Money Pit: The Utter Lunacy Of Oak Island
Read Video TranscriptEver since its reported Discovery at the
end of the 18th century successive
generations of treasure Hunters have
been obsessed with The Money Pit best
described as a giant hole in the ground
at Oak Island located a ston throw
southeast of Canada's Nova scotian
Coastline accounts differ as to how the
pit came into being some say it was
first dug by teenagers others that a
settler broke ground after looking for
the ideal place to start a farm but
either way it's generally agreed that
the discoverer noticed a disturbed patch
of Earth and a marker hinting that
something important had been buried
there over the following more than two
centuries successive individuals as well
as organized groups and companies have
tried to dig up the assumed treasure all
while the mythology of what that
treasure might be has inflated out of
all comprehension could it be the
plundered Riches of a famous pirate like
Captain kid one storyline claims that a
dying Soldier formerly of kids crew
gasped that2 Million worth of of booty a
third of a billion in today's money was
buried there or maybe it's a sacred
Relic such as the Holy Grail or the Ark
of the Covenant perhaps hidden by the
knight's Templar for safekeeping during
their downfall in the 14th century they
were accomplished seafarers who were at
times active in the region according to
other theories it could have been Mar
Antoinette's lost jewelry British Naval
loot Masonic Secrets or even proofs that
the Elizabeth and polymath Francis Bacon
not William Shakespeare wrote all those
famous plays and poems over the years
such tantalizing possibilities have Peak
the interest of famous names including
Franklin D Roosevelt William Aster John
Wayne and King George II with many
personally investing large sums into
projects the
pit pivotal to The Money Pit Legend is
the notion that the hole was dug by
people and is not a naturally occurring
geological anomaly early accounts
attributed to Daniel mcginness the man
accredited with finding the pit describe
the surface Earth as loose and as he and
his friends dug down the discovery of
pck marks on the pit wall walls and Oak
platforms laid every 3 m encouraged by
what they found the men managed to poke
and scrape to about 9 M below ground
level but eventually abandoned their
efforts either owing to superstitious
dread or because they couldn't
physically go any further depending on
who you believe soon after with rumors
spreading the Dig is said to have been
restarted by a group called The enlo
Company who managed to excavate the pit
to around 27 M discovering out ofpl
material including coconut fibers as
well as more log layers the team hit a
major setback when the shaft
mysteriously flooded although perhaps
not that mysteriously given that Oak
Island is small and the pit is located
near the sea they abandoned the Dig when
a second hole dug adjacent to the first
in an attempt to reclaim the treasure
from below also flooded investors formed
a new company which excavated Oak Island
between 1849 and 1851 discovering a
flood tunnel system at Smith's Cove near
the dig site they tried and failed to
plug the system and dug two new holes 33
M and 36 M respectively with Branch
tunnels aimed at intersecting the
treasure this eventually caused the
original tunnel to collapse into the new
tunnels causing whatever was buried
there to fall further into the void and
that was that 10 years later in 1861 the
newly created Oak Island Association
re-excavated The Money Pit and created a
series of new holes which all promptly
filled with water attempts to pump the
water failed as did efforts to plug the
flood system at Smith's Cove successive
further attempts began in 1866 1897 190
9 1928 1959 and 1967 all failed to find
much more than the litter debris from
previous Expeditions the last of these
groups called the Triton Alliance
managed to mine all the way down to
bedrock a full 72 M or 235 ft below the
surface into this hole the team lowered
cameras revealing grainy footage what
they claimed to be chests human remains
and various tools the shaft collapsed
before any of this could be retrieved
while a later inspection of the film by
experts was inconclusive and the the
discovery Remains
unverified The
Stone today the only evidence that the
original Money Pit was man-made is
witness testimony from hundreds of years
ago and the booby trap flood system
which could be the result of natural
water-filled cavities caused when
limestone Rock dissolves almost all of
the major discoveries that hint at human
design including the oak beams and
coconut fibers happened before
excavations started being properly
documented in the mid 19th century these
early Endeavors are replete with rumor
and hearsay typified by the original
claim of Buried Treasure by the dying
pirate the same can be said for the most
mysterious object to have been retrieved
from The Money Pit a newspaper report
circulated in the summer of 1862
described a stone tablet with mysterious
markings found buried 90 ft below the
surface the report was by someone called
JB McCully who was not present when the
stone was found but claimed to be
retelling testimony from someone
attending one of the early 1800s
excavations mcui described the stone as
a foot thick and 2 ft long with
characters etched into it as with every
bit of information related to the
mystery people turn this single crumb
into an entire Bakery the main Theory
Arc cobbled from several different
writers is that the tablet was built
into the chimney of an old house near
the pit where it could have been viewed
but the inscription was never decoded it
was later removed and taken to the
nearby city of Halifax where someone
translated the symbols to mean 40 ft
below are 2 million pound buried in 1911
the stone reportedly turned up in
kraton's book binder in Halifax but the
chiseled inscription had disappeared a
decade later it was spotted in a book
shop before Vanishing forever the
symbols were lost too only to reappear
in 1949 conveniently spelling out the
big money promise in an easy to crack
sequence the cipher so The Story Goes
had fallen into the hands of a historian
via a colleague who claimed to have
received it from a school teacher long
dead the treasure none of this obvious
tripe has prevented successive group
spending millions of dollars turning Oak
Island into swiss cheese to the extent
that the location of the original Money
Pit can no longer be pinpointed not to
mention the great personal risk that is
taken on by excavators and surface
workers in their bid to find the lost
treasure so far the pits claimed six
lives in 1861 a man died when a pump
engine boiler exploded in 1897 another
fell to his death and most tragically of
all during the 1961 project four men
were overcome by hydrogen sulfide fumes
including a father and his son all of
which begs the question is it worth it
which begs the answer no in the entire
history of The Money Pit no notable
treasure has ever been found despite the
near permanent presence of treasure
hunters for the last 200 years most
recently the search has intensified with
the 2014 launch of a TV show called The
Curse of Oak Island so far this has run
for 10 seasons and 187 episodes yet the
finds have been small including a coin a
piece of material and a hinge and while
other more impressive finds have
included a sword a brooch and a
manuscript some observers argue that all
that can be verified may have been
planted the obvious problem for the show
is that Oak Island has been turned
upside down and inside out yet treasure
is most often found by accident on or
near ground level and that the Oak
Island discoveries pale compared to real
life treasure finds England's Stafford
Shear horde for example consisted of
more than 5 kilos of gold and 3,500
pieces of anglo-saxon jewelry worth 5
Mill million pound yet it was found in a
plowed field by a gizer with a metal
detector or The hawen Horde the largest
Roman gold and silver Discovery in
Britain found by two men looking in the
mud for a lost hammer or The kurale
Horde containing more than 8,600 pieces
including Viking coins jewelry and
silver ingots from the 10th Century
found by workmen repairing the
embankment of a river even religious
relics aren't often that well hidden the
churin Shroud has been passed around
various Guardians for centuries while
the Dead Sea scrub SS were found in a
cave and the nagham library was
Unearthed in a desert graveyard why
would the Oak Island Treasure be so much
harder to fine than these why would
riches be so well protected that the
most sophisticated and well- financed
excavation attempts can't get at it let
alone a knackered returning pirate with
only a wooden leg and a parrot to dig
with the reality is that almost
certainly nothing lies under Oak Island
but mud and rock people won't
countenance that probability though
because there's money in mythology where
there's a legend there a tourist and
where there's a mystery there's a
10-part TV franchise in Oakland's case
the real treasure is handed over to the
area's Hospitality businesses by paying
customers or to the History Channel by
advertisers wanting access to millions
of TV viewers but buried riches I can't
see it can
you let me know what you think in the
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fascinating documentaries if it's hidden
treasure after check out my video on the
Lost D Vinci Masterpiece or if mystery
is your thing take a look at my attempt
to answer the question where is
everybody until next time thank you for
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