

Services et conseil aux entreprises

Return2Career advises on Retention of Internal & Attraction of External Returners, Gender Balance & Employer Branding

À propos

Return2Career is a purpose-led consulting, coaching and network organisation. Our mission is to remove the ‘Career Break Penalty’ and making atypical career paths a normal part of a successful career. We run a free-of-charge returner (community) membership and partner with leading employers to design, implement, promote and support Career Re-entry programmes. Through these programmes, retention of returning parental leavers improves and attraction of talent increases by tapping into the highly experienced and under-utilized professional talent pool of external returners. All the while improving the gender balance and increasing the employer brand value. Mission: Equal Career Opportunities for all Vision: Bridging the Talent Gap Values: Trust, Equality, Commitment, Care and Curiosity. Strategy: Implementing re-entry programmes in organisations, allows to retain parental leavers coming back to the workplace, taps into the under-utilized talent pool of Returners, decreases the Talent Gap, increases the female (leadership) talent pool, balances gender equality, and grows employer and Luxembourg branding.

Services et conseil aux entreprises
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2-10 employés
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Société indépendante
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    There's this beautiful paradox I've observed over and over again during my career - "true leaders ascend by lifting others up". This observation prompts me to share some similar thought-provoking reflections: 📍The wisdom of unlearning - sometimes, advancing means letting go of outdated beliefs. How might our careers transform if we approached each day with a beginner's mind? 📍The currency of trust - in a world driven by metrics, what if trust became our most valuable KPI? How would our leadership style change if building trust was our primary goal? 📍The strength in vulnerability - what if our greatest power lies in admitting we don't have all the answers? By embracing our imperfections, we create space for collective growth and innovation. Imagine a professional world where success is measured not by individual achievements, but by the collective rise of those around us. ✨For me, this is the essence of creating "a community of leaders who lift as they climb."🫶 🎤🫵I'd love to hear your thoughts on this concept. And what legacy are you cultivating through your interactions today? #LeadershipPhilosophy #CollectiveGrowth #EmpowermentCulture #CareerReflections #MindfulLeadership

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    Voir le profil de Esther Celosse, visuel

    Career Re-entry Strategy Expert | Return2Career | Career Advancement Expert | Professor of Management MBA | Leadership Mentor | Trainer | B-Corp B Leader | Keynote & Tedx Speaker

    🌟 Empowering careers, one step at a time! 🌟 As a passionate advocate for equal career opportunities, I wear many hats -Founder and CEO of Return2Career, career advancement consultant at Focus2Progress, teaching Leadership development and Change Management at HEC Liège Luxembourg and at ESSCA, and executive trainer/mentor at different international organisations. My journey is driven by a singular vision: to bridge the talent gap and celebrate diverse career paths. 🔍 Beyond titles - a purpose-driven mission In my role as a career advancement consultant, trainer and mentor, I strive to empower individuals to embrace their unique career journeys. Whether it's guiding returners back into the workforce or supporting professionals in their growth, my focus is on unlocking potential and fostering resilience. 💡 Innovative strategies for a changing world Traditional career paths are evolving and by implementing tailored career re-entry programmes and championing diversity, we can create inclusive workplaces where everyone thrives. I collaborate with leading employers to design strategies that not only attract talent but also nurture and retain it. ✨ Join the movement! Let's connect and explore how we can work together to create a future where every career path is valued and celebrated. Whether you're an individual seeking guidance or an organisation aiming to enhance your talent strategy, I'm here to help. 👉 Together, we can make a difference - one career at a time. #CareerEmpowerment #DiversityAndInclusion #Leadership #ProfessionalGrowth #Mentorship #CareerDevelopment

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    Voir le profil de Esther Celosse, visuel

    Career Re-entry Strategy Expert | Return2Career | Career Advancement Expert | Professor of Management MBA | Leadership Mentor | Trainer | B-Corp B Leader | Keynote & Tedx Speaker

    Your last workplace training? It might be just 10% of your real career development. Remember....... • that cross-functional project that expanded your leadership skills? • how candid feedback from a colleague changed your communication style? • the market shift that forced you to innovate and adapt rapidly? Are you sure you're not overlooking the most potent sources of professional growth? We often fixate on formal training programs and thereby underestimate the power of day-to-day experiences and relationships. Here's what I have learned - the 70:20:10 model reveals that 90% of our learning comes from on-the-job experiences and interactions. Formal training is crucial, but it's just the foundation for real-world application and growth. We need you to be this... • professional who actively seeks challenging assignments outside your comfort zone. • leader who creates a culture of continuous learning and feedback. • organisation that recognises and nurtures growth from all sources - not just formal training. Early in my career, I thought attending every available workshop was the key to advancement. It wasn't until I volunteered for a high-stakes international project that I truly accelerated my growth and impact. Know that your most powerful development opportunities are often hiding in plain sight - in your daily work and interactions. 👍What's one way you can leverage your current role or relationships for significant learning this month? Share your plans and let's inspire each other! #careerdevelopment #experience #careeradvancement #mentorship

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    At Return2Career, we believe that every journey back to work is unique and deserves to be celebrated! 🎉🌟 Re-entering the workforce after a career break can feel daunting, but you’re not alone. We’re here to support you every step of the way. Through our regular webinars and in-person networking events, we provide valuable insights and connections to help you navigate your return. A story of transformation Meet Alex, a talented professional who took a career break to focus on family. As Alex prepared to re-enter the workforce, they felt overwhelmed by the rapid changes in their industry. Unsure of where to start, Alex joined one of our Return2Career webinars. During the session, Alex discovered the importance of updating skills through online courses. Excited and motivated, Alex enrolled in a few relevant classes, gaining new knowledge and confidence. With a refreshed skill set, Alex tailored their resume to highlight these new competencies and unique experiences. When Alex attended a job interview, they felt prepared and self-assured, showcasing their updated skills and enthusiasm. This transformation was a significant step in Alex's journey back to work. Practical tips for your journey: 📍Update your skills - like Alex, consider taking online courses or attending workshops to refresh your knowledge and skills. 📍Network actively - engage with professionals in your field through our networking events. Building connections can open doors to new opportunities and insights. 📍Tailor your résumé - highlight your unique experiences and transferable skills. Focus on what you bring to the table, rather than the gap in your employment. 📍Practice self-compassion - it's okay to take your time. Acknowledge your feelings and give yourself grace as you navigate this transition. Celebrate your progress! As you embark on this journey, we encourage you to share your small wins with us. Whether it’s updating your resume, attending a webinar, or simply feeling more confident, every step counts! Let’s lift each other up and celebrate our achievements together. Join our community today and let’s make career re-entry a celebrated norm! 💪✨

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    Voir le profil de Esther Celosse, visuel

    Career Re-entry Strategy Expert | Return2Career | Career Advancement Expert | Professor of Management MBA | Leadership Mentor | Trainer | B-Corp B Leader | Keynote & Tedx Speaker

    Life isn’t a straight path. It’s a journey full of unexpected detours and moments that challenge who you are and where you’re headed. I’ve experienced this especially during pivotal moments that forced me to pause, reflect, and sometimes, take an entirely new direction. These moments weren’t obstacles - they were opportunities for profound growth. Think about it: 💠Resilience is built in the face of challenges. 💠Mastery comes from learning through mistakes. 💠Clarity often emerges from periods of confusion. For a long time, I believed that success was all about moving forward, no matter what. But I’ve come to realise something important - Growth is messy 🤗. It’s all about embracing the uncertainties, learning from setbacks, and evolving through the struggles. 👉Here’s my truth - your journey isn’t defined by how quickly you progress, it’s about how you adapt, persist, and grow with every twist and turn. That's why the world needs more..... 🛟people who see challenges as opportunities for growth, not just hurdles, 🛟leaders who understand the value of lessons learnt during difficult times, 🛟and individuals who are brave enough to step out of their comfort zones. So, don't hesitate to embrace your journey - however winding it may be - and trust that growth will follow. Over to you🫵🎤🤗: How has your journey shaped who you are today? I’d love to hear your story in the comments below 👇 #lifeisajourney #growth #resilience #mastery

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    Today we finish the Brant Pinvidic's "The 3-Minute Rule" and dive into the final, crucial step: the Inverse Pyramid🙃. After the WHAC formula and the Tell, Show, Tell method we continued to transform the way we pitch Return2Career using this third strategy, which ensures your most important points are delivered right from the start, capturing your audience’s attention instantly. A time when this approach truly made a difference was when I was gearing up for a presentation to a group of C-suite executives - leaders who value precision and efficiency above all else. I knew I had to make an impact fast, without the luxury of a gradual build-up. That’s when the Inverse Pyramid strategy became my go-to and here’s how I crafted my pitch: 📍Top - I opened with the most critical takeaway: “Return2Career increases talent retention by up to 90% among returning parental leavers, directly enhancing your bottom line.” This statement immediately highlighted the value we bring to the table. 📍Middle - with their attention now locked in, I provided supporting details: “We accomplish this by designing tailored re-entry programmes that integrate seamlessly into your existing HR strategy. These programmes not only retain talent but also elevate your employer brand and contribute to a more inclusive workplace.” 📍Bottom - to wrap it up, I covered additional benefits and logistics: “Our approach is flexible and scalable, suitable for organisations of all sizes, and has been successfully implemented across various industries. Plus, we offer comprehensive support throughout the process, ensuring a smooth and effective rollout.” The Inverse Pyramid is about leading with strength - this method ensured that even if the executives only gave me their full attention for the first minute (a reality we’ve all faced), they still walked away with the key message. And for those who stayed engaged, they gained a deeper understanding of how we could directly benefit their organisation. 🤗This post wraps up our series on the THREE STEPS of "The 3-Minute Rule." I hope this journey has inspired you to rethink how you communicate your ideas, ensuring your message is both impactful and memorable. 📍If you’re ready to transform your organisation’s talent management strategy, let’s connect! I’d love to discuss how Return2Career can make a difference in your company. 🎤🤗 How do you 🫵 prioritise your key points when you have limited time? Share your tips and experiences below 👇—let’s learn from each other! #CommunicationSkills #3MinuteRule #EffectiveMessaging #Return2Career

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    Voir le profil de Esther Celosse, visuel

    Career Re-entry Strategy Expert | Return2Career | Career Advancement Expert | Professor of Management MBA | Leadership Mentor | Trainer | B-Corp B Leader | Keynote & Tedx Speaker

    😊We’ve reached the culmination of our 8-Step Journey toward fostering Psychological Safety within our teams. As we wrap up, let’s take a moment to reflect on why this concept is so vital and review the actionable steps we’ve covered. Why is Psychological Safety Important? Research consistently shows that teams with high psychological safety are more innovative, resilient, and effective. It empowers team members to take risks, express ideas, and admit mistakes without fear of negative consequences. 👉However, psychological safety is a shared phenomenon, something that cannot be demanded, only earned. As leaders, creating a ‘speaking up’ culture requires dedication and ongoing effort. Let's review our 8-Step Journey: Step 1: Assess Psychological Safety Begin by evaluating the level of psychological safety in your team with a simple survey. This assessment helps you understand how safe your team members feel and highlights areas that need improvement. Step 2: Discuss the results Host a dedicated meeting to discuss the survey results and the opportunity for your team to express emotions and set expectations. Share results transparently without singling out individuals, and encourage open discussion. Collaboratively decide on actionable steps for improvement, and make a commitment to continuous growth. Steps 3-7: Implement the SAFE Model This model provides a structured approach to build a supportive and innovative team culture, and enhances your own development as a leader: ✨Set the Example - seek feedback, acknowledge mistakes, and value others’ opinions. ✨Atmosphere of Safety - discuss free from interruptions and judgment, encourage creativity. ✨Foster Active Listening - acknowledge contributions, invite everyone's participation. ✨Emphasize Development - enable continuous learning, provide constructive feedback and support your team’s growth. Step 8: Bring it all together - the Action Plan Now it’s time to integrate everything we’ve learned into a comprehensive action plan. ✨Use the insights from your assessments and discussions to craft a plan to address your team’s specific needs. As a leader, initiate the plan, but ensure it is shared and owned by the entire team. ✨Establish clear commitments from everyone to support this plan, and make a collective promise to revisit it regularly, assess progress, and make necessary adjustments. 👉Remember, psychological safety is not a one-time effort but a continuous journey. 🔍 What’s Next? I’d love to hear about your experiences 🫵🎤! How have you implemented psychological safety in your teams? Share your stories and insights in the comments below 👇or feel free to reach out directly. Thank you 🫶 for joining me on this journey to enhance psychological safety and let’s continue this important conversation🙋♀️. Revisit the earlier posts on my profile for details on all the Steps. #Leadership #Teamwork #PsychologicalSafety #SAFEModel #WorkplaceCulture #ContinuousImprovement

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    🍀Last week, we explored the first step of Brant Pinvidic's "The 3-Minute Rule", how the WHAC formula helped me effectively present Return2Career to a busy HR Director. Today, let’s dive into the SECOND STEP: Tell, Show, Tell — a technique that solidifies your message and makes it stick. Let me take you back to that pivotal moment in our journey.... After nailing the WHAC formula with that HR Director, I realised I needed to do more than just explain our services - I had to make them tangible and paint a picture that would resonate, something they could see and feel. 🤗That’s where the Tell, Show, Tell method came into play. Here’s how it worked for me: 1️⃣ Tell - I began by telling them what I was about to share: “I want to show you how Return2Career can dramatically improve your talent retention.” 2️⃣ Show - then, I brought it to life by sharing a case study from one of our clients, a major corporation that had struggled with high turnover rates among returning parental leavers. Through our programme, they retained 90% of these employees, far exceeding their expectations. I showed graphs and testimonials to make the success story real. 3️⃣ Tell - finally, I reiterated the impact: “As you can see, our approach not only keeps valuable employees on board but also enhances overall employee satisfaction and contributes to a more inclusive workplace.” This technique helped me transform what could have been just another pitch into a compelling narrative. The HR Director not only heard about our success—they saw it, and by the time I finished, they could envision similar results in their own organisation. The Tell, Show, Tell method is incredibly powerful 👍because it engages your audience on multiple levels. It’s about showing them the proof and then reinforcing the message to make it unforgettable. Next week, I’ll cover the FINAL STEP in the 3-Minute Rule, where we’ll talk about structuring your information to ensure your key points are always front and centre. Over to you🙋♀️🫵🎤: Have you ever used a story or example to make your message more impactful? I’d love to hear how it went! #CommunicationSkills #3MinuteRule #EffectiveMessaging #Return2Career

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    When I founded Return2Career, it wasn’t just a professional mission—it was personal. Having taken career breaks myself, I experienced firsthand the struggles of finding footing back in the workplace. The irony? Despite years of experience, I often felt like an imposter, battling self-doubt and questioning my worth. That’s when I realised: if I was feeling this, how many others were too? Highly skilled professionals, sidelined by a system that sees a career break as a step back rather than a strategic pause. I decided to flip the script. Return2Career was born out of a desire to change the narrative—not just for me, but for every returner out there. Our mission? To make atypical career paths not just accepted, but celebrated.❤️ Today, we partner with forward-thinking employers who understand that the talent pool of returners is not just untapped—it's overflowing with potential. By embracing career re-entry programmes, these companies are not just filling roles; they’re bridging the talent gap, fostering gender equality, and leading the way in inclusive hiring. If you've ever taken a career break, or know someone who has, remember this: your value isn’t diminished by time away. It’s enhanced by the experiences you've gained and the resilience you’ve built. And at Return2Career, we’re here to make sure the world sees it too.🫶 #CareerBreak #ReturnToWork #InclusiveHiring #DiversityandInclusion #Return2Career #BridgingTheTalentGap

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    Voir le profil de Esther Celosse, visuel

    Career Re-entry Strategy Expert | Return2Career | Career Advancement Expert | Professor of Management MBA | Leadership Mentor | Trainer | B-Corp B Leader | Keynote & Tedx Speaker

    As we continue the series on how to establish, foster and maintain Psychological Safety, we’ve reached the final component of the SAFE model the "E" for Emphasise Development. Fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth is essential for maintaining Psychological Safety and here’s how you can emphasise development effectively within your team: 🌟 Step 7 - SAFE model - Emphasise Development 🌟 1️⃣ Promote learning Example - encourage team members to take on new challenges and learn from their experiences. For instance, “John, how about leading this new project? It’s a great opportunity to develop your skills.” Tip - provide access to resources such as training programmes, workshops, and mentorship opportunities. 2️⃣ Provide constructive feedback Example - when giving feedback, focus on specific behaviours and their impact rather than personal attributes. For instance, “I noticed that in the last meeting, you interrupted a few times. It’s important to let others finish their thoughts to foster better discussions.” Tip - Use "feedforward" addressing areas for improvement, and ending with encouragement without mentioning past behaviour if you have no own observation of this behaviour. 3️⃣ Highlight lessons learned Example - share your own learning experiences and celebrate team members’ growth. For instance, “I’ve been working on my presentation skills and I’ve found that practicing in front of a mirror really helps. What new techniques have you all discovered?” Tip - create a “learning board” where team members can post lessons learned from recent projects. 4️⃣ Encourage solution thinking Example - when team members share their mistakes, respond with curiosity and support. For instance, “What did you learn from this experience? How can we apply these lessons moving forward?” Tip - encourage a growth mindset by framing challenges as opportunities for development. By emphasising development, you create a supportive environment where continuous learning is valued and mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth. This not only enhances individual performance but also strengthens the entire team. This concludes our deep dive into the "SAFE model". Next week we discuss the last step and how to consolidate the full approach. Let's hear from you 🙋♀️🫵🎤: How do you emphasise development in your team? Share your experiences and tips below!👇 #Leadership #Teamwork #PsychologicalSafety #SAFEModel #WorkplaceCulture #ContinuousImprovement

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