Oil and Gas

North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) is the Operator of the North Caspian Project developed under the NCSPSA

About us

North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) is an operating company for the North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement (NCSPSA). NCOC is based in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. The agreement includes seven companies consisting of KazMunayGas, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell, TotalEnergies (16.81% each), China National Petroleum Corporation (8.4%) and Inpex (7.56%). The North Caspian Project is the first major offshore oil and gas development in Kazakhstan. It covers three fields: Kashagan, Kairan and Aktoty. The giant Kashagan field ranks as one of the largest oil discoveries of the past four decades, with approximately 9-13 billion barrels (1-2 billion tonnes) of recoverable oil. The Kashagan reservoir lies 80km offshore from the city of Atyrau in 3-4 meters of water, and is more than 4km deep (4,200 meters). In 2016, the first offshore oil in the history of Kazakhstan was commercially produced from Kashagan. The Operator of the project, North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC), completed a major pipeline replacement project ahead of schedule and on September 28 re-opened the first wells offshore. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, honoured the project workers and veterans with a personal visit to Atyrau on December 7, 2016. For more information about NCOC, visit:

Oil and Gas
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Public Company


Employees at NCOC


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    From September 25 to 27, NCOC specialists from the HSSED conducted educational sessions at Dosmukhamedov State University, Safi Utebaev Atyrau Oil and Gas University, Mukashev Polytechnic College, Makat Technological College of Oil and Gas, and APEC PetroTechnic Higher College. Approximately 600 participants attended these sessions. It should be noted that earlier this year NCOC signed Memorandums of Cooperation with above educational organizations. The memorandums outline several key areas of collaboration, including student internships, joint conferences and workshops, delivering lectures and mentoring sessions, and involving company experts in the development of educational programs. The aim of this agreement is to foster joint projects and enhance the longstanding mutual support and active collaboration between our organizations. NCOC remains dedicated to supporting educational institutions in the regions where we operate. We are pleased to see the active participation of students and faculty in research projects that contribute to the socio-economic, environmental, and commercial development of Atyrau Oblast ---------- 25-27 қыркүйек аралығында NCOC компаниясының ДЕҚҚОҚ бөлімінің мамандары Халел Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университетінде, Сафи Өтебаев атындағы Атырау мұнай және газ университетінде, Саламат Мұқашев атындағы Атырау политехникалық колледжінде, Мақат мұнай және газ технологиялық колледжінде және APEC PetroTechnic колледжінде оқу сессияларын өткізді. Аталған сессияларға 600-ге жуық адам қатысты. Айта кетейік, жылдың басында NCOC және аталған оқу орындары Ынтымақтастық туралы Меморандумдарға қол қойған болатын. Меморандум ынтымақтастықтың бірнеше негізгі бағыттарын, атап айтқанда студенттерді тағылымдамадан өткізу, бірлескен конференциялар мен семинарлар ұйымдастыру, лекциялар мен тәлімгерлік сессиялар өткізу, сондай-ақ оқу бағдарламаларын әзірлеуге Компания сарапшыларын қатыстыру секілді бірқатар жұмыстарды қамтиды. Бұл келісімнің мақсаты бірлескен жобаларды іске асыруға көмектесу және ұйымдарымыздың арасындағы ұзақ мерзімді өзара қолдау мен белсенді ынтымақтастықты нығайту болып табылады. NCOC өзі қызмет атқаратын өңірлердегі білім беру мекемелерін қолдау жөніндегі міндеттемесін берік ұстанады. Атырау облысының әлеуметтік-экономикалық, экологиялық және коммерциялық дамуына ықпал ететін ғылыми-зерттеу жобаларына студенттер мен оқытушылардың белсенді қатысуын көргенімізге қуаныштымыз.   #NCOC #Kashagan #oilandgas #Kazakhstan #Atyrau #Aktau #caspiansea

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    This year our company participated in KIOGE-2024 Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference, which were held in Almaty last week.   We  thank the event organiser for the opportunity to catch up on Kazakhstan's strategies in the context of energy transformation, programmes for sustainable development of oil and gas projects, local content development, key industry projects for oil and gas processing, international partnerships, investments, IT and artificial intelligence.  In turn, we shared our achievements in local content development and North Caspian Project digitalization with the conference participants. We wish our colleagues and partners in the oil and gas industry successful implementation of projects and safe operations. ---------- Компаниямыз өткен аптада Алматыда өткен «Мұнай және газ» KIOGE 2024 көрмесі мен конференциясына қатысты.   Қазақстанның энергетикалық трансформация жағдайындағы стратегияларымен, мұнай-газ жобаларын тұрақты дамыту, жергілікті қамтуды дамыту бағдарламаларымен, мұнай мен газды өңдеу, халықаралық серіктестік, инвестициялар, IT және жасанды интеллект салаларындағы негізгі жобалармен танысуға мүмкіндік бергені үшін іс-шара ұйымдастырушысына алғыс білдіреміз. Өз кезегімізде біз конференцияға қатысушылармен жергілікті қамтуды дамыту және Солтүстік Каспий жобасын цифрландыру мәселесінде қол жеткізген жетістіктерімізбен бөлістік.    Мұнай-газ саласындағы әріптестеріміз бен серіктестерімізге жобалардың сәтті жүзеге асырылуын және өндірістік қызметтің қауіпсіздігін тілейміз.    #NCOC #Kashagan #oilandgas #Kazakhstan #Atyrau #Aktau #caspiansea #kioge2024

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    North Caspian Operating Company N.V., Operator of the North Caspian Project, handed the international certificate of the American Petroleum Institute (API) to Ust-Kamenogorsk Industrial Valves Plant in an official ceremony. On 11-13 September 2024, NCOC visited a number of industrial enterprises in Ust-Kamenogorsk. During the course of visits to production sites, the delegation headed by Yerlan Mukay, Deputy Managing Director, became familiar with the technical capabilities and capacities of domestic manufacturers as well as their plans for further development. Whereas NCOC representatives described the North Caspian project’s requirements for the quality of goods, including safety requirements considering the specifics of the Kashagan oil, and answered relevant questions. The highlight of the program was the official presentation of the international API certificate Monogram 602 to the Ust-Kamenogorsk Industrial Valves Plant. The implementation of this certificate started in 2022, and it took almost 2.5 years until its successful completion. The event was also attended by representatives of the East Kazakhstan Oblast Akimat, PSA LLC and International Center for Development of Oil and Gas Machine Building (IMBC). Ust-Kamenogorsk Industrial Valves Plant (Plant) is one of the largest enterprises in Kazakhstan specialising in manufacturing pipeline valves and oil and gas equipment. The origin of its products is confirmed by the ST-KZ Certificate of Origin with the Kazakhstan content of up to 85%.

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    This year sees the Makat district marking a significant milestone – a hundred years since its founding. To celebrate this anniversary, NCOC, the Operator of the North Caspian Project, conducting its activities in the Makat district for more than three decades, has sponsored a number of cultural events in support of local communities. The celebrations were attended by the representatives of the governing bodies of the Atyrau Oblast and the Makat district, NCOC senior leadership team, oil workers and veterans of the oil industry, residents and guests of the district. The Makat district is the home of the North Caspian Project onshore complex – Bolashak Onshore Processing Facility (OPF). NCOC was delighted to participate in the district’s centennial celebrations as a partner supporting the events designed to highlight its rich history and cultural heritage. Festivities included bright and memorable events, such as horse races (alaman baiga, kunan-zharys, tai-zharys) and kazaksha kures competitions, which attracted many spectators and created an atmosphere of unity and camaraderie. NCOC supported the sporting competitions by providing valuable prizes for the winners, including cars, motorcycles, home theatre systems and televisions. This was both manifestation of corporate social responsibility, and also an incentive for participants. In the evening, a gala concert was held on the central square featuring performances from local pop stars and headliners such as Kalifarniya, Ulykpan Zholdasov, Omirkul Ayniyazov and Beibit Korgan. The celebrations culminated in festive fireworks that left the spectators with unforgettable emotions. NCOC is actively involved in the life of the Makat district, offering significant social support. We do not aim solely to develop the oil sector, but to contribute to raising living standards of local residents. We take pride in our participation in social projects that strengthen the community.

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    This year sees the Makat district marking a significant milestone – a hundred years since its founding. To celebrate this anniversary, NCOC, the Operator of the North Caspian Project, conducting its activities in the Makat district for more than three decades, has sponsored a number of cultural events in support of local communities. The celebrations were attended by the representatives of the governing bodies of the Atyrau Oblast and the Makat district, NCOC senior leadership team, oil workers and veterans of the oil industry, residents and guests of the district. The Makat district is the home of the North Caspian Project onshore complex – Bolashak Onshore Processing Facility (OPF). NCOC was delighted to participate in the district’s centennial celebrations as a partner supporting the events designed to highlight its rich history and cultural heritage. Festivities included bright and memorable events, such as horse races (alaman baiga, kunan-zharys, tai-zharys) and kazaksha kures competitions, which attracted many spectators and created an atmosphere of unity and camaraderie. NCOC supported the sporting competitions by providing valuable prizes for the winners, including cars, motorcycles, home theatre systems and televisions. This was both manifestation of corporate social responsibility, and also an incentive for participants. In the evening, a gala concert was held on the central square featuring performances from local pop stars and headliners such as Kalifarniya, Ulykpan Zholdasov, Omirkul Ayniyazov and Beibit Korgan. The celebrations culminated in festive fireworks that left the spectators with unforgettable emotions. NCOC is actively involved in the life of the Makat district, offering significant social support. We do not aim solely to develop the oil sector, but to contribute to raising living standards of local residents. We take pride in our participation in social projects that strengthen the community. #Makat #Atyrau #Anniversary #Kashagan #NCOC

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    The Eskene legend – A caravan of ages and lives. Only a widow grass left lonely in the steppe, Behind those who left in pursuit of happiness... (Zhaksybay Sarmat) The history of discovery and development of Eskene field is intertwined with the Caspian region and the oil capital, Atyrau Oblast. On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Makat district, yesterday the district library hosted an official presentation of the book named "Eskene el esinde" by Abdrakhman Kaziyev, veteran of Kazakhstan’s oil industry, which was published in three languages with the sponsor support of NCOC. The book tells the story of Eskene, whose name is inscribed in golden letters in the chronicles of Kazakhstan's oil sector. Today, both the village and the field have been abandoned and closed, but as their successor, the Bolashak Onshore Processing Facility is built here. Many respected citizens of the country, distinguished workers, were born on this land. The book dedicated to preserving the past of Eskene in people’s memories is about these historic figures and their legacy. The book is intended for a wide audience. The books are available for readers in the library of Makat District house of culture. ---------- Аңызын айта қалсам Ескененің, Құлаған ғасырлардан көш көремін. Боз жусан бозарып бір қалып қойған, Соңында бақыт іздеп көшкен елдің...  (Жақсыбай Сармат) Ескене кен орнының, оның ашылуы мен игерілу тарихы Каспий өңірімен, мұнайлы астана - Атырау облысымен тығыз байланысты. Осы орайда кеше Мақат аудандық кітапханасында ауданның 100 жылдық мерейтойы қарсаңында Қазақстан мұнай өндірісі саласының ардагері Қазиев Әбдірахман Хайроллаұлының NCOC компаниясының демеушілігімен 3 тілде басып шығарылған «Ескене ел есінде» кітабының ресми түрде тұсау кесері өткізілді.      Бұл кітапта Қазақстан мұнай кәсіпшілігінің жылнамасына аты алтын әріптермен жазылатын мекен - Ескене тарихы баяндалады. Бүгінгі таңда поселке де, кен орны да таратылып, жабылғанмен, осы мекенде оның ізбасары тәріздес боп «Болашақ» мұнай және газ дайындау қондырғысы салынған. Бұл топырақтан көптеген ел азаматтары, ел аузындағы ерен еңбеккер тұлғалар шыққан. Ескененің өткенін ел жадында сақтауды көздейтін әңгімеміз осы тұлғалар, олардың қалдырған мұрасы туралы.   Кітап жалпы жұртшылыққа арналады. Кітапты Мақат аудандық кітапханасында оқуға болады.  

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    This week, representatives of Atyrau Region Department of Ecology, the public, local executive bodies, non-governmental organizations, and the media visited the greening facilities implemented by NCOC in the Sokolok canal area.   In the Sokolok canal area, NCOC planted 107 thousand seedlings on 107 hectares of land. Unfortunately, due to flood in 2024, 27 hectares of seedlings went under water. Despite the difficulties, greening works are being continued. The seedlings consist of heat and salt resistant zoned species of elm, ash, mulberry, apricot, yellow acacia and oleaster. Each new tree planted within this initiative is a step towards improving the environment and creating a more comfortable urban environment for residents of the region and is part of the roadmap for a comprehensive solution to environmental problems in the Atyrau Region.   The tree planting project started back in 2021. For these purposes, specialists of the contractor company applied modern agricultural technology, which allows for more efficient ground preparation. An important aspect in this regard was the introduction of a modern irrigation system: watering 107 thousand trees in a couple of days is not an easy task. Thanks to high quality fertilizers that are used in the care of seedlings, and highly qualified skills of the specialists, impressive results were achieved. More than 70 percent of the equipment involved in the process is automated, which significantly increases the efficiency at every stage of the greening work.  According to the Memorandum signed in the fall of 2021 between Atyrau Region Akimat, Atyrau Region Department of Ecology andAtyrau Region Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control, 4 land plots located on the Atyrau City borders and in the Makat District with a total area of 308 hectares, were identified for greening.   In addition to the area in the Sokolok area, 73 thousand trees were planted in the forest shelterbelts of the Bereke village, 21 thousand trees in Yerkinkala, and 20 thousand trees in the village of Dossor in the Makat District.   It is worth noting that this year, the Company is starting similar greening works on a total area of 110 hectares in the Tupkaragan District of Mangistau Region within the Memorandum signed in October 2023 between the Akimat of Tupkaragan District and the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of Mangystau Region.      #Greening #Atyrau #Kashagan #NCOC #Mangystau #Aktau

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    The beginning of a new academic year is an exciting time for children and a busy time for teachers making final adjustments to their teaching plans. For us, it is time to recap some of NCOC initiatives that have assisted educational institutions in preparations for the new 2024 academic year as part of our annual Sponsorship and Donations programme: 🔬 a unique microfluidics research laboratory presented to Safi Utebayev Atyrau University of Oil and Gas. The laboratory will study fluid flows in the microscopic pore spaces of oil and gas reservoirs. As part of this project, the company purchased a pressure and flow control unit, a microfluidic Coriolis flow sensor and other laboratory equipment for the university. It should be noted that the company had already helped the university to set up a computer lab and purchased laboratory training equipment for studies in chemical processing of natural gas. 🚌 a school bus purchased for S. Sharipov School in Dossor village, Makat District. The comfortable Toyota Coaster bus is equipped with seat belts to protect little passengers and will be used to transport schoolchildren from remote settlements, such as Eskene and Taskesken railway stations and Railway Junction No. 441. 📖 inclusive education classrooms set up in 3 schools of Mangystau Oblast (School No. 20 named after M. Auezov, School No. 5 named after N. Ondassynov, School No. 16 named after S. Mukashev). These inclusive education classrooms boast all necessary state-of-the-art tools and equipment. Such classrooms help children with special needs adapt to the social environment and get extra assistance in accordance with their needs, thus ensuring equal access to education. It is worth noting that inclusive education classrooms are in demand in the regions, and the company has already handed over about 20 inclusive education classrooms to a number of schools in Atyrau and Mangystau Oblasts.

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    Social entrepreneurship is a new and very noble pursuit, the purpose of which is to employ physically challenged people and to create the most favourable conditions for them in their environment. We are happy to contribute to development of the social entrepreneurship through our sponsorship and donation projects.   Our next support in this regard was the purchase of a sewing equipment for the Riza Ana Public Foundation, which has been operating in the Mangystau Oblast for eight years. Handover of the equipment took place on September 2 in Aktau and was attended by Yerlan Mukay, NCOC Deputy Managing Director and Zvira Yesbergenova, Deputy Akim of Mangystau Oblast.   Welcoming the participants of the event, Yerlan Mukay noted: "As a socially responsible company, we care about sustainable development of the region where NCOC operates. We look forward to our future projects aimed at further improving the region and lives of its residents."   Currently, a total of 20 people, including people with limited abilities and unemployed people from low-income families are working at the Riza Ana sewing workshop. #entrepreneurship #sponsorship #donation #NCOC #socialproject #Aktau #Atyrau #Kashagan

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    NCOC has handed over a new school, built as part of its Social and Infrastructure Projects, to the residents of Beki village in Mangystau Oblast. Children of Beki village in Mangystau Oblast are starting their new school year in a new school built by NCOC. This is the first general education school in this village. The two-storey school for 100 schoolchildren is fully furnished, equipped and ready to open its doors on the first school day. The school has everything necessary for children’s learning and development. Apart from the general-purpose classrooms, the school offers to young lovers of natural sciences special classrooms for studying physics, chemistry and biology, as well as laboratories for extracurricular studies. Moreover, there is an auditorium for music and singing lessons to foster children’s musical and vocal talents. What makes the school stand out is its ceramics workshop which allows children to engage in a craft inherited from ancestors and, perhaps, it is here that future eminent craftsmen will be nurtured. In addition, the school has a culinary classroom where children will learn to cook simple yet delicious dishes and decorate them beautifully before welcoming their guests. And what about physical exercises, sports and recreation? A football pitch, a running track, a combined basketball and volleyball court, playgrounds for outdoor games and even a gymnastics court — the new school has it all. #NCOC #Kashagan #oilandgas #Kazakhstan #Atyrau #Aktau #caspiansea

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