Digital Culture

Nobody Is Making You Order Toxic Novelty Food Off the Internet

Between TikTok’s ‘Pink Sauce’ drama and Daily Harvest's poisonous lentils, maybe it’s best to stick to the supermarket

Hell Yeah I’d Live in Gotham City for the Cheap Rent

Demented villains running amok won’t bother me in my luxurious three-bedroom apartment

The Guys Tracking the Absurdly Short Private Flights of the Rich and Famous

Kylie Jenner went viral recently for going on a three-minute private jet ride, but she’s not the only one — Floyd Mayweather, Steven Spielberg and many others are guilty of expelling tons and tons of carbon emissions in the air, all in the name of convenient travel (sans the poors)

TikTok Is Big on Natural Birth Control. What Could Go Wrong?

As Americans lose abortion access, influencers are hyping contraceptive methods that fall well short of foolproof
