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Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab Ca' Foscari

Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab Ca' Foscari

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Venice, Veneto 1.477 follower

Il laboratorio di ricerca sul management delle aziende agroalimentari

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The Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab is a reasearch center of Department of Management - Ca' Foscari University. It aims at consolidating research in these fields through empirical projects focused on firm-level and industry-level dynamics, focusing on the following areas: Digitalization of agri-food firms’ strategies. This line of research aims at establishing a systematic monitoring of the adoption of Digital technology among firms in the industry, both in their operations (e.g. Smart agriculture, Industry 4.0 and the like) and in their marketing and communication strategies (eg. social media marketing, digital presence, e-commerce…). Consumer behavior in markets for food products This line of research focuses on the determinants and strategic implications of emerging food and wine consumption models. The investigations will tackle changes in consumer behavior in domestic and international markets. Business model evolution in the agri-food sector and in connected filieres This line of research sheds light on the emerging shifts in agri-food firms’ strategies and on the reconfigurations of their business models. These transformations are responses to globalization, to the blurring of sectoral boundaries due to the diffusion of new technologies, to the heterogeneity of consumption models. Entrepreneurship in the food and wine sectors The line of research attempts at capturing the dynamics underlying the creation of novel firms in the agri-food sector and in connected filieres. Research activities will rely on analyses of venturing processes, of the interactions among entrepreneurs and surrounding innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems, and of the social and institutional determinants of entrepreneurial activities. The laboratory tackles these research themes through a balanced mix of basic and applied research, so to interact with the international academic community and with institutions, practitioners and experts populating the sector

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Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Venice, Veneto
Data di fondazione


  • We are waiting for you on Thursday, the 13th of March for the Research Seminar Legitimizing Regeneration across Supply Networks: Insights from the Spanish Agriculture Industry The seminar will be held by Prof. Valentina De Marchi

    📢 Research seminar | Legitimizing Regeneration across Supply Networks 📅  13 march 2025 – h. 15.00 📍 Aula Saraceno - San Giobbe Economic Campus | Cannaregio 873, Venezia 📄 Amidst escalating environmental degradation, scholars and practitioners have proposed regenerative business practices to restore and sustain social-ecological systems. However, regeneration fundamentally departs from mainstream, individualistic and profit-centric business approaches in that it adopts a holistic system-centric view that goes beyond the individual organization, towards the entire supply network. Understanding how actors, especially those in peripheral positions, seek to gain internal and external legitimacy throughout the supply networks is thus crucial. We address this challenge by qualitative analysis of regenerative producers in Spain to identify supply network actors, investigating the nature of their strategies depending on the perceived ideological stance and proximity. Our research contributes to the nascent field of regenerative business by unveiling how peripheral actors live up to their systemic aspirations by seeking to legitimize regeneration throughout the entire supply networks they belong to. 💡Speaker: Valentina De Marchi - Associate Professor at Dept. of Society, Politics and Sustainability | Esade 📄 The seminar is organized by Yunus Social Business Centre - Ca' Foscari University of Venice, together with Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab Ca' Foscari.

  • Master - Field Visit to Villa Sandi - Famiglia Moretti Polegato Our students of the master in Strategies and Marketing for Agrifood Businesses - #ETWAM Field Visit to Villa Sandi. We had the incredible opportunity to visit the headquarters of Villa Sandi, an iconic name in the universe of Italian #wines. Owned by the Moretti Polegato family in its fourth generation, Villa Sandi manages five wine estates in the renowned DOC and DOCG areas between the regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. As a key player in terms of market segmentation and global positioning, the company is a key player both in ITaly and abroad. Upon our arrival in Crocetta del Montello, we enjoyed an engaging tour that begun in the historic wine cellar, where the sparkling Opere Trevigiane is aged using the metodo classico. We then explored the unique World War tunnels before reaching the stunning Palladian-style villa, a true testament to the estate's rich heritage. Next, we gained valuable insights into Villa Sandi’s sophisticated brand communication strategy and the significance of an innovative hospitality concept. This was followed by an excellent lunch and wine tasting at the restaurant Locanda Sandi. The day ended with a final stop at Villa Sandi’s charming cottage, La Rivetta, situated in the heart of the unique hills of Valdobbiadene, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where the DOCG Prosecco #Cartizze is produced! The learning experiences continued on Friday, when we had the pleasure of welcoming Chief Commercial Officer FLAVIO GERETTO to our San Giobbe campus for a six-hour deep dive into the latest trends in the Italian wine industry. Through detailled data analysis, we explored the dynamics in the export markets and learned how to self-analyse a company to implement an effective export strategy. A huge thank you to Flavio Geretto and Hospitality Manager Roberta Speronello DipWSET for sharing your experience and providing us with invaluable input for our future careers. We are looking forward to start our project work on the future of wine with you! Credit: Reinhard ULLMANN (Student) #etwam #wine #prosecco Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia EM Strasbourg Business School Coralie HALLER, PhD, HDR

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  • Da una parte il #consumo, seppur in modo frastagliato, pensa alle conseguenze ambientali e sociali delle sue scelte alimentari. Dall'altra credito, finanza e politica impongono–o tracciano–delle linee di sviluppo per il comparto in cui la #sostenibilità ambientale e sociale sono premesse necessarie per accedere a risorse e opportunità di crescita. La distribuzione, inoltre, in questo momento mette sul piatto un premium per le aziende che mostrano di poter gestire questa delicata dimensione dell'operare d'impresa e di filiera. Il report di sostenibilità è uno strumento fondamentale per le imprese del comparto: da un lato offre l'occasione per un'analisi oggettiva della sostenibilità del proprio business, delle aree di miglioramento e quindi una bussola per orientare gli investimenti in modo oculato. Dall'altro costituisce uno strumento imprescindibile per sottrarsi a generiche dichiarazioni di sostenibilità e dimostrare –evidenze, dati e iniziative concrete alla mano–quali e quante strade si sono perseguite e si stanno perseguendo. In molti casi, rappresenta un modo per dare forma esplicita a pratiche, strategie e processi che da tempo sono–in molto agroalimentare italiano–sostenibili ma si raccontano poco. Nel ciclo di eventi SIEA - Società Italiana di Economia Agro-alimentare incontra si tratteranno questi e molti altri temi nei prossimi mesi. Nel primo incontro il focus sarà sulle opportunità e le criticità legate al report di sostenibilità. Il caso Pedon S.p.A. ricostruito e raccontato da Matteo Merlin nella sua veste di CMO dell'azienda e sustainability coordinator, sarà il punto di partenza per un dialogo con Raffaele Zanoli e la comunità di studiosi, manager ed esperti dell'agroalimentare. Nel post di SIEA sotto trovate tutti i dettagli Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Remo Pedon

    🚀 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭 "𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐀 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚"! Siamo entusiasti di annunciare il primo webinar della serie "SIEA Incontra", un nuovo spazio di dialogo tra ricerca e aziende. 📆 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐢̀ 𝟕 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐳𝐨 | 🕛 𝐎𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟓:𝟎𝟎 📌 Titolo: 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐢 𝐬𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚̀ 𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢: 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐚̀, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 Sostenibilità e agroalimentare sono al centro di questo incontro, dove analizzeremo sfide, strategie e prospettive future con esperti del settore. Un'opportunità imperdibile per chi vuole approfondire il tema! 🎤 Relatori: ▪️ 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧 – Direttore Marketing, Pedon Group ▪️ 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐞 𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐢 – Professore di Food Marketing, Università Politecnica delle Marche 🔗 Partecipa al webinar: Ti aspettiamo! #SIEAIncontra #Sostenibilità #Agroalimentare #RicercaEAziende Raffaele Zanoli Matteo Merlin Pedon S.p.A.

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  • A deep dive into the world of Consorzio del prosciutto di San Daniele What better way to understand a product than by experiencing its production process firsthand? As students of the Master #ETWAM at Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, we had the incredible opportunity to visit both the Consortium of Prosciutto di San Daniele and the Prosciuttificio MORGANTE SRL, immersing ourselves in the #heritage, #tradition, and #craftsmanship behind this traditional and authentic product. Our journey began at the Consortium of Prosciutto di San Daniele, where we gained valuable insights into its essential role in protecting, promoting, and ensuring the quality of this world-renowned product. The Consortium not only safeguards the strict #PDO regulations but also ensures that every single ham respects the time-honored techniques passed down through generations. We then had the chance to visit the Prosciuttificio Morgante Srl, where we followed the journey of Prosciutto di #SanDaniele from raw ham to the perfectly aged delicacy we all love. Every step of the process—salting, pressing, resting, and aging—is meticulously carried out, following traditional methods that rely on just two essential ingredients: sea salt and time. The unique microclimate of San Daniele del Friuli, where the fresh Alpine air meets the warm Adriatic breeze, plays a crucial role in developing the unmistakable flavor and texture of this prosciutto. What struck us most was the passion and expertise of this family, who dedicate years to mastering the skills required to produce a ham that meets the highest quality standards. Their work is a true balance of tradition and innovation, ensuring that each slice of Prosciutto di San Daniele delivers an unparalleled sensory experience. We extend our sincere gratitude to both the Consortium of Prosciutto di San Daniele and Prosciuttificio Morgante for their warm welcome and for sharing their invaluable knowledge with us. This visit reinforced our appreciation for the importance of protecting traditional food products and their impact on both local economies and global gastronomy. Credit Francesco Marri (master student) Thanks to Lucio Gomiero for the opportunity! #ProsciuttoSanDaniele #ETWAM #CaFoscari University #Agrifood Management#PDO #TraditionAndQuality #MadeInItaly #Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab

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  • Due to the requests for participation, the meeting will be at the same time, same venue (campus san giobbe) but a different room: 7A. See you there!

    Restaurants, chefs, and more generally the hospitality ecosystem in cities will be pivotal actors in moving food systems towards change, innovation, increased sustainability. Their role as both enablers of novel cultures of eating and consuming and as crucial nodes of urban settings requires a major effort towards novel concepts, formats, business models, interfaces between the businesses, value chains and consumers. At the Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab Ca' Foscari we are excited to host a lecture by a leading expert in the field, prof. Adela Balderas from University of Deusto and the Basque culinary center. Her seminar, titled "Gastronomy and beyond: more than trends" will take place at San Giobbe at the Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and will be open to colleagues, master students, chefs, restaurant owners and operators in the hospitality sector. The event is part of the activities of the #Testeat Project Starting at 3.30pm, the event will be also aired on zoom. Being there, though, might be the best occasion to get in touch with a community of innovators and, why not, to enjoy carnival festivities at the end of the seminar. To reserve your seat, please contact us: Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia CIVIFORM - Centro Formazione Professionale Comune di Venezia Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Scuola Centrale Formazione AZRRI d.o.o

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  • We are thrilled to host Adela Balderas at our Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia! Don't miss her seminar titled "Gastronomy and Beyond: More Than Trends", and make sure to reserve you seat by sending an email to:👇

    Restaurants, chefs, and more generally the hospitality ecosystem in cities will be pivotal actors in moving food systems towards change, innovation, increased sustainability. Their role as both enablers of novel cultures of eating and consuming and as crucial nodes of urban settings requires a major effort towards novel concepts, formats, business models, interfaces between the businesses, value chains and consumers. At the Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab Ca' Foscari we are excited to host a lecture by a leading expert in the field, prof. Adela Balderas from University of Deusto and the Basque culinary center. Her seminar, titled "Gastronomy and beyond: more than trends" will take place at San Giobbe at the Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and will be open to colleagues, master students, chefs, restaurant owners and operators in the hospitality sector. The event is part of the activities of the #Testeat Project Starting at 3.30pm, the event will be also aired on zoom. Being there, though, might be the best occasion to get in touch with a community of innovators and, why not, to enjoy carnival festivities at the end of the seminar. To reserve your seat, please contact us: Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia CIVIFORM - Centro Formazione Professionale Comune di Venezia Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Scuola Centrale Formazione AZRRI d.o.o

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  • Restaurants, chefs, and more generally the hospitality ecosystem in cities will be pivotal actors in moving food systems towards change, innovation, increased sustainability. Their role as both enablers of novel cultures of eating and consuming and as crucial nodes of urban settings requires a major effort towards novel concepts, formats, business models, interfaces between the businesses, value chains and consumers. At the Agrifood Management & Innovation Lab Ca' Foscari we are excited to host a lecture by a leading expert in the field, prof. Adela Balderas from University of Deusto and the Basque culinary center. Her seminar, titled "Gastronomy and beyond: more than trends" will take place at San Giobbe at the Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and will be open to colleagues, master students, chefs, restaurant owners and operators in the hospitality sector. The event is part of the activities of the #Testeat Project Starting at 3.30pm, the event will be also aired on zoom. Being there, though, might be the best occasion to get in touch with a community of innovators and, why not, to enjoy carnival festivities at the end of the seminar. To reserve your seat, please contact us: Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia CIVIFORM - Centro Formazione Professionale Comune di Venezia Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Scuola Centrale Formazione AZRRI d.o.o

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  • The call for abstract for the 19th edition of Regional Innovation Policies Conference “Twin Transition, Ecosystems, and Disruptive Innovation” is now open! The conference will be held at the Venice School of Management - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia on October, 23rd and 24th A special track "Disruptive innovation and regional restructuring in the age of the twin transition: perspectives from the study of food systems" is organized by our lab. 💥 We look forward to receiving contributions on this topic More information is available here:

  • Negli ultimi mesi stiamo studiando l'importanza della tradizione culinaria, di cosa significhi e di come si stia trasformando e innovando pur cercando di mantenersi autentica. Che cosa significa però essere un prodotto tradizionale? Fino a dove ci si può spingere nelle modifiche? Ma soprattutto, chi decide che cosa è tradizionale e autentico? In questa puntata di Gk news si parla dei cibi tradizionali che si consumano durante il Carnevale di Venezia, un periodo dell'anno in cui la cucina (prevalentemente da strada) diventa protagonista insieme a maschere e costumi. Alessandro Marzo Magno spiega cosa sono le frittelle veneziane e i galani, nome che in genere conoscono solo gli avventori locali o gli appassionati. Per gli altri sono chiacchiere, crostoli... Si sofferma poi sui mammalucchi e ne racconta la storia, che vede due sole pasticcerie in città a produrle e a contendersi il ruolo di detentrici dell'originale. Possiamo considerare i mammalucchi dolce tipico? Chi produce quello "vero"? E soprattutto che cosa significa un prodotto/ricetta vero e autentico? #testeat

  • On January 23rd, Professor Laurens Klerkx (Universidad de Talca – Chile; Wageningen University – the Netherlands) delivered an inspiring VSM lecture titled “Agrifoodtech start-ups and food system transition – taking stock and looking ahead”.  During the lecture, he first provided an overview of the innovation theories that underpin food system transformation, then shifted his focus to startups within the agrifood sector. He analyzed existing social science literature related to startups in the context of food system transformation, summarizing the research along three main lines:  1. Ecosystem mapping studies and their functioning. 2. The positioning of startups regarding their transformative ambitions, specifically whether they contribute to food system transformation or not. 3. The relationships startups maintain with key players in the innovation system, such as large companies, farmers, and research and extension services. Laurens equipped students and PhD candidates with a comprehensive understanding of individual issues and their interrelations. He also highlighted several gaps in the literature and posed important, unanswered research questions. Laurens has been working with our team for a week, during which we discussed food system transformation, innovation, startups, and future collaborative research projects. Christine Mauracher Francesca Checchinato Vladi Finotto Chiara Rinaldi, PhD

    Last month marked the beginning of a new cycle of VSM Lectures, our series featuring top scholars from leading universities and international institutions, who share their research, insights, and impact on key societal challenges. On January 23, Prof. Lauren Klerkx (Universidad de Talca, Chile, and Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands) joined Prof. Vladi Finotto for a lecture titled "AgriFoodTech Start-ups and Food Systems Transformation: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead." Their discussion explored the evolving landscape of agrifood innovation and its role in shaping the future of sustainable food systems. More lectures are on the horizon—stay connected for upcoming sessions featuring distinguished experts. #veniceschoolofmanagement #bridgingideas #managementstudies #vsmlectures #academicinsights #event

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