CLIK (Connection Lab & Innovation Kitchen) is an experimental educational laboratory promoted by the Interdepartmental Laboratory of Technological Transfer (LabTT) in December 2017.
At CLIK students can experiment and put into practice what they have learnt during their lectures, in an informal environment that promotes a spirit of creativity and collaboration.
The activities within CLIK involve as mentors both individuals from within the university, like researchers, and expert individuals from various professional sectors outside it: to share their experiences and skills with the students, in a space that may allow the young ones to stimulate their creativity and enable the encounter with different knowhows, as ingredients that are the foundation of innovation and of potential entrepreneurial projects.
By providing state-of-the-art tools for maker and prototyping activities, CLIK offers the chance to promote educational projects and organize student competitions (Challenge@PoliTo).
CLIK is a channel open to society and industry, with which it can generate synergy and develop projects linked to the territory. The “challenge-driven” approach acts as a stimulus for the labʼs activity and it was chosen because on one side it responds to the needs for innovation that companies are facing in the incipient Industry 4.0, and on the other, it helps to drive the birth of start-ups with a technological DNA.
Istruzione superiore
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Torino, Piemonte
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Istruzione universitaria, Trasferimento Tecnologico, University, Technology Transfer e Prototyping