incredible success possible! 🙌❤️ #TopEmployer2024 #UMBRAGROUP #HRExcellence #ProudToBeTopEmployer #BetterWorkplace #EmployeeWellbeing

I truly believe that Umbragroup deserves this certification! I am an employee, I am a CNC operator, I am grateful and really proud to be part of the Umbragroup team! Congrats!!!! 💙💙💙💙

Hoping to become an employee of this fantastic organization soon!

Rebecca Lundin

Improving workplaces at Top Employers Institute

3 mesi

Congrats on your Top Employers certification. Keep up the good work! #forabetterworldofwork 

Eccellente. Congratulazioni

Nathalie Médard - van Reedt Dortland

Client Success Advisor at Top Employers Institute

3 mesi

Congratulations! 👏

Giancarlo Chiavoni

HR Manager presso CMC SpA

3 mesi

Bravi!! 🚀

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