NCOC handed over the keys to the new building of the Professional School of Arts and a dormitory for 100 families to the Administration of Tupkaragan District. Residents of Tupkaragan District are celebrating the eve of the main spring holiday – Nauryz with a grand event: joint commissioning of two facilities built under the NCOC’s program of Social and Infrastructure Projects. The handover ceremonies were attended by the Akim of Mangistau Oblast Nurdaulet Kilybai and the Akim of Tupkaragan District Kumiskaliyev Yerzhan, representatives of the local administration, representatives of NCOC headed by Yerlan Mukay, Deputy Managing Director, and representatives of the construction companies. In total, 260 children attend the School in one shift. The new building of the School has two floors: the upper floor accommodates music rooms, an orchestra hall and choreography halls; on the first floor and basement floor there are career guidance rooms, a sewing room, a library, various classrooms, and an office premise. In addition, there are storage and technical rooms, bathrooms, rooms for technical staff and security on each floor. And the most important is that the largest concert hall of the region for 400 seats is also provided here. That very day, another festive ceremony took place to hand over the keys to the dormitory for 100 families. This dormitory construction project was initiated in 2023 with the aim to support the young families of the public sector employees. The two-storey dormitory building accommodates 84 one-room and 16 two-room apartments. Each one-room apartment has a living room, a separate kitchen, a corridor and a bathroom; and each two-room apartment includes a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a corridor and a bathroom. All apartments are handed over completely finished, which means that all sanitaryware and gas stoves have already been installed, and necessary utility lines connected. In addition to that, a wide lobby, a janitor's room, a stroller room and a pantry are available on the ground floor. It should be noted that the Operator of the North Caspian Project has been implementing major social and infrastructure projects in Atyrau and Mangistau Oblasts for over 25 years. To date, in close cooperation with Akimats of two Oblasts, more than 230 projects aimed at improving the living standards of the local population, have been implemented for a total amount of about $900M.
Oil and Gas
North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) is the Operator of the North Caspian Project developed under the NCSPSA
About us
North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) is an operating company for the North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement (NCSPSA). NCOC is based in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. The agreement includes seven companies consisting of KazMunayGas, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell, TotalEnergies (16.81% each), China National Petroleum Corporation (8.4%) and Inpex (7.56%). The North Caspian Project is the first major offshore oil and gas development in Kazakhstan. It covers three fields: Kashagan, Kairan and Aktoty. The giant Kashagan field ranks as one of the largest oil discoveries of the past four decades, with approximately 9-13 billion barrels (1-2 billion tonnes) of recoverable oil. The Kashagan reservoir lies 80km offshore from the city of Atyrau in 3-4 meters of water, and is more than 4km deep (4,200 meters). In 2016, the first offshore oil in the history of Kazakhstan was commercially produced from Kashagan. The Operator of the project, North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC), completed a major pipeline replacement project ahead of schedule and on September 28 re-opened the first wells offshore. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, honoured the project workers and veterans with a personal visit to Atyrau on December 7, 2016. For more information about NCOC, visit:
- Website
External link for NCOC
- Industry
- Oil and Gas
- Company size
- 5,001-10,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Atyrau
- Type
- Public Company
- Founded
- 2014
Smagulov Street
Atyrau, KZ
Employees at NCOC
In Kazakh culture, woman is a symbol of wisdom, loyalty, and boundless fortitude. Our people said that “Woman is the pillar of life”. This phrase neatly conveys the inspiration, strength, love and tenderness inherent in the better half of humanity. Women not only create comfort and harmony in the family, but also guide, open new horizons and inspire to the greatest achievements. We wish joy and happiness to all ladies on this special day! _________ Қазақ мәдениетінде әйел заты - даналық, адалдық және шексіз рух нышаны. Халқымыз «Әйел — өмір тірегі» деген. Бұл сөз адамзаттың әдемі жартысына тән шабыт, күш, махаббат пен нәзіктікті анық жеткізіп тұр. Әйелдер отбасыларында жайлылық пен жан жарасымын үйлестіріп қана қоймай, бізді ілгері жетелеп, жаңа көкжиектерді ашып, биік белестерді бағындыруға шабыт береді. Осы мереке күні аяулы ханымдарға қуаныш пен бақыт тілейміз! _________ В казахской культуре женщина — это символ мудрости, преданности и безграничной силы духа. Наш народ говорит «Әйел — өмір тірегі» («Женщина — опора жизни»). В этой фразе четко переданы вдохновение, сила, любовь и нежность, присущие прекрасной половине человечества. Женщины не только создают уют и гармонию в семье, но и ведут за собой, открывают новые горизонты и вдохновляют на великие свершения. В этот праздничный день желаем милым дамам радости и счастья!
NCOC, the operator of the North Caspian project, organized a gala ceremony to award the 650 monogram certificate from the American Petroleum Institute (API) to AtyrauNefteMash LLP. The event was attended by representatives of Atyrau Oblast Akimat and NCOC. AtyrauNefteMash LLP, a Kazakhstani company specializing in manufacturing equipment for the oil and gas industry, has been awarded the API 650 monogram certification. This certification was granted after inspections and testing by the American Petroleum Institute (API) which confirms the manufacturer's adherence to international standards for fabricated steel plates and shop-built tanks used in oil and gas production. During the international certificate award ceremony, Mr. Giancarlo Ruiu, NCOC Managing Director, said, “Under the local content improvement and development program, NCOC supported local manufacturers to implement certification to international heavy machine-building standards such as ASME and API. We are confident that this program will be pivotal for local manufacturers, including AtyrauNefteMash LLP to attain a new level and compete not only in Kazakhstan”. NCOC continues to support Kazakhstani manufacturers and provide opportunities for the sustainable development of Kazakhstan's economy. NCOC has been proactively instrumental in the development of local content and the rollout of modern technologies, enabling Kazakhstani manufacturers to evolve and compete in the international landscape. As a result of this program, NCOC has supported 13 major Kazakhstani manufacturers to expand and improve their capabilities. It should be also highlighted that in 2024 NCOC continued its efforts to enhance local content in the procurement of local goods, works and services, exceeding 60% of total expenditures. #LocalContent #Kashagan #NCOC #
A meeting of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Use under the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan with participation of Kudaibergen Arymbek, Vice Minister of Energy and Senior Leadership of NCOC, the Operator of the North Caspian Project, was held in Astana. The participants of the event were provided with the information about NCOC activities in developing in-country value. It should be noted that, as a major oil and gas company, NCOC takes measures to develop in-country value by maximising the use of local goods, works and services. Since 2004, almost 18 billion US dollars have been spent on works, goods and services in the North Caspian Project. Moreover, NCOC supports local companies in obtaining international certification which allows them to enter the global arena. Addressing the meeting participants, Giancarlo Ruiu, NCOC Managing Director, noted that the company’s procedures envisage several mechanisms such as Early Tender, Trial Orders and Contracts in Exchange of Investments. NCOC also collaborates with the Association of Legal Entities “International Centre for Development of Oil and Gas Machine Building” (IMB Centre) to identify needs and local capabilities and develop plans for local companies to eliminate potential gaps. Members of the Parliament were informed of the great attention that NCOC pays to a wide range of complex and CT-KZ certified goods produced in Kazakhstan, regularly signing contracts with local manufacturers. Overall, the list of local goods procured by NCOC has significantly expanded since 2020.
During the period 28 January – 6 February, NCOC representatives gave guest lectures at the leading educational institutions of the region – Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after S. Utebayev, Polytechnic College named after Mukashev, APEC PetroTechnic Higher College, Makat Technological College of Oil and Gas and Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov. More than 600 students and faculty members attended the lectures. The lectures were delivered by mature professionals with extensive job experience and young NCOC specialists. As part of the open lectures, NCOC specialists spoke about the work of the production department, including the legal aspects of oil production and safety, civil works, oil and gas equipment, corrosion protection, power supply systems, controls and automation. Young specialists shared real cases from their professional experience, gave their impressions of working in the company and answered numerous questions from the audience. The organisers noted that such meetings provide students with the opportunity to communicate directly with industry experts and reveal the intricacies of working at an oil and gas enterprise, while also allowing the company’s employees to take a fresh look at their profession and offer additional motivation to young people. It should be noted that NCOC's lectures were delivered under Memorandums of Cooperation previously signed with leading educational institutions of Atyrau Oblast. #жұмысшымамандықтаржылы #годабочихпрофессий #yearofworkerprofessions #NCOC #Kashagan
NCOC is holding a public hearing on application package for Environmental Impact Permit for the detailed design of “Reconstruction of the Moon Pool to Isolate from Sea” for 2025. Date: 30 January 2025 at 10:00 AM. Venue: Community Hall, 15 Amangeldy st., Damba Village, Damba Rural District, Atyrau Oblast. The public hearing will be broadcasted online via ZOOM: (conference ID: 950 9261 7641, access code: 542298) Design documentation is available at For further information please contact Zhanat Kozhan at +7 (7122) 92 27 03. __________ NCOC компаниясы «Теңізбен байланысты оқшаулау мақсатында су қабылдау бассейнді қайта құру» жұмыс жобасына арналған 2025 жылға әсер етуге экологиялық рұқсат алуға берілетін өтінім пакеті» бойынша қоғамдық тыңдау өткізеді. Өтетін күні: 2025 жылғы 30 қаңтар, сағат 10:00-де. Өтетін орны: Атырау облысы, Дамбы ауылдық округі, Дамбы ауылы, Амангелді көшесі, 15 (ауылдық клуб) Қоғамдық тыңдауға төмендегі ZOOM сілтемесі арқылы онлайн қосыла аласыз: (конференция сәйкестендіргіші: 950 9261 7641, кіру коды: 542298). Жобалық құжаттаманы сайттарынан қарай аласыз. Анықтама алу үшін Қожан Жанатқа +7 (7122) 92 27 03 телефон нөмірі арқылы хабарласуға болады.
Жаңа жыл құтты болсын достар! Бізбен бірге болғандарыңызға көп рахмет! Жаңа 2025 жылда баршаңызға зор денсаулық, бақыт және табыс тілейміз! ---------- Dear friends, Happy New Year! Thank you for staying with us. We wish you all good health, happiness and every success in the new 2025! ---------- С Новым Годом друзья! Большое спасибо за то, что вы с нами! И желаем всем крепкого здоровья, счастья и успехов в новом 2025 году!
On the New Year eve, NCOC presented the residents of Makat with a gift – a new comfortable Toyota HiAce bus, which was handed over to the Makat District Centre of Social Services for Pensioners and People with Disabilities. The high-comfort Toyota HiAce minibus meets all safety requirements. Comfortable seats and independent climate control of the passenger cabin will make even a long journey pleasant. The handover ceremony was attended by the Deputy Akim of Makat district, the staff of the Centre of Social Services and NCOC representatives. Handing over the minibus keys, NCOC Local Government & Community Relations Team Lead Gulnar Yerketanova said, “The company has been providing diverse assistance to the Centre for several years. Through our social projects, we hope to contribute to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.” The Makat District Centre of Social Services for Pensioners and People with Disabilities which provides services in eight different areas, including pedagogical, psychological, cultural and medical services, has been operating since 2018. Specialists provide assistance both at the Centre and at home. In total, the Centre offers its services to 90 people, including 48 lonely elderly people and 42 children with disabilities aged 1.5 to 18 years.
Достар! 🎉 Келе жатқан жаңа жыл құтты болсын! 🎁 NCOC компаниясының бас директоры Джанкарло Руюның құттықтауын қабыл алыңыздар. Друзья! 🎉 Совсем скоро новый год! 🎁 Примите поздравления от управляющего директора NCOC Джанкарло Рую. Dear friends, 🎉 The New Year is almost here. 🎁 Please accept the New Year greetings from NCOC Managing Director Giancarlo Ruiu.
«Норт Каспиан Оперейтинг Компани Н.В.» (NCOC) компаниясы Солтүстік Каспий жобасының жергілікті жұртшылыққа әсерін анықтау және азаматтардың өтініштері бойынша әрекет ету мақсатында кері байналыс механизмі енгізілгенін хабарлайды. Әлеуметтік жауапты компания ретінде NCOC өз қызметін адал түрде жүргізуді және жұртшылықпен ашық диалог орнатуды көздейді. Сондықтан бұл механизм барлық мүдделі тараптар ұсыныстарын басшылыққа ала отырып, озық әлемдік тәжірибе негізінде әзірленген. Кері байланыс механизмі туралы біздің ресми сайтымызда толыққанды таныса аласыздар. Сіздің пікіріңіз біз үшін маңызды! ---------- Компания «Норт Каспиан Оперейтинг Компани Н.В.» (NCOC) информирует о внедрении механизма обратной связи с местным сообществом в целях отслеживания влияния Северо-Каспийского проекта на общественность и реагирования на запросы граждан. Будучи социально ответственной компанией, NCOC стремится к прозрачности и открытому диалогу с местным населением. Поэтому при разработке механизма учитывались лучшие мировые практики и рекомендации всех заинтересованных сторон. Подробное описание механизма обратной связи доступно на нашем официальном сайте Ваше мнение важно для нас! ---------- North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC) informs on implementation of a local community feedback mechanism to identify the impact of the North Caspian Project on the community and to respond to public inquiries. As a socially responsible company, NCOC is committed to transparency and open dialogue with the community. Therefore, the feedback mechanism was developed based on the world’s best practice and recommendations of all involved parties. For more information, please visit the CFM page at our official website Your feedback is important to us!