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Bissen, Luxembourg 4 586 abonnés

Giving buildings a sustainable shine.

À propos

Kyotec is the European façade specialist in complex, technical and multi-material building envelopes for large-scale projects. At the cutting edge of energy-carbon regulations, and involved in the entire project chain (design, construction, installation), Kyotec focuses its value engineering on the energy efficiency of facades. A member of the Weclad alliance, Kyotec brings together 220 experts committed to the architectural and environmental transition of towns and cities.

Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Bissen, Luxembourg
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
construction, études façades et façadier


Employés chez Kyotec


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    4 586  abonnés

    🇧🇪 In Brussels Oxy Tower Refurbishment is underway ! The Oxy Tower, former headquarters of the Ville de Bruxelles - Stad Brussel and bpost, is continuing its transformation into a multifunctional complex combining offices, hotels and housing. The cladding of the 11th floor is underway, with the goal of completing the entire façade by spring 2025. In terms of design, the façade is based on parametric frames that interact with the light, changing the perception between glazing and sheet metal depending on the amount of sunlight. This "visual game" is accentuated by Steel Colors "Copper Gold Pallinato" tinted stainless steel, whose reflections change throughout the day, adding depth and dynamism. 👉 Follow Kyotec to discover the next steps of this emblematic project! Owner: Withewood & Immobel General contractor: Cordeel Group Architects: Snøhetta, BINST ARCHITECTS, DDS+ and ADE 📸 Photo credits: Ivan Dupont

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    💫 La Tour Aurore continue de faire parler d'elle ! Dans son n°de janvier, le magazine de référence en architecture ARCHISTORM consacre un dossier de 16 pages à la rénovation de la Tour Aurore à la Défense. 👉 Une rénovation exemplaire où Kyotec a joué un rôle significatif pour le design, la fabrication et l’installation de l’ensemble des façades de la “Tour” et de son “Pavillon”. Histoire du projet, analyse architecturale, interviews, focus sur les solutions techniques innovantes... C’est LA lecture du week-end pour tous les passionnés d'architecture et de design. 🙌 Merci ARCHISTORM pour ce coup de projecteur ! #GiveBuildingsASustainableShine Aermont Capital, ORFEO Développement, VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage, Sisto Studios, Bollinger+GrohmannDPR Construction.

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    All the Kyotec teams wish you a happy & shiny New Year ! 💫 #GiveBuildingsALastingShine

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    All the Weclad teams wish you a happy & shiny New Year ! 💫 In 2024, a leading international alliance for sustainable façades is born. With 4 façade experts : ▪️Kyotec ▪️De Groot en Visser BV ▪️Rinaldi ▪️and Techniwood. In 2025, our 580 staff will continue creating synergies throughout Europe ▪️ to better serve our clients 🙏 ▪️ and contribute to the architectural and environmental transition of our cities. 🏙️ Let's work #altogether ! Bruno Moyne, Thierry Foucart, Anita de Groot, vincent THEAUDIERE, Marine MAY.

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    Kyotec and Techniwood chosen for the façade of the Grenoble-Alpes Métropole headquarters ! 🏆 Thanks to a successful collaboration between the Weclad companies, Kyotec has won the public tender for the renovation of the future headquarters of Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, in partnership with Techniwood. Designed by Baumschlager Eberle Architectes and Atelier A, this project stands out for an avant-garde choice: the massive use of bio-sourced and decarbonised materials to transform a building from the 1970s into a model of sustainability and energy efficiency. 🔧 With the use of Techniwood's Panobloc® technology, which benefits from a technical opinion recognised in France, the two Weclad structures have proposed an innovative biosourced, off-site façade solution. Around 400 panels, up to 6.60 metres wide per floor, will be produced at the Rumilly plant, and will incorporate ➡ wooden windows, ➡ blinds ➡ and metal cladding. Prefabrication of the entire façade in panels guarantees quality, safety and compliance with deadlines, thanks to optimised installation using the site crane. This exemplary overall renovation project for the Grenoble Metropolitan Council's head office combines heritage preservation, respect for the environment and high energy performance. It includes : ➡ 918 m² of photovoltaic panels on the roof, ➡ triple glazing with blinds for optimum thermal comfort, ➡ while retaining original features such as the raw concrete in the council chamber. Scheduled for completion in 2027! 🚀 #GivingBuildingsASustainableShine

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    Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) Paris: 2 Kyotec projects in the spotlight! ✨ This year's Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) was held in #London and included a “Paris learning expedition” sponsored by Weclad. Among the 11 iconic projects on offer, 2 are clad with Kyotec's bespoke facade solutions! ↪ Aurore Tower Rehabilitated and redesigned, the Aurore Tower now boasts more than 20,000 m² of innovative facades incorporating :  ➡ bonded glazing, ➡ parallel projection sashes, ➡ stainless steel details. ↪ Altiplano Also renovated, this building is a landmark in the La Défense landscape, with its 20,000 m² of uncluttered facades incorporating : ➡ prefabricated panels, ➡ VEC, ➡ and pantograph openings. These 2 projects illustrate Kyotec's ability to meet the most demanding design and sustainability requirements for the most iconic large-scale projects. Well done to all the Kyotec teams!

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    📢 [Announcement] Kyotec creates the Weclad alliance! Today, together with Rinaldi, De Groot en Visser BV and Techniwood, we are creating Weclad, the leading alliance for eco-responsible architectural facades in #Europe. 🚀 Our aim is to promote synergies between our 4 structures 🤝 to better meet the needs of our #customers. And to contribute together to the architectural and environmental transition of cities. For Kyotec customers, it's the guarantee of the best offer. Thanks to the pooling of technical, industrial and low-carbon skills, and the innovations of a network that is unique in #Europe. Weclad is :  ✅ 6 integrated design and engineering offices, ✅ 5 production plants, ✅ 580 experts in 8 countries. ↪ Find out more about Weclad here : ↪ Follow Weclad on LinkedIn #Facades #GivingBuildingsALastingShine

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    A memorable Kyotec Day 2024 ! ⭐ Every year, our Kyotec Day brings together employees from the 8 countries in which we operate for a day of team building and sharing. This year, the event took place in Luxembourg, at the Hotel Moxy to be precise. Why the Hotel Moxy? Because it's at the heart of the Skypark development, for which we're currently putting the finishing touches on its iconic façade Adorned with copper-coloured stainless steel frames, Skypark's double-skin façade offers an impressive visual effect: depending on the perspective, you can admire its distinctive jagged lines. At night, a veil of light highlights the coppery texture, playing with the light and shadows created by the façades. With more than 145 participants, all motivated and excited to share this special moment, the event was a real success! After a tour of the Skypark site, the employees swapped their hard hats for sportswear to take part in the ‘Kyotec 2024 Olympics’. Well done to the Belgian team, who won the competition by a landslide! 🏆 This special day ended with a festive dinner and an evening of dancing, before a well-deserved night's rest at the Moxy hotel. Thanks to all the Kyotec staff for their enthusiasm and team spirit, which are truly part of Kyotec's DNA! #KyotecDay #TeamBuilding #Innovation #Architecture #MoxyHotel #SkyparkLuxembourg // Un Kyotec Day 2024 mémorable ! Chaque année, le Kyotec day réunit les collaborateurs des 8 pays d’implantation de Kyotec, pour une journée de partage collectif et de team building. Cette année, c’est à Luxembourg que les collaborateurs avaient rendez-vous ; et plus précisément à l’hôtel Moxy. Pourquoi l’hôtel Moxy ? Parce qu’il se trouve au cœur du projet immobilier Skypark, dont nous finalisons actuellement l’iconique façade. Ornée de cadres en inox cuivré, la façade en double peau de Skypark offre un jeu visuel impressionnant : selon la perspective, on peut admirer sa dentelure très caractéristique. La nuit, un voile de lumière met en valeur la texture cuivrée, jouant avec les ombres et les lumières créées par les façades. Avec plus de 145 participants, tous motivés et heureux de partager ce temps fort, l'événement a été un véritable succès ! Après une visite du chantier Skypark, les collaborateurs ont troqué leurs casques contre des tenues de sport et pour participer aux "Olympiades de Kyotec 2024". Bravo à l'équipe belge, qui a remporté à l’arrachée la compétition ! Après l’effort, le réconfort : la journée s’est conclue par un dîner festif et une soirée dansante, avant une nuit de repos bien méritée à l'hôtel Moxy. Merci à tous les collaborateurs et collaboratrices pour leur enthousiasme, et leur esprit d'équipe qui font l’ADN de Kyotec ! #KyotecDay #TeamBuilding #Innovation #Architecture #MoxyHotel #SkyparkLuxembourg

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    🇬🇧 Time for tea! The perfect time to introduce you to the Cannon Street project. This eight-storey building, located on the street of the same name, is surrounded by exceptional buildings: Saint Pauls Cathedral, Saint Mary-le-Bow and Saint Mary Aldermary. Architectural practice Fletcher Priest Architects designed the building, whose massing is shaped by its urban environment, creating polygonal shapes resulting from the intersection of Queen Victoria Street, Cannon Street and the historic fabric. The building offers unique perspectives, thanks in particular to a series of flat roofs and glass pavilions providing panoramic views. Inside, the large surfaces wrap around a central core offering uninterrupted office spaces bathed in daylight. The first six floors are made up of façade panels measuring approximately 3m x 3m, while the remaining floors are made up of a 'stick' curtain wall system. It became clear very early on that the concrete framework was incapable of directly supporting the external façade. We worked with various teams to develop a solution involving an additional steel load-bearing frame for the façade. A project involving MORGAN CAPITAL PARTNERS CIP LP, AOG Group and others. Photo credits : Ivan Dupont // 🇬🇧 C’est l’heure du thé ! Le moment opportun pour vous présenter le projet Cannon street. Cet immeuble de huit étages, situé sur la rue du même nom, est entouré d'édifices exceptionnels : la cathédrale Saint Pauls, Saint Mary-le-Bow et Saint Mary Aldermary. Le bureau d’architecture Fletcher Priest, a conçu ce bâtiment dont la volumétrie est façonnée par son environnement urbain, créant des formes polygonales résultant du croisement des rues Queen Victoria Street, Cannon Street, et du tissu historique. Cet immeuble offre des perspectives uniques notamment grâce à une série de toits-terrasses et de pavillons en verre permettant des vues panoramiques. À l'intérieur, les grandes surfaces s'enroulent autour d'un noyau central offrant des espaces de bureaux ininterrompus baignés de lumière du jour. Les six premiers niveaux sont constitués de panneaux de façade d'environ 3m x 3m, les étages restants sont constitués d'un système de mur-rideau « stick ». Il est apparu très tôt que l'ossature en béton était incapable de supporter directement la façade extérieure. Nous avons travaillé en collaboration avec différentes équipes pour mettre au point une solution impliquant un cadre porteur en acier supplémentaire pour la façade. Un projet impliquant notamment Morgan Capital Partners LLP, AOG Group Crédits photo : Ivan Dupont

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    🇬🇧 Kyotec Group in the UK : episode 2! In this second instalment, we present the Grafton Way building at University College London Hospital (UCLH) in London. The building was designed by Scott Tallon Walker Architects in association with Edward Williams. The internationally renowned hospital includes one of the UK's first proton beam therapy centres. Proton beam therapy is the world's most advanced form of radiotherapy aimed at destroying cancer cells. The 34,500 m² building comprises 6 floors of clinical space above ground and extends to a depth of 29 m below ground. Kyotec designed 14,000m² of facades for this project. The technology used is a mixture of 2 types of curtain walling and 3 different rain screens. The whole system meets the highest thermal, acoustic and aesthetic standards! 📸 Once again Ivan Dupont illustrates this post. // Kyotec au Royaume-Uni : épisode 2 ! Pour ce second volet, nous vous présentons le bâtiment Grafton Way de l'hôpital University College London (UCLH) à Londres. Cet édifice a été imaginé par le cabinet d’architecture Scott Tallon Walker en association avec Edward Williams. L’hôpital de renommée internationale comprend l'un des premiers centres de thérapie par faisceau de protons du Royaume-Uni. La thérapie par faisceau de protons est la forme de radiothérapie la plus avancée au monde visant à détruire les cellules cancéreuses. Le bâtiment de 34 500 m² comprend 6 étages de locaux cliniques en surface et s'étend sur une profondeur de 29 m en sous-sol. Pour ce projet, Kyotec a conçu 14.000m² de façades. La technologie utilisée est un mélange de 2 types de murs-rideaux et de 3 pare-pluies différents. L’ensemble répond à des exigences thermiques, acoustiques et esthétiques de haut niveau ! C’est à nouveau Ivan Dupont qui illustre ce post.

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