PMI Mongolia Chapter

PMI Mongolia Chapter

Professional Training and Coaching

#TheProjectEconomy #PMIMC #PMI

About us

Project Management Institute is the world's leading not-for-profit professional membership association for the project,program and portfolio management profession. Founded in 1969, PMI delivers value for more than 2.9 million professionals working in nearly every country in the world through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research. PMI advances careers, improves organizational success and further matures the profession of project management through its globally recognized standards, certifications, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses, and networking opportunities. As part of the PMI family, PMI Mongolia Chapter was founded by a group of volunteers to support the project management practitioners based in Mongolia.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
201-500 employees
Membership, Training and Events,, Project Management Standards, Academic Research and Accreditations, Professional Certifications, and PMBOK


Employees at PMI Mongolia Chapter


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    Төслийн удирдлагын хөгжил: Маргаашийн амжилтын түүхийг бүтээх нь” арга хэмжээний онцлох илтгэгч нараас цувралаар танилцуулж байна. 🎉🚀 Онцлох panelist: Цэвээнбаярын Мөнхтуяа Тэрээр менежмент болон бизнесийн шилжилтийн зөвлөх чиглэлээр 15 гаруй жил ажилласан туршлагатай бөгөөд өөрчлөлт, системийн шинжээч мэргэжлээрээ Accenture, Deloitte, Монголын төрийн байгууллагуудтай амжилттай хамтран ажиллаж ирсэн. Тэрээр тогтолцооны шинжилгээ, бизнесийн шинжилгээ, өөрчлөлтийн менежментийн чиглэлээр гүнзгий мэдлэг, ур чадвартай. Олон улсын томоохон төслүүд, тухайлбал, НҮБ-ын Хөгжлийн хөтөлбөр, Азийн Сан, АХБ, USAID, AusAid, Дэлхийн байгаль хамгаалах сангийн төслүүдэд зөвлөхөөр ажиллаж, үнэ цэнтэй хувь нэмэр оруулсан туршлагатай. ✅ Тасалбар захиалах бол: ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024 ✅ Хаана: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅ Илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: Please get acquainted with #Spotlight_Speakers of the International Conference 2024 “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories", packed with insightful sessions, expert speakers, and networking opportunities. Panelist: Munkhtuya Tseveenbayar Munkhtuya Tseveenbayar is a highly skilled Transformation and System Analyst with over 15 years of experience in Management and Business Transformation Consulting, working with leading organizations like Accenture, Deloitte, and Mongolian governmental entities. She specializes in System Analysis, Business Analysis, and Change Management, with significant contributions to international projects with UNDP, ADB, USAID, and WWF. Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Strategic Transformation, Munkhtuya is also a faculty member at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, teaching Digital Transformatation, Project Management and related subjects. ✅Please order your tickets through: ✅When: 12 October 2024 ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualInternationalConference2024 #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories #10thAnniversary #ProjectManagement #ProjectManagementProfessional

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    Төслийн удирдлагын хөгжил: Маргаашийн амжилтын түүхийг бүтээх нь” арга хэмжээний онцлох илтгэгч нараас цувралаар танилцуулж байна. 🎉🚀 Онцлох panelist: Проф. Др. Келвин Ван, PMP (Kelvin Wan) Профессор Келвин Ван бол IT/IS салбарт мэргэжлийн мастер-сургагч багш, coach юм. Тэрээр сүүлийн 25 жилийн хугацаанд АНУ, Их Британи, Ойрхи Дорнод, Ази Номхон далайн бүс нутгаас ирсэн 19,000 гаруй удирдах албан тушаалтнуудад шууд сургалт, coach хийсэн туршлагатай. ✅ Тасалбар захиалах бол: ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024 ✅ Хаана: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅ Илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: Please get acquainted with hashtag #Spotlight_Speakers of the International Conference 2024 “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories", packed with insightful sessions, expert speakers, and networking opportunities. Panelist: Prof. Dr. Kelvin WAN, PMP Prof. Wan is a professional master-trainer and coach in IT/IS field. He has been providing live training and coaching services to more than 19,000 executives in last 25 years coming from US, UK, Middle East, Asia Pacific regions and. The average working experience of learners is 15 years. Prof. Wan possesses a growth mindset. He demonstrated the continuous learning attitude of graduate that he set a very good example in front of our project professionals. He is the youngest Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) and graduate in the history of CityU (City University of Hong Kong, Global Top 50 university (QS2021 Ranking)). ✅Please order your tickets through: ✅When: 12 October 2024 ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅For more information: hashtag #PMI hashtag #PMIMC hashtag #AnnualInternationalConference2024 hashtag #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories hashtag #10thAnniversary hashtag #ProjectManagement hashtag #BestProjectManager hashtag#ProjectManagementProfessional

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    Төслийн удирдлагын хөгжил: Маргаашийн амжилтын түүхийг бүтээх нь” арга хэмжээний онцлох илтгэгч нараас цувралаар танилцуулж байна. 🎉🚀 Онцлох илтгэгч: Пьер Ле Ман, PMP (Pierre Le Manh) Олон улсын төслийн удирдлагын институт (PMI®)-ын Ерөнхийлөгч бөгөөд Гүйцэтгэх захирлаар ажиллаж байгаа. Тэрээр олон улсын тэргүүлэгч компаниудад удирдах албан тушаал хашиж байсан туршлагатай. Түүний ажиллаж байсан төслүүдийн сонирхолтой түүхээс хуваалцвал 2004 онд 700 сая долларын орлоготой Ipsos-ийг голчлон Европт төвлөрсөн байгууллага байсныг 2021 он гэхэд 2.5 тэрбум долларын дэлхийн салбарт тэргүүлэгч компани болгон өөрчлөхөд чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн бөгөөд компанийг дэлхийн 90 улсад үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг 18,000 гаруй ажилтантай болгон өргөжүүлж, дараалан тэргүүлсэн юм. ✅ Тасалбар захиалах бол: ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024 ✅ Хаана: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅ Илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: Please get acquainted with #Spotlight_Speakers of the International Conference 2024 “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories", packed with insightful sessions, expert speakers, and networking opportunities. Pierre Le Manh has been serving as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Project Management Institute since September 2022. A global executive with a multicultural background and experience in leading companies across multiple knowledge industries, he has a proven track record of delivering results and guiding organizations through complex transformations and globalization. He is passionate about leading teams to innovate with purpose and to create new ways of disseminating specialized knowledge, upskilling, and education. ✅Please order your tickets through: ✅When: 12 October 2024 ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualInternationalConference2024 #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories #10thAnniversary #ProjectManagement #BestProjectManager #ProjectManagementProfessional

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    "Төслийн удирдлагын хөгжил: Маргаашийн амжилтын түүхийг бүтээх нь" арга хэмжээний онцлох илтгэгч нараас цувралаар танилцуулж байна. 🎉🚀 Энэ удаагийн онцлох илтгэгч: М.Түмэнцогт Олон улсын төслийн удирдлагын институт (PMI®) Монгол дахь салбарын ерөнхийлөгч, Монголын Бизнесийн Зөвлөлийн (МБЗ) ТУЗ-ийн дарга, Future Energy Mongolian Hydrogen Council (FEMHC) ТУЗ-ийн гишүүнээр ажиллаж байгаа. Энэ өдөр мэргэжлийн өсөлт хөгжил, дэлхийн түвшний мэдлэг, чиг хандлагаас суралцаад зогсохгүй мэргэжил, хүсэл сонирхол нэг олон олон хүмүүсээр хүрээллээ тэлэх болно. ✅ Тасалбар захиалах бол: ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024 ✅ Хаана: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅ Илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: Please get acquainted with #Spotlight_Speakers of the International Conference 2024 “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories", packed with insightful sessions, expert speakers, and networking opportunities. Mr.Tumentsogt (Tumen) Tsevegmid currently serves as the President of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Mongolia Chapter, Board Chairman of the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM), and Board Member of the Future Energy Mongolian Hydrogen Council (FEMHC). ✨ Keynote Addresses by industry leaders ✨ Interactive Panel Discussions on PM ✨ Hands-on Workshops to elevate your skills ✨ Networking Sessions to connect with like-minded professionals ✅Please order your tickets through: ✅When: 12 October 2024 ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualInternationalConference2024 #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories #10thAnniversary #ProjectManagement #BestProjectManager #ProjectManagementProfessional

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    CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW PMP®! 🎉Congratulations to PMI Mongolia Chapter’s member Ms. Oyun-Erdene Ganbat on earning the globally recognized (Project Management Professional) (PMP) ® Certification issued by the Project Management Institute.👏👏👏 Ms. Oyun-Erdene has experience of 10 years working in business planning and product development in the telecommunications and digital service sectors. She played a leading role in various small and large-scale product development projects. Currently, she manages the Business development and planning department at United Alliance LLC, overseeing the U-Point loyalty service. PMI Mongolia®Chapter congratulates Ms. Oyun-Erdene Ganbat and extends the warmest wishes for her continued success, good health, and happiness in all her future endeavors!🌟🎉🚀 ********************************************************************************* ШИНЭХЭН PMP®-Д БАЯР ХҮРГЭЕ! 🎉Олон улсын төслийн удирдлагын институт (PMI®)-ээс Мэргэшсэн төслийн удирдагч (Project Management Professional) PMP® зэргийн сертификатаа гардан авсан манай Чаптэрийн гишүүн Ганбатын Оюун-Эрдэнэдээ баяр хүргэе!👏👏👏 Г.Оюун-Эрдэнэ харилцаа холбоо, дижитал бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээ хөгжүүлэлтийн чиглэлээр ажилласан 10 жилийн туршлагатай бөгөөд бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээ хөгжүүлэх жижиг, том олон төслүүдэд удирдах чиг үүрэгтэйгээр ажиллажээ. Тэрээр одоо U-Point лояалти хөтөлбөрийг хэрэгжүүлэгч Юнайтэд Аллианс ХХК-д Бизнес хөгжил, төлөвлөлтийн газрын менежерээр ажиллаж байна. Г.Оюун-Эрдэнэдээ ПиЭмАй Монголиа Чаптэраас баяр хүргэж, ажил хөдөлмөр нь өндөр амжилт, амьдралд нь аз жаргал, эрүүл энх, сайн сайхныг хүсэн ерөөе!🌟🎉🚀 Дэлхийн түвшинд төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх чадвартайгаа нотолсон монгол залуусын тоо нэгээр нэмэгдлээ. #PMI #PMIMC #PMI_PMIMC_member #professionaldevelopment #ProjectManagementProfessional #PMP #PMPExamPrepBuddyProg #PMICertification!

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    Материал хүлээн авах хугацаа сунгагдлаа! 😱 📣THE BEST PROJECT OF THE YEAR 2024" хүсэлт хүлээн авах хугацаа 7 хоногоор сунгагдаж 9 сарын 17 хүртэл авахаар боллоо 📣 Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: ✅ Тасалбар худалдан авах бол: ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024 ✅ Байршил: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅ Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл: ------------------------------------ We’re extending the application deadline by an additional 7 days to give more time for submissions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity—submit your application before the new deadline! ✅For more information: ✅Please order your tickets through: ✅When: 12 October 2024 ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualConference2024 #EvolvingProjectManagement #ProjectManagement #ProjectManagers #ProjectManagementProfessionals #ProjectManagementTrendTopics

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    📣ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2024 "EvolvePM: SHAPING TOMORROW’S SUCCESS STORIES" онцлох илтгэгчдээс танилцуулж байна 📣 Дэлхийн томоохон төслийн удирдлагын мэргэжилтнүүд энэ өдөр өөрсдийн туршлагаас хуваалцах болно. Тэд юуны талаар ярих вэ? 📌Keynote speech I: Topic: Decade of Growth for Future of Excellence ✅Speaker: Tumentsogt Ts. President, PMIMC 📌Keynote speech II: Topic 1: PMI NEXT ✅Speaker: LuAnn Piccard PMP, Chair of Board of Directors, PMI Leadership in Project Management, inspiring teams and driving success Topic 2: Leadership in Project Management, inspiring teams and driving success ✅Speaker: Pierre Le Manh PMP, President and CEO of PMI 📌Panel Discussion II Topic: AI in project management ✅Panelist: SoHyun Kang, CAPM, PMP - PMI Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific бодлоо бодит ажил хэрэг, үр дүн болгож, хүрээллээ тэлэн илүү амжилттай түүхийг бүтээхийн төлөө хамтдаа нэгэн дор цуглацгаая! ✅ Тасалбар худалдан авах бол: ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024 ✅ Байршил: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅ Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualConference2024 #EvolvingProjectManagement #ProjectManagement #ProjectManagers #ProjectManagementProfessionals #ProjectManagementTrendTopics

    • Pierre Le Manh has been serving as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Project Management Institute since September 2022. A global executive with a multicultural background and experience in leading companies across multiple knowledge industries, he has a proven track record of delivering results and guiding organizations through complex transformations and globalization. He is passionate about leading teams to innovate with purpose and to create new ways of disseminating specialized knowledge, upskilling, and education. 

Before joining PMI, Pierre led the preparation for the expansion into North America of Galileo Global Education, a leading global provider of higher education and education technology platforms, in which he is an investor. 

Previously, he served as Chief Executive Officer for North America and as Global Deputy CEO at Ipsos, one of the world’s largest data, analytics, and insights companies. Pi
    • Mr.Tumentsogt (Tumen) Tsevegmid currently serves as the President of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Mongolia Chapter, Board Chairman of the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM), and Board Member of the Future Energy Mongolian Hydrogen Council (FEMHC). 

He is manager with 28 years of professional experience of working for public and private sectors,  including serving as a CEO at Erdenes Mongol company - Mongolia’s largest sovereign wealth fund responsible for managing Government strategic mining assets, Board Director at the world class copper & gold asset - Oyu Tolgoi, team leader for investment lending projects at the World Bank - international financial institution, executive responsible for Mongolia operations at the global multinational company - General Electric, serving as a Commissioner at the Energy Regulatory Commission in Mongolia, managing and implementing projects with multiple clients and donors.
    • LuAnn Piccard, PMP 

PMI Board of Directors Chair 

LuAnn Piccard, PMP, is the Chair of the Board of Directors of Project Management Institute. She served on the PMI Board from 2019 to 2021, and again from 2022 to the present. 

Piccard is a professor and chair of the Project Management Department at the University of Alaska Anchorage, USA. In addition to her career in academia, Piccard has more than 20 years of experience in technology-sector project and portfolio management, including 10 years as a senior executive for Hewlett Packard, Agilent Technologies, and Advanced Energy Industries, where she led complex, profitable, and cross-functional businesses serving customers worldwide. 

She is a regular speaker at events and conferences around the world and has served as a volunteer director for 11 non-profit boards, including 10 years as an officer and director for Habitat for Humanity of Anchorage. 

Piccard holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Engineering, both from Stanford Uni
    • SoHyun Kang, CAPM, PMP 
PMI Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific 

SoHyun Kang is the Regional Managing Director of PMI’s Asia Pacific region. SoHyun is responsible for growing markets and delivering positive values to individuals, organizations, and societies in the Asia Pacific region. 

In 2014, she joined PMI to establish the PMI Asia Pacific office in Singapore. Since then, she has led teams for chapter engagement, volunteer development, corporate engagement, channel sales, marketing & communications, and events. 

With close to 20 years of experience in professional association management, SoHyun previously led the development of regional growth strategies and implementations for growing communities of MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) and ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering) in the Asia Pacific region. 

SoHyun holds a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from Korea University and graduated executive program at the National University of Singapore. She is a
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    📣Маргаашийн амжилттай түүхийг бүтээх, мэргэжлийн төслийн менежерүүд, шийдвэр гаргагчид, манлайлагчдын хамгийн том чуулган дахин эргэн ирлээ! Пи Эм Ай Монголиа Чаптэр (PMI® Mongolia Chapter) -аас жил бүр зохион байгуулдаг олон улсын бага хурлыг “ТӨСЛИЙН УДИРДЛАГЫН ХӨГЖИЛ: МАРГААШИЙН АМЖИЛТЫН ТҮҮХИЙГ БҮТЭЭХ НЬ" сэдвийн хүрээнд 10-р сарын 12-ний өдөр UB Hotel Event Hall-д зохион байгуулах гэж байгааг дуулгахад таатай байна 🎉🚀✨ Энэ жил бид төслийн удирдлагын туршлага, шинжлэх ухаан, мэргэжлийг хөгжүүлэхэд Монгол Улсын ололт амжилт, сургамжийг онцолж, төслийн менежментийн сүүлийн үеийн дэлхийн чиг хандлага, томоохон туршлагуудаас хуваалцах болно. Санал бодлоо бодит ажил хэрэг, үр дүн болгож, хүрээллээ тэлэн илүү амжилттай түүхийг бүтээхийн төлөө хамтдаа нэгэн дор цуглацгаая!  ✅ Тасалбар худалдан авах бол:   ✅ Хэзээ: 10 сарын 12, 2024  ✅ Байршил: UB Hotel Event Hall   ✅ Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualConference2024 #EvolvingProjectManagement #ProjectManagement #ProjectManagers #ProjectManagementProfessionals #ProjectManagementTrendTopics ************************************************************************************* ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2024 "EvolvePM: SHAPING TOMORROW’S SUCCESS STORIES" PMI Mongolia Chapter is delighted to announce that the ninth Annual International Project Management Conference 2024 and the Chapter’s 10th Anniversary celebration event will take place on the 12th of October 2024 at UB Hotel Event Hall. This year’s theme is “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories’’. The conference will highlight Mongolia’s achievements and lessons learned in advancing the project management practices, science, and profession and explore the latest global trends in the project management. Let's come together to make ideas into reality and build a stronger future for ourselves, our work, and our world!  ✅Please order your tickets through:   ✅When: 12 October 2024  ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall   ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualInternationalConference2024 #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories #10thAnniversary #ProjectManagement #BestProject #ProjectManagementProfessionals #ProjectManagementTrendTopics

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    It's only 3️⃣ days left! 📣THE BEST PROJECT MANAGER OF THE YEAR 2024" award, only 3️⃣ days left till the deadline for submission applications 📣 ✅For more information: International Conference 2024 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024 “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories’’ 🎉🚀✨  ✅Please order your tickets through:   ✅When: 12 October 2024  ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall   ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualInternationalConference2024 #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories #10thAnniversary #ProjectManagement #BestProjectManager #ProjectManagementProfessionals

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    📣THE BEST PROJECT MANAGER OF THE YEAR 2024" award, only 3️⃣ days left till the deadline for submission applications 📣 ✅For more information: International Conference 2024 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024 “EvolvePM: Shaping Tomorrow’s Success Stories’’ 🎉🚀✨ ✅Please order your tickets through: ✅When: 12 October 2024 ✅Location: UB Hotel Event Hall ✅For more information: #PMI #PMIMC #AnnualInternationalConference2024 #EvolvePM_Shaping_Tomorrow_s_Success_Stories #10thAnniversary #ProjectManagement #BestProjectManager #ProjectManagementProfessionals

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