I had the privilege of participating in the Select US Investment Summit from June 23-26 as the sole social impact disability tech startup representing Central Asia. The Summit exceeded all my expectations, providing an unparalleled opportunity to engage with top-tier tech professionals in the US, who offered their robust support. It was beyond my imagination that Mrs.🌎 Gillian Muessig, a tech advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, would support my initiative and introduce me to leaders in the disability industry. Additionally, I had the rare chance to pitch my idea to Saeed Amidi, founder of Plug and Play, who expressed interest and plans to connect me with his health tech director. As a kazakhstani, I was deeply honored to receive backing from Mrs. Senofer Mendoza, founder of Mendoza Ventures, who introduced me to tech leaders at MIT and Harvard University. The Summit featured invaluable workshops and sessions with esteemed professionals such as Dr. Arthur Klein, Daniel Glazer, David Rose, Frances Simowitz , Jeannice Fairrer Samani, PhD, MBA, CSM, Innovationalist(TM), Pat Gouhin, Jessica Martin Eckerly, Carol Stewart , Jonathan Greechan, Robert Grey, Eric Smith, Edwina Manyeh, @Zaria Pompey-Smith, Charles Ross, Marion Siboni, Lynn Loacker, David Roccio, Maria L Lord etc.
For those seeking to establish business in the U.S., the SelectUSA Investment Summit is an essential starting point, offering significant time and cost savings. I'm grateful to MOST Business Intelligence, Stephanie Rothman, Aliya Shaikhina and Chevron for this transformative opportunity.
Greetings to my new friends JongKap Kim, Max Song, Charlie Chen, Vlad Popov, James Yuji Grosvenor, Radim Vysoký , Ardi Nurzhakanova, Malika Alen, Egbert Smit, Sanggoo Kang, KC Wong