
30th November - Law News

Edition 4356: LawNewsIndex is a UK based daily legal news archive on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Litigation, Legal Ethics & Human Rights since 2011.

Today's Highlighted Video Story:  Wolverhampton City Council & others(Respondents) v London Gypsies & Travellers & others (Appellants) - Does the court have the power to grant "newcomer injunctions", i.e. injunctions against persons who are unknown and unidentified as at the date of the order, and who have not yet performed, or threatened to perform, the acts which the injunction prohibits? If so, on what basis and subject to what safeguards?

Focus of the Day Legal News: 
The Criminal Bar Association has launched a training programme for counsel prosecuting and defending rape and serious sexual assault (RASSO) cases. Full story - The Law Society Gazette 
A selection of important developments in the world of law and justice (for a comprehensive look at the news and events, please visit @theLawMap Twitter feed):

Saturday Conversations on Law