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Browse through our most recent questions about online marketing and Moz products here. You’ll also find the freshest discussions about all things SEO.

Have something helpful to add? Go ahead, post a response. You may just make someone's day by sharing your expert knowledge with them!

  • seo consulting

    I am new here and I have no idea about SEO. I have an issue to solve.
    My ex harasses me using SEO and causing defamation by crawling unwanted website. Google does not remove the website as it is public record. 1: how can I remove it? I am not even sure if he uses backlink because website link is pdf and he might do some other technics
    2:Although I am sure he uses SEO, I can not prove it and nobody believes me. How can I proof it?

    SEO Tactics | | CerenSEO

  • seo experts in the world seoexperts

    Here are some of the top SEO experts in the world known for their contributions to the field, thought leadership, and innovative strategies: Rand Fishkin - Co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, widely known for his insights and contributions to SEO. Neil Patel - Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics, renowned for his SEO and digital marketing expertise. 3.. Brian Dean - Founder of Backlinko, famous for his advanced SEO strategies and detailed guides. Rafay Waqar - Co-founder of SEOServices and a LinkedIn influencer, he provide valuable insights into search engine algorithms and updates. Barry Schwartz - Founder of Search Engine Roundtable, known for his in-depth coverage of SEO news and trends. Aleyda Solis - International SEO consultant and founder of Orainti, recognized for her expertise in technical SEO and international SEO strategies. Bill Slawski - Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital, known for his deep understanding of search engine patents and algorithms. Vanessa Fox - Creator of Google Webmaster Central and author of "Marketing in the Age of Google," known for her expertise in technical SEO and analytics. Ann Smarty - Founder of Viral Content Bee and a well-known figure in the SEO community for her content marketing and link-building expertise. Cyrus Shepard - Former Head of SEO at Moz and founder of Zyppy, known for his comprehensive SEO knowledge and actionable insights.

    International SEO | | cupll.rs1
  • Solved

    content development content optimization

    A long time ago I'm pretty sure I used a tool that helped me write content for a webpage. It checked my writing as I typed and gave suggestions. I can't find the tool anymore. I hope I didn't imagine it as it was really useful..

    Product Support | | laurentjb
  • Solved

    copywriting writingtool

    A long time ago... I used a tool on Moz that helped me to write content for my website. It told me all my mistakes and errors and made suggestions on how to fix them to help rank the page. Great tool! But now I can't find it.
    It's similar to SEMrush's SEO Writing Assistant, but better. Can anyone point me in the right direction please, I need to find it asap. Many thanks in advance.

    Moz Tools | | laurentjb
  • Unsolved

    moz da wordpress seo tools

    Re: Moz WordPress Plugin? Hi guys,
    I need some Moz SEO Wordpress Plugins For my website working with Moz API. I've already found Moz DA-PA Checker plugin Moz DA-PA Checker But Need SEO Plugins too. Any Suggestion will be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | mrezair
  • Unsolved

    seo rankings

    Bringing on a handful of established clients that have never focused on SEO. Needless to say, they will be starting past page 5 on many items. What is the best tactic to figure out their ranking, determine progress internally and also provide movement reports when they are past the five page limit?

    Moz Tools | | StartupStreet
  • Unsolved

    404 error rep[ort critical errors 4xx error blacklisted wtf

    I have a number of pages on the 4xx error report page that show a page tile saying 'Blacklisted' in MOZ on the critical errors page. What is this and how do I check it is really an issue and fix it? Some of the pages that show with this issue rank on page one in google.

    Moz Tools | | Mr_Roger_Dodger1

  • rogerbot reporting

    I feel like I spend a lot of time setting false positives in my reports to ignore. Can I prevent Rogerbot from crawling pages I don't care about with robots.txt directives? For example., I have some page types with meta noindex and it reports these to me. Theoretically, I can block Rogerbot from these with a robots,txt directive and not have to deal with false positives.

    Reporting & Analytics | | awilliams_kingston

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter

  • website

    I need a new website for my health insurance business. What type is best for SEO? Many thanks

    Web Design | | laurentjb

  • When I enter my domain in the free analysis tool, I get a "bummer, no data found". I am certain whatever is causing that to happen is causing other SEO problems

    Getting Started | | verdet3232

  • So here comes the hard part of working with SEO.... I've been doing SEO for a quite long time now and as far as I concern, it has been working and that's why I can tell people I'm a SEO Manager! It was all good until 3/4 months ago when I got this client that wanted me to do SEO for his Escort Agency. I've analysed his website and came across some structure error, poor linking and so on... I've started by reformulating his website, re-structuring his urls, keeping good pages and throwing alway the poor content ones, requested some website owners to remove links to that website and so on.... All good and sorted, but when it came to do the off-page optimisation it  became a nightmare! It's pretty easy to get links for a clothing website or any other (not "obscure") kind of websites, but no serious and authority websites would link to an escort agency; It's also very easy to create something funny and nice and post it on a page of your website to get people sharing and liking on facebook, but again very hard to get people to share and like things posted by an escort agency... You can't really advertise on escorts directories and use keywords on the ad because godfather google would penalize you.... I really don't know what to do anymore, so I will list some questions and if guys SEO experts could help me out, I would be so grateful!!! How can I get people linking to the website without paying for it? How can I get good authority links to this kind of website? How can I advertise on paid directories without being penalised by google? How can i get shares and likes on social network websites? The website has about 3000 pages, been online since 2010, have at least 3 lengthy articles posted a day! Please guys help me out with this case that is making me loose my nights of sleep... If you guys need the website address and the targeted keyword I can PM you (I dont know if the forum allows me to post it here) Thank You so much for the help in advance....

    Social Media | | douglasapuc

  • Hi.
    I have been creating backlinks for my website since 2 months. The backlinks are from different linking domains. The issue is that moz is not showing me all the backlinks that i have created. It is displaying only 10% of all the backlinks of my domain homepage. Is there any way to tell moz about all the backlinks i'm building?

    Link Explorer | | rajas2019
  • Unsolved

    api problem empty response

    Hi, I always receive a empty reponse from your API v1. Here ist my API call for further investigation:
    "" Reponse: {} Do you experience some problems with the api? Thank you very much
    Regards George Shaylen

    API | | George4445
  • Unsolved

    moz da moz api wordpress plugin

    Hi Guys,
    I'm looking for Moz SEO Front-end Wordpress Plugin To Audit My Visitors Website And Show Results in my site. Like This plugin for Moz DA Checker: It's not important to be a free plugin or Premium one. I need to increase leads and traffic by it. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | mrezair
  • Unsolved


    Website DA is 4 but Ahref is showing DR 5. Why its different. Top Follow APK
    Top Follow
    Top follow for PC
    Top Follow Mod APK

    Link Explorer | | Be7sjsj38sj

  • monthlyvolume canadian

    How does Moz differentiate Canadian data vs. U.S. data? I'm particularly interested in search volume. Why is there such a big difference in volume (much less in Canada)? Is this due to population differences or are there other factors? For example, see the monthly volume for the keyword "Business resilience": U.S. = 360
    Canada = 6 This seems like a huge difference!

    Keyword Research | | BDOCanada

  • Hi Mozers. I blog about our son with Down syndrome ( and you may remember me from this case study here on Moz. I was getting close to 100,000k a month in organic traffic to our blog, then it slowly started to decline to the point where I am not only getting 3k in organic traffic a month. So basically I lost all of my traffic. I honestly have no idea what is going on or why this happened. I know everyone is busy but would anyone be up for taking a peak into my GA and search console and seeing if you can figure out what may have changed and why my traffic dropped off so much. Our website helps a lot of people so you'd be doing some good and it may even be a good case study post! Thanks so much!

    Content Development | | NoahsDad

  • Bing is crawling our site, but not indexing it, and we cannot figure out why -- plus it's being indexed fine in Google. Any ideas on what the issue with Bing might be? Here's are some details to let you know what we've already checked/established: We have 4 301’s and the rest of our site checks out We’ve already established our Robots is ok, and that we are fixing our site map/it's in fine shape We do not see anything blocking bingbot access to the site There is no varnish or any load balancers, so nothing on that end that would be blocking the access We also don't see any rules in the apache or the .htaccess config that would be blocking the access

    Technical SEO | | Alex_RevelInteractive

  • I have a bit of an odd scenario for you. I'm working with a content marketing company based in Sydney, AU**.** Oddly, this web property ranks for almost 4x as many keywordsin the US than the AU. (See attached). It also ranks much more favorably for target keywords in NZ. This is despite having an AU ccTLD, proper geolocation targeting in GSC, and Google My Business and other NAP citations pointing towards an AU address. To add to this geo-targeting issue, the site has absolutely bombed in search visibility over the past year. We are talking more than halving our search exposure. **What's been done: ** Sitemap created and submitted. All versions of GSC created and verified. New site structure for top level landing pages. Redirects okay. Internal link structure okay. Robots.txt and other indexing issues fine. Google My Business fixed (Incorrect NAP previously). No duped content. No known penalties Site crawl - no major issues. html lang changed from "en-US" to "en-AU". Reduced load speed by over 100%. Fixed an issue with Yoast creating duped pages for media files (same title tags on orphaned pages). Currently auditing and working through citations. Removed .js banner causing indexing issues. Removed a sitewide footer link from an external site, sending 20k inbound links w/same anchor. http --> https redirects okay. Title tags structured properly, and targeting well-researched KWs. **Despite these necessary corrections, I haven't seen a blip of life. ** TL;DR, Poor visibility in general, especially over the past year. More favorable rankings in foreign search (not AU). Stumped! H8i2D9u AGBvD3q eM4nwTV

    Local Listings | | Jeff_Baker

  • company name serps

    Hello! We have a client whose parent website is in Japan. The us site lives on a US subdomain. Google is pulling the Japanese company name into US search results. Any idea how we can fix this?

    Community | | SimpleSearch

  • Hi team, Im running a website, which is related to Online Vape shop and I have some confusion regarding the core web vital algorithm.  However, the Government of the USA is very strict for this kind of topic and we should have to display the age restriction popup for those new users who enter the website: Can anyone tell me how to speed up the website, as if the website has this kind of popup mandatory guidelines from the government.  Google is launching a new core update related to speed in the may 2021 right? So if we add this kind of banner popup and all In the website, how we can get away from the issues. Please clarify to me, anyone, ASAP.

    Local SEO | | hopseq

  • shopify ecommerce seo

    Hi, hope you guys can help as I am going down a rabbit hole with this one! We have a solid-ranking sports nutrition site and are building a new SEO keyword strategy on our Shopify built store. We are using collections (categories) for much of the key product-based seo. This is because, as we understand it, Google prioritises collection/category pages over product pages. Should we then build additional collection pages to rank for secondary product search terms that could fit a collection page structure (eg 'vegan sports nutrition'), or should we use blog posts to do this? We have a quality blog with good unique content and reasonable domain authority so both options are open to us. But while the collection/category option may be best for SEO, too many collections/categories could upset our UX. We have a very small product range (10 products) so want to keep navigation fast and easy. Our 7 lead keyword collection pages do this already. More run the risk of upsetting ease/speed of site navigation. On the other hand, conversion rate from collection pages is historically much better than blog pages. We have made major technical upgrades to the blog to improve this but these are yet to be tested in anger. So at the heart of it all - do you guys recommend favouring blog posts or collection/category pages for secondary high sales intent keywords? All help gratefully received - thanks!

    SEO Tactics | | WP33

  • hey moz community i want to ask something i have blog on guitars.this blog is 7 months old and i created backlink on it.but today i am checking DA of my website its 7 how can i increase it

    Link Explorer | | waqazolqa
  • Unsolved

    moz moz academy

    Re: Star snippet not work
    Thank you, I am writing Persian text:
    برای داشتن مبل و دکوراسیون خانه سایت دکورانیک پیشنهاد می شود.
    داشتن اسپاتیفای خرید اسپاتیفای مناسب است.
    آیین نامه
    قالیشویی اصل سایت اصلی قالیشویی های برتر تهران
    سایت اصلی تالار عروسی سایت مناسب تالارهای تهران و سالن عقد
    سایت آموزشی انگلیسی آموزش هایی مربوط به یادگیری زبان

    Moz Tools | | freakymozzz5

  • Hi All , These days I am finding new ways of creating back links.  Could any one tell me how to get backlinks with higher DA ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mozentution
  • Unsolved

    moz tools

    Is Moz planning to incorporate AI overview visibility into it's reporting?

    Moz Tools | | GustavoEGomez

  • local seo local ranking factors service pages content optimization service based website

    Hey guys! We are targeting a number of cities in the Nassau and Suffolk County areas for foundation repair, insulation, and mold remediation keywords, and we were debating on creating city-specific pages for each location and service, or creating one service page for each type of service that contains all of the services and solutions within that service category for each city. Example: City-Specific Pages for Each Service: One page for say foundation repair, one page for foundation crack repair, one page for foundation problems, etc. (for each target city) Service Category Pages for Each City: One page for foundation contractors that lists all services on one page in sections. Which one do you think is better for local SEO and rankings? Both seem to have their advantages and disadvantages to me. Just to throw a couple out there, the category pages may not rank as high as the city pages for each individual service if our competitors have a whole page designed for that service and we only have a part of a page covering the topic. At the same time, they would save labor hours, technical issues would be less, and they would be condensed, and we would have WAY less mess on the backend. I appreciate your expert opinion on this one. The site is www. in case you want to check us out.

    Local SEO | | everysecond

  • images bing google

    I have uploaded images to our Mozlocal account and they are showing up on Google but when we go to Bing not all the images are showing up and there is a png image of our logo that is not on Google. Wondering why this is happening and if it is possible to be fixed?

    Image & Video Optimization | | SCMarCom
  • Unsolved

    site crawl

    Hi, In Moz pro, when using Site crawler (or recrawl), we are seeing message site is banned. But when using on-demand crawler, it could generate report successfully. I just like to know if in both these cases, it is roberbot that is used! And kindly note, site crawler was perfectly working before. So the required setup is already in place from long time. Site crawler ban issue started appearing from nov/dec 2023. . Could you please us understand how could we possibly make site-crawler work?
    I am happy to provide more details if you need any. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | gilesd

  • local seo nap change of address tool

    Hello, I'm looking to change a business address to a new one on a Google business profile (still in the same area but on a different street). So, I'll need to update all citations and website with the new address - Is it recommended to update the citations & website first, and then change the address on the Google business profile, or vice-versa? Looking to do this as safely as possible without negatively impacting the rankings much. I'm seeing a lot of conflicting information on this. Thanks in advance.

    Local SEO | | UpLinkSEO

  • Hi Experts, I have follow backlinks from a domain for 6 months, but its not apear in Links to Your Site tools (search console) that domain has 302k indexed pages in google! Could you please explain me why google not showing this type of backlinks?

    Technical SEO | | denakalami
  • Unsolved


    Payment has been completed, but MozPro is not being applied.

    Moz Pro | | duhyeon
  • Unsolved

    getting started

    Im new to Moz and would like to get the most out of it as quickly as possible. so like the subject say - What are the top 5 things you would recommend I should to get the most out of Moz? #getstarted

    Getting Started | | djnlowe
  • Unsolved


    I want to rank as a top RE Agent for local searches. What do I do now that I'm a Moz Local subscriber? #google #bing

    Moz Local | | DonavanTysonTeam

  • update

    Hello my new website is showing everything at minimum like domain and page rating and backlinks, when will the next update will be?

    Algorithm Updates | | raffaelegurrieri

  • local seo local google location local ranking factors service

    Hey guys, I wish Rand could answer this question, because I know he figured all of this out, or has at least thought about it at least once. Basically, I want to understand exactly how the local algorithms work. Do you think the Distance algorithm works differently for service related businesses that don't offer services directly to your car, or other moveable assets? (motorcycles, lawnmowers, small engines) For example, construction companies. We all know how boring their offices are. No one wants to go to one unless there has been a problem or to pay a bill, say at Trugreen or something. They don't sell products, and who wants to go to some construction company that will likely just be a receptionist and maybe a field manager on his lunch break with some field reps rotating in and out during the day getting new leads and entering sales? That's uncomfortable. Why not just call them? So, do you think Google's local algorithms know that and put less weight on businesses that fall into that category? Car shops, small engine repair, and say shoe repair shops are different because you have to bring them something to fix. Stores that sell products are different because you have to go shopping and pay them to take the products home. But remodeling companies, marketing agencies, etc. probably don't get a lot of foot traffic. (And it's because we know we can handle it on a phone call.)

    Local SEO | | everysecond

  • I have a new e-commerce site and I'm focused on optimizing it for SEO. If I am taking product photos, will having a step-and-repeat (background with our logo repeated) in the background of the product impact how the images are scanned by Google? In other words, would I benefit from having a plain background behind my item shots vs. a backdrop with our logos all across it? I don't want Google to think I'm spamming my logo across all our items, but also want our photos to be recognized as ours. I want to gain SEO from my effort and definitely not hurt it! Thanks!

    Branding | | A_Wo

  • speed wordpress website speed technical seo

    I'm reaching out for some advice on improving my WordPress website's speed. I'm currently using a free theme for this fusion magazine and aiming for a score of 95+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. I'm aware that premium plugins can significantly enhance performance, but I'm hoping to achieve similar results using primarily free solutions and manual optimizations.

    Technical SEO | | mohammadrehanseo

  • onpage

    This is a question for the organic SEO experts, once you added the main keyword that you want to rank for in the homepage title, meta title plus meta description, perhaps once or twice in the text on the homepage. How often do you then write it in the content marketing, say blog posts, we want to rank higher on Google for "SEO agencies Cardiff" however if you mention this in the blog posts too much say once a week, this could lead to over optimisation issues?

    On-Page Optimization | | sarahwalsh

  • traffic

    My 15 or so clients have all seen a drop in organic traffic by about 20% on GA4 for April. Rankings have not dropped or anything like that - so just wondering if anyone else has had similar?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Contentcoms

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