تطوير برامج مخصصة لأنظمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات

Casablanca، Casablanca ٢٬٣٧٢ متابع

Computer software company

نبذة عنا

We are a young Moroccan IT start-Up based in Casablanca. Created by Tarik El Bannany a software engineer. The mean goal of XFantome is to give a pushup to the digitalisation of the services in Morocco/Africa. Technologies : Blockchaine, Java, Spring, spring boot, android, react-native, nodeJs, jenkins, Artificial Inteligence, bigData, docker, kubernities, UI/UX, perl, debian/ubuntu/centOs, xamarin, ...... Agility, devOps, B-U-G ....

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
تطوير برامج مخصصة لأنظمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات
حجم الشركة
٢ - ١٠ موظفين
المقر الرئيسي
Casablanca, Casablanca
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص
تم التأسيس
Blockchaine، java، Spring/Spring boot، android، devOps، agility، B-U-G، Artifitial-Inteligence، nodeJs، react-native، reactJs، angular، و UI/UX

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في XFANTOME


  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    Discover how AI is revolutionizing graphic design in 2024 and beyond. #AI #Creativity #DesignGraphique 1️⃣ Automatic visual content generation: Thanks to AI, graphic designers can now use advanced algorithms to automatically generate unique and impactful visuals. Whether illustrations, logos or artistic compositions, AI offers endless new possibilities. #Automatics #VisualCreation 2️⃣ Creative Support: AI-powered tools help graphic designers by providing intelligent suggestions and contextual recommendations. These assistive features increase productivity and stimulate creativity, offering new ideas and perspectives. #CreativeAssistance #Productivity 3️⃣ Image recognition and visual search: AI allows graphic designers to quickly find inspiration and discover new visual elements. Thanks to image recognition and visual search, it is easier than ever to find relevant references, color palettes and graphic compositions. #VisualResearch #Inspiration 4️⃣ Dynamic customization: The AI allows you to create custom graphic designs based on user preferences and behaviors. Whether for targeted advertising, marketing campaigns or adaptive user interfaces, AI offers dynamic personalization that enhances the user experience. #Personalization #ExperienceUser 🚀 AI opens exciting new perspectives in graphic design, pushing the boundaries of creativity and allowing designers to express themselves #TechnologyInnovation #CreativeDesigns https://lnkd.in/efVv4qfD

    L’IA et la Créativité : Les Nouvelles Frontières du Design Graphique en 2024

    L’IA et la Créativité : Les Nouvelles Frontières du Design Graphique en 2024


  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    🚀📈 Passionate about Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence. 💡✨ 🔹🌐 In 2024, Digital Marketing is more than just a strategy, it is an immersive experience that pushes the limits of creativity and personalization. Advances in Artificial Intelligence have opened new perspectives and transformed the way businesses interact with their audience. #MarketingDigital #AI 🔹💼 With AI, we are now able to predict consumer needs and behaviours with incredible accuracy, allowing us to create tailored campaigns and deliver unique experiences. #Personalization #DataDriven 🔹📊 Data is the key to success in Digital Marketing in 2024. Thanks to AI, we are able to collect, analyze and exploit massive amounts of data in real time, which allows us to make informed strategic decisions and optimize our campaigns in real time. #BigData #PracticalAnalysis 🔹🌍 AI has also revolutionized online advertising. Intelligent algorithms identify the best advertising channels, target the most relevant audiences and optimize bids in real time to maximize return on investment. #PublicityProgrammatic #Optimization #MarketingDigital2024 #RévolutionIA #IAetMarketing #DataDrivenMarketing https://lnkd.in/gpFJCp_p

    Le Marketing Digital en 2024 : Une Révolution Guidée par l’Intelligence Artificielle

    Le Marketing Digital en 2024 : Une Révolution Guidée par l’Intelligence Artificielle


  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    💬🚀💡 Conversational marketing is a game changer by turning conversations into valuable opportunities for your business. Discover how this revolutionary approach enables you to engage your audience, strengthen your customer relationship and generate exceptional results. 🔥🔍🔝 🔹 Conversational marketing is about using communication channels such as live chats, chatbots, and social networks to interact directly with your audience. By creating personalized and engaging conversations, you can stimulate interest, answer questions and guide your prospects throughout their buying journey. ✨💬📈 🔹 Start by understanding your audience and their needs. Use demographic, behavioral and transactional data to segment your audience and create relevant messages for each group. Then use conversational marketing tools to establish authentic connections and create conversion opportunities. 🎯👥💻 🔹 Track and analyze conversations in real time to adjust your strategy and maximize conversion opportunities. Identify patterns and trends from interactions with your audience to continuously improve your conversational approach. Also make sure to leave the door open to human conversations, redirecting chats to your team when necessary. 📊🔄🔍 💡 Conversational marketing offers a powerful way to build lasting relationships with your prospects and customers. By establishing personalized and engaging conversations, you can turn every interaction into a valuable opportunity for your business. Be prepared to embrace this new way of speaking and creating meaningful connections. 😊💬🚀 #ConversationMarketing #ClientEngagement #Automation #QualificationDesLeads #ConversationAnalysis https://lnkd.in/eaMUYmkv

    Le Marketing Conversationnel : Transformer les Conversations en Opportunités

    Le Marketing Conversationnel : Transformer les Conversations en Opportunités


  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    💡📊 User data is key to understanding your audience and personalizing your marketing strategies. Learn how to build a user data marketing strategy to deliver exceptional customer experience and breakthrough results. 🚀🔍🎯 🔹 The user data marketing strategy consists of collecting, analyzing and exploiting user data to get to know them better and offer them a personalized experience. By understanding your users' preferences, behaviors, and needs, you can create targeted campaigns, improve the relevance of your messages, and increase conversion rates. 📈📊👥 🔹 Start by collecting user data from different sources such as registration forms, social media interactions, and purchase histories. Use advanced analytics tools to segment your audience based on relevant criteria. 🔍💻📱 🔹 Use this data to personalize your campaigns and deliver an exceptional customer experience. Tailor your messages to the specific preferences and interests of each user segment, and create tailored offers to maximize engagement and conversions. . 🎯✨🙌 #XFANTOME #DataMarketingUser #Personalization #ClientExperience #Segmentation #DataAnalysis #ContinueInfluency #ClientSatisfaction #ClientClient

  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    📊💡🌐 Data is the engine of modern marketing. Learn how to develop a data-driven marketing strategy to make informed decisions, effectively target your audience and gain a competitive edge in the market. 🚀🔍💪 🔹 The data marketing strategy consists of collecting, analyzing and interpreting relevant data to understand consumer behavior, measure the effectiveness of your marketing actions and optimize your return on investment. By leveraging this valuable information, you can optimize your campaigns, segment your audience and personalize your message for better results. 📈📊🎯 🔹 Start by clearly defining your goals and the KPIs (KPIs) you want to measure. Then collect relevant data from various sources such as social media, emails, websites and mobile apps. Use advanced analytics tools to interpret this data and extract strategic insights. 🔍📈💻 🔹 Use data to better understand your target audience, their preferences and needs. Segment your audience based on these characteristics and create personalized campaigns based on targeted messages and relevant offers. Also use remarketing techniques to catch the attention of prospects who have already shown interest in your brand. 🎯✨🔝 💡 A well thought out data marketing strategy can help you make more informed decisions, optimize your marketing investments and gain a significant competitive advantage. 🚀📈🌟 #XFANTOME #MarketingDeDonnées #SegmentationDel'Audience #Personalization #Remarketing #OptimisationDesCampagnes #AnalyseDesDonnées #PriseDeécisionÉclairée #AvantageConcurrentiel

  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    📲✅💰 Mobile conversion is the key to success in today’s digital world. Learn how to build an effective mobile conversion marketing strategy to optimize your conversion rate and boost your online business. 💪💡💻 🔹 Mobile conversion marketing strategy aims to maximize conversions and sales from mobile traffic on your website or app. By understanding mobile user behaviors and preferences, you can create a seamless and compelling user experience that encourages conversions. 📱🚀🌍 🔹 Start by optimizing your website or app for mobile devices by using a responsive design and making sure your content is easy to read and navigate small screens. Use clear and visible call-to-action to guide visitors to the conversion goal, and simplify the checkout process to reduce friction and cart abandonment. 💻💳👍 🔹 Use personalization techniques to provide an individualized mobile user experience. Segment your audience based on their behaviors and preferences, and tailor your content and offerings accordingly. Also use remarketing campaigns to target mobile visitors who have shown interest but haven’t converted yet. 🎯✨📈 💡 A well-executed mobile conversion marketing strategy can significantly increase your revenue and profitability. Monitor analytics, test and iterate your efforts, and keep tailoring your strategy to the trends and behavior of your mobile users. 📊📈🌟 #XFANTOME #ConversionMobile #ExperienceUser #OptimisationMobile #Personalization #Remarketing #Profitability #DataAnalysis #StrategyAdaptation

  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    🌐📅💻 Online events have become indispensable to maintain engagement and connect professionals in the virtual world. Learn how to develop an impactful online event marketing strategy to maximize the reach of your event and provide an immersive experience for your attendees. 🚀💡🔝 🔹 The online event marketing strategy encompasses all aspects of promotion and communication around your virtual event. Using the right promotion tools, targeting the right audiences and creating engaging content is essential to effectively attract your target audience. 🎯📣🌍 🔹 Use social media, newsletters and digital ads to promote your event to your target audience. Create engaging content, such as video teasers or online conferences, to generate interest and registration. Also make sure to offer an immersive and interactive experience during the event with live chat sessions, chats and real-time polls. 🎥✨💬 💡 A well-developed online event marketing strategy can not only generate more registrations, but also create a real community around your event. Monitor analytics to understand what works and what needs improvement, and use this information to plan your future online events. 📊📈🌟 #XFANTOME #MarketingdEvents #EventEnLigne #PromotionDigitale #ContenuEngageant #ExpérienceImmersive #CommunautéVirtuelle #AnalyseDesDonnées #PlanificationStratégique

  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    🔊🔍💥 Voice search is booming and transforming the way users interact with technology. Learn how to leverage the power of voice search to improve your online presence and reach new heights with an innovative marketing strategy. ✨💡💻 🔹 The voice search marketing strategy is to optimize your online presence to meet user demands made by voice. With the advent of voice assistants and smartphones, it’s crucial to understand your audience’s new search habits and adapt your content accordingly. 📱🔝🌍 🔹 Identify keywords and commonly used questions in voice queries and create relevant content that responds to those requests. Structure your content to provide clear and concise answers and make sure your website is optimized for voice searches, including using structured tags and making your site mobile-friendly. 💻📲✅ 💡 A well-executed voice search marketing strategy can increase your online visibility, strengthen your authority and improve the user experience. Monitor trends and performance of your strategy, adjust accordingly and continue to provide accurate and useful answers to your users. 📊🔍🌟 #XFANTOME #RechercheVocale #StratégieMarketing #ContenuOptimisé #RéponsesRelevante #ExpérienceUtilisateur #OptimisationWeb #VisibilitéEnLigne #AnalyseDePerformance

  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    🎥💥📈 Online videos have become an essential tool to attract attention, engage your audience and promote your business. Learn how to build an effective online video marketing strategy to boost your online presence and achieve your business goals. ✨📣💼 🔹 Online video marketing strategy is about creating and delivering compelling videos that capture the attention of your audience and effectively convey your message. Whether it’s explanatory videos, customer testimonials or interviews, videos are a powerful way to communicate with your audience. 📹🔝🔥 🔹 Identify your target audience and understand the platforms they consume video content on. Create quality and engaging content, using compelling scenarios, engaging visuals and good editing. Optimize your video with relevant keywords to improve its visibility and make sure it is adapted to different devices and distribution channels. 🎯👁️🗨️💪 💡 A well executed online video marketing strategy can increase your visibility, strengthen your brand and boost your sales. Analyze the performance of your videos, adjust your strategy accordingly and continue to create compelling video content that resonates with your audience. 📊🚀🎬 #XFANTOME #MarketingDeVidéoEnLigne #StratégieMarketing #VidéoCaptivante #EngagementDeL'Audience #OptimisationDesVidéos #VisibilitéEnLigne #AméliorerVotreMarque #AnalyseDePerformance

  • عرض صفحة منظمة XFANTOME، رسم بياني

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    📖🤩📈 Storytelling is a powerful tool to bring your brand to life and engage your audience. Learn how to build an effective storytelling marketing strategy for your business and tell a unique and compelling story. ✨🔥📣 🔹 Storytelling marketing strategy is about using stories to make sense of your brand and make emotional connections with your audience. Whether through videos, blog posts or advertising campaigns, storytelling can help your business stand out from the competition and connect with your audience. 🎥📝💡 🔹 Identify your company’s values and mission, and create a coherent and authentic story that reflects these key elements. Use memorable characters and compelling scenarios to create a story that will captivate your audience and get them to act. 🌟🧑🤝🧑🎭 💡 A well-designed storytelling marketing strategy can help your business connect with your audience, strengthen your brand and improve your brand image. Analyze the performance of your storytelling campaign, adjust your strategy accordingly and continue to tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience. 📊🚀🎬 #XFANTOME #Storytelling #StrategyMarketing #Brand #ConnectingEmotional #CampagnePublicative #RenforcerVotreMarque #ImageDeMarque #AnalyseDePerformance

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