Manage clutter

With CleanMy®Phone, you can quickly free up space on your device by removing all kinds of clutter, including duplicates, blurred photos, and screenshots.

  1. Tap Declutter, then tap Scan.

    Scanning may take a while, especially if you have lots of photos on your device.

    Scanning for clutter
  2. After scanning is complete, review the contents of the clutter categories found:

    1. Tap a category to open it.

    2. Browse through the photos within the category and deselect those you want to keep.

    3. If you need to take a closer look at a specific photo, tap the photo to open it full screen.

      In the full-screen view, you can enhance the photo slightly, add it to an album or favorites, view its metadata, share it with someone, or save it to the Sensitive folder so that the app ignores the file in future scans.

      Photo actions | Metadata Photo actions | Enhance, add to album, add to Favorites
    4. Once you finish reviewing:

      • Tap Clean, then tap Delete to remove the selected items in the currently viewed category; or

      • Tap the Close button to go back to the scan results, and continue with other categories.

      • Declutter scan results
    5. Repeat these steps for all categories.

      Or, if you want to skip some of the categories entirely, deselect them.

  3. After reviewing the contents of all categories, tap Clean, then tap Delete to confirm your choice.

Now, see the results and how much space you've freed up.

Declutter clean results
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