Tappytoon(태피툰)님의 커버사진


온라인 미디어

Seoul Gangnam-gu, Seoul 팔로워 5,552명

Stories that change your world


글로벌 프리미엄 콘텐츠 플랫폼 태피툰은 한국의 인기 웹툰과 웹소설을 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어로 번역해 전 세계 독자들에게 선보이고 있다. 2016년 8월 공식 론칭 이후, 연평균 200% 이상의 가파른 매출 성장을 이어가며 글로벌 대표 K웹툰 플랫폼으로 자리매김했다. 누적회원 1천만명, 누적 뷰 4억 5천만 건을 달성하는 등 전 세계 K스토리 마니아들에게 사랑 받고 있다. Tappytoon is the premier digital-first webtoons & webnovels platform that has become a daily destination for more than 8 Million readers hailing from over 241 countries. As of September 2020, Tappytoon is the #1 to #5 top Comics app by gross revenue on Google Play and App Store in 90 countries including US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and many more. (source: Google Play, Apple, AppAnnie) The Tappytoon library is now available in English, French, and German, spanning exclusive, licensed hits curated from the largest publishers in Korea and Asia, including Naver Webtoon, Kakao, D&C Media, Seoul Media, Haksan, Comico, Mr Blue, Jaedam, as well as K-drama/K-pop tie-ins, TV and game adaptations. Among the titles beloved by millions are Solo Leveling, The Abandoned Empress, Light & Shadow, Bloody Sweet, What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, and many more. Launched in 2016, Tappytoon’s vetted translations and chart-topping smartphone apps offer the best way to read full-color digital manhwa and webtoons while supporting the artists, creators, and storytellers.

온라인 미디어
회사 규모
직원 51-200명
Seoul Gangnam-gu, Seoul


Tappytoon(태피툰) 직원


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Tappytoon(태피툰) 총 7라운드

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