LG SIGNATURE stays true to the essence, delivering a new sense of life for the most discerning individual. LG SIGNATURE is life-enhancing and provides access to an exceptional lifestyle through meaningful innovation and timeless aesthetics. Ultimately, LG SIGNATURE creates a sense of exclusivity and uniqueness LG SIGNATURE embodies the relentless pursuit of greatness by making its contributions readily identifiable. True greatness is seen only when product’s core essence remains uncompromised. Our passion to preserve the essence from the birth of the idea to the customer experience makes LG SIGNATURE stand apart from others. LG SIGNATURE highlights the true extent of LG’s innovation leadership and the company’s passion for consumer-centric insights that drive the evolution of life. The exquisite lineup has been carefully crafted by leading experts, undergoing a strictly in-depth evaluation process. LG SIGNATURE’s design philosophy was inspired by the visualization of each product’s pure essence. By eliminating unnecessary elements, LG SIGNATURE represents the ultimate in elegant simplicity. Its radical design heightens the intrinsic purpose of the product and streamlines usability. LG SIGNATURE provides new ways to experience the essence, providing an experience that is much more intuitive, responsive and functional than ever before. LG SIGNATURE simplifies daily life and enables smarter living by implementing the most forward-thinking technologies
- 웹사이트
- 업계
- 가전제품, 전기 및 전자제품 제조
- 회사 규모
- 직원 10,001명 이상
- 본사
- 여의도 서울
- 유형
- 상장기업
서울 영등포구 여의대로 128
KR 여의도 서울 06748