Here is a brief snippet from our latest webinar in partnership with Gradcracker 🎓 In this video, hear from one of our graduates in the Health, Safety, and Environment Department as they share their experience. From collaborating with brilliant minds to working on cutting-edge projects, our graduates are at the forefront of scientific discovery. Join us in celebrating their journey and discover what makes CERN a place like nowhere else on Earth to start your career. Check all our open opportunities at CERN. Take part! #CERN
Meyrin, Genève 480.700 Follower:innen
Imagine working in a place like nowhere else on Earth. CERN. Take part!
CERN is a truly unique organisation. A genuine collaboration between countries, universities, and scientists, driven not by profit margins, but by a commitment to create and share knowledge. People here are part of immense scientific discoveries, answering some of life’s most complex questions and pushing the boundaries of understanding. Experts from every field come here to share in this ambition and the nature of this collaborative, international community creates a genuine atmosphere of trust. People are free to work creatively and to trust in, and rely on, their colleagues across the organisation. History’s being made here – and the excitement is tangible, inspiring, and overwhelming at times. It is the only place in the world where you can do this work in this way. --- If you’ve worked at CERN in the past, why not join the official CERN LinkedIn Alumni group, linked from this page.
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- Branche
- Forschungsdienstleistungen
- Größe
- 1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Meyrin, Genève
- Art
- Nonprofit
- Gegründet
- 1954
- Spezialgebiete
- Fundamental research, Particle Physics, Engineering, International collaboration, Education, Technology, Large scale data processing, Training, Alumni, Knowledge Transfer und computing
1 Esplanade des Particules
Meyrin, Genève 1217, CH
Beschäftigte von CERN
CERN hat dies direkt geteilt
📢 Avis aux collectionneurs et passionnés de science : une nouvelle pièce d'argent CERN est disponible ✨ Cette pièce unique célèbre l'innovation suisse et mondiale en rendant hommage aux découvertes scientifiques du #CERN. Il s’agit d’une édition limitée : 🔹 3’500 exemplaires en qualité flan bruni 🔹 7’500 exemplaires en qualité normale Cette monnaie spéciale officielle suisse – un véritable bijou d’ingénierie incontrournable pour toute collection – a une valeur nominale de 20 francs suisses et est émise par #Swissmint. *** 📢 Attention collectors and science enthusiasts: there’s a new silver coin featuring CERN ✨ This unique coin celebrates Swiss and global innovation by paying tribute to the scientific discoveries of #CERN. It comes in a limited edition: 🔹 3,500 pieces in proof 🔹 7,500 pieces in brillant uncirculated This special official Swiss coin – a true masterpiece of engineering and a must-have for any collection – has a face value of 20 Swiss francs and is issued by #Swissmint. *** 📢 Achtung, Sammler und Wissenschaftsbegeisterte : Neue Silbermünze CERN ✨ Diese einzigartige Münze würdigt die wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen des #CERN und feiert dessen Beitrag zur Innovation auf globaler und schweizerischer Ebene. Limitierte Auflage: 🔹 3’500 Stück polierte Platte 🔹 7’500 Stück unzirkuliert Diese offizielle Schweizer Sondermünze – ein wahres Meisterwerk der Ingenieurskunst und darf in keiner Sammlung fehle – hat einen Nominalwert von 20 Schweizer Franken und ist von #Swissmint herausgegeben. #Swisscoins #Silver #collection
Calling all future scientists High-school students from all over the world can now apply for the Beamline for Schools (#BL4S) competition. If you have an idea for a #physics experiment to be conducted at a particle accelerator, submit a proposal to win the chance to spend two weeks at #CERN or DESY and perform your experiment. 📅 Submit your experiment proposals by April 10. Find out more and apply:
Did you know that CERN offers opportunities to recently qualified technicians with a vocational/professional qualification? If you hold a technical or administrative professional diploma ( and have up to 2 years of working experience gained since your graduation, you can join CERN to kick-start your career in a place like nowhere else on Earth! Learn more and apply to specific roles: CERN. Take part! #CERN
Quantum Visions To mark the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, Arts at CERN has joined forces with TABAKALERA and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) to present the exhibition Quantum Visions. The exhibition, held in San Sebastián, Spain, invites eleven artists, including former CERN artists-in-residence, to explore the #quantum realm. Find out more:
CERN hat dies direkt geteilt
🎉 We are celebrating one year since the launch of the Open Quantum Institute at CERN! A year ago today, on 5th March 2024, OQI embarked on its three-year pilot phase at CERN—marking an important milestone as we collaboratively work towards harnessing quantum computing for the benefit of society. Incubated by GESDA - Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator and funded by UBS for three years, the first year of OQI's pilot has showcased the importance of collaboration in bridging quantum computing and real-world impact. We continue to invite scientists, policymakers, industry leaders, and the wider public to join us in shaping the future of quantum technology for global good. A big thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey so far!🚀 Read more about our progress and find out how you can get involved➡️ #OpenQuantumInstitute #QuantumComputing #IYQ2025
Looking for the next step in your career? What if that next step could be CERN? Take a look at our current openings for experienced professionals (CERN staff positions) at CERN. Take part! #CERN
CERN hat dies direkt geteilt
🚀 How AI is changing cancer care – A journey from high-energy physics to medical innovation Join us for a seminar exploring the challenges facing modern radiation oncology and the ways artificial intelligence is helping to overcome them. Arnold Pompos, Ph.D. will take us through his remarkable career - from studying black holes as a high-energy physics theorist to working on AI-driven cancer care as a medical physicist. His journey bridges theoretical physics, experimental research, and cutting-edge medical applications. Designed for a non-medical audience, the talk will introduce the fundamentals of radiation oncology before diving into how AI is changing cancer treatment - leading us toward ultra-personalised care. 💡 Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the future of AI in healthcare! 🗣 A Brief History of Time: From High-Energy Physics to AI-Driven Cancer Care 📅 7 March 2025 🕚 09:30 - 10:30 CET 📍 Hybrid Event ~ CERN (30/7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium) & Zoom Register now and have the chance to explore how AI drives cancer care: ➡️ #AI #CancerCare #MedicalPhysics #RadiationOncology #Seminar #Healthcare
CERN hat dies direkt geteilt
The 2025 CERN openlab Technical Workshop has kicked off! 🚀 For two days, the annual CERN openlab technical workshop will bring together experts from CERN, industry and research institutions to discuss and explore advancements in #Technology and #Computing. Engage in technical talks with sessions covering topics such as: ✅ Infrastructures and Techniques for #AI and #HPC ✅ Advanced #Storage Solutions ✅ #DigitalTwins ✅ Applications for Society and Environment ✅ Heterogeneous Computing, Platforms, and HPC There will also be networking opportunities. Connect with professionals during coffee breaks, a networking cocktail, and poster sessions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Follow the webcast here: We look forward to your participation in this exciting event! CERN Computing
Are you a fresh graduate? Accelerate your career and join CERN as an early career professional! Whether you studied communications, engineering, or something totally different, there is a place for you here. Check out our entry level open positions at CERN. Take part! #CERN