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  • My website is,it is a E-commerce Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Link Building | | offilery

  • editing guide

    Hey Moz community, I’ve recently noticed a significant drop in organic traffic on my website, and I suspect it might be due to an algorithmic penalty. However, I’m not entirely sure how to confirm this or where to start with recovery. Could someone please guide me on how to identify if my website has been hit by an algorithmic update? Additionally, what are the best practices to recover from such penalties? Any tools or strategies you recommend would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Community | | ghambirgoutam45
  • Unsolved

    domain authority

    when i am searching my domain its showing no data found. fix it

    Moz Tools | | qasimiqbal22

  • seo page treatment

    I would like to hire an SEO contractor to assist with some technical/SEO issues on our site (Schema, etc). Can anyone make a recommendation? I am looking to work with a small company. Thank you in advance for any referrals!

    On-Page Optimization | | JulieALS

  • Hi Mozers. I blog about our son with Down syndrome ( and you may remember me from this case study here on Moz. I was getting close to 100,000k a month in organic traffic to our blog, then it slowly started to decline to the point where I am not only getting 3k in organic traffic a month. So basically I lost all of my traffic. I honestly have no idea what is going on or why this happened. I know everyone is busy but would anyone be up for taking a peak into my GA and search console and seeing if you can figure out what may have changed and why my traffic dropped off so much. Our website helps a lot of people so you'd be doing some good and it may even be a good case study post! Thanks so much!

    Content Development | | NoahsDad
  • Unsolved

    moz pro 403 errors backlinkaudit

    I am facing some issue with our moz pro account
    We have images stored in a s3 buckets eg:
    Hundreds of such images show up in link opportunities - Top pages tool - As 403 ... But all these images work fine and show status 200. Can't seem to solve this. Thanks.

    Moz Tools | | Skites2

  • Hello everybody. I marked all of my tags in a WordPress site as "noindex,follow". Because my tags were made a lot of low-quality pages. Am I did it right? my website is:

    Content Development | | dannybaldwin
  • Unsolved

    robots roger-bot

    Anyone got any ideas how to get a server/hosting provider who is preventing rogerbot from crawling and me not been able to set up a campaign to duplicate the error on there end? The server/hosting provider is crazydomains dot com My clients robots.txt User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: Sitemap: https://www. something

    Moz Tools | | Moving-Web-SEO-Auckland

  • spam score spamscore technicalsupport

    Hi folks I just registered a new domains boring magazine but I forgot to check the spam score. Recently, I checked and it showing spam score of 46% without any backlinks. You can check the domain age is 30 Days only till now. Need your recommendations on how can I reduce it and on which basis Moz showing it as spams? sp.PNG

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | ImranZahidAli

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers, Does anyone know what affects a given company photos show up in the "Search by Photos" section? I can't find any decent info.. Here is the link to SEL, describing the feature (not even google themselves seem to have an announcement about it). Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DmitriiK
  • Unsolved

    crawl error

    Recently we start having random error messages about crawling issue:
    2024-08-30 edweek:Ok
    2024-08-29 marketbrief:Err. advertise: Err, edweek:Err, topschooljobs:Ok
    2024-08-23 edweek:Ok
    2024-08-22 marketbrief:Err. advertise: Err, edweek:Err
    2024-08-21 topschooljobs:Ok, edweek:Ok
    2024-08-15 marketbrief:Ok. advertise:OK
    2024-08-13 edweek:Ok
    2024-08-12 marketbrief:Ok
    2024-08-08 marketbrief:Ok, advertise:Ok
    2024-08-03 edweek:Ok, topschooljobs:Ok
    All for 2024-07 - are Ok Yesterday I set 2 more crawls for the same sites (edweek and marketbrief) and I get a morning email about original edweek site is ok (still have some problem but crawl occurs and all is fine) but for test crawl for the same site "EW Test" I just got error email.
    Also I suppressed ALL email communications and frankly surprised by this email. Can you please check what is wrong with a crawler or stat collection or I don't know who produced the issues.

    Product Support | | DTashjian

  • tree service tree removal bronx tree service

    Hi, we've had a page which was ranking top 1 on the Google rankings but has complete dropped out to 5. We don't have any duplicate errors from that page on here. Do you have any suggestions?

    Technical SEO | | FIT

  • blog post blog post backlinks

    I have an article that gets a lot of hits, way more than any other I have. Is there a way I can figure out why? For example, Is there a tool to help me find out where people are finding it? Or another important factors I should look at? Thank you in advance

    Content Development | | laurentjb
  • Unsolved

    url issue url

    I've got way too many long url's but I have no idea how to shorten them?

    Getting Started | | laurentjb

  • ranking ranking issue

    I am trying to work out why from March 4th Google is not seeing my posts. Our google impressions have dropped from 8,000 to 40. If you put in the full article name with speach marks it does not find it, and instead shows the home page in google. We have not had any warnings. We did have work done on our site but nothing else i could think of to cause this. Can anyone let me know what may have caused this. All articles are original

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus

  • shop shopify page speed

    I'm facing challenges optimizing Core Web Vitals on my Shopify store. Does anyone have experience with Shopify apps that effectively address LCP, FID, and CLS issues? Any specific recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | faizalialiali
  • Unsolved


    Website DA is 4 but Ahref is showing DR 5. Why its different. Top Follow APK
    Top Follow
    Top follow for PC
    Top Follow Mod APK

    Link Explorer | | Be7sjsj38sj

  • Hi I am working on a site that for search terms such as 'best washing machine in india' appears near the top of the 2nd page of Googl for url When looking at what is listed on the 1st page for 'best washing machine in india' I would appreciate any advice/guidance on what else could be done to give the site a final push to get on the 1st page of search results. I have made more than 60 backlinks along with sites from competitor analysis via moz for this page Looking at the sites that are on the 1st page I cant understand why many of them are ranking higher than me? Any insight and plan of attack would be most appreciated from any  search experts on the forum. My website is 2.5 months old. Many Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Pank0077

  • for sale

    Can someone recommend a good path to selling a website with good backlinks? possibily a broker or direct buyer?

    Community | | s360

  • Hi, We know that social signals are usually referred to as a webpage's collective likes, comments or shares. But what about the Facebook messages generated from the messenger plugin on a web page? Especially on a business page, if one business page receives hundreds of Facebook messages through a landing page or blog page, does that count as social shares? And how effective is social signals are for a website in 2020? Although social engagement is always good for any website, my question is, how logical is it to purchase "social signal gigs" from konker or Fiverr or other gig markets? We run a social media marketing company in Australia, our website: and we get a lot of messages every day through the messenger add on from our home page. Will that make any difference whatsoever? Looking forward to hearing from you. I appreciate any help you can provide.

    Social Media | | DV4sd455

  • seo link building blog post outreach blog post backlinks

    We do our SEO in-house, and I don't have the time for blogger outreach. Does anyone know of a reputable place where I can submit our content to be pitched to relevant outlets for backlinks and US traffic? I am not in it for someone creating our content; I write it myself and have a degree in the content I produce. I am looking for a place that gets REAL US traffic, not some P.B.N. sites or those where I can create accounts at a post myself. I want real traffic from relevant, reputable blogs or a place where I can have them use my content and find niche sites for me.

    Link Building | | tammysons
  • Unsolved

    robots.txt crawl error

    I'm trying to setup a campaign for and I keep getting messages that Moz can't crawl the site because it can't access the robots.txt. Not sure why, other crawlers don't seem to have a problem and I can access the robots.txt file from my browser. For some additional info, it's a SquareSpace site and my DNS is handled through Cloudflare. Here's the contents of my robots.txt file: # Squarespace Robots Txt User-agent: GPTBot User-agent: ChatGPT-User User-agent: CCBot User-agent: anthropic-ai User-agent: Google-Extended User-agent: FacebookBot User-agent: Claude-Web User-agent: cohere-ai User-agent: PerplexityBot User-agent: Applebot-Extended User-agent: AdsBot-Google User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps User-agent: * Disallow: /config Disallow: /search Disallow: /account$ Disallow: /account/ Disallow: /commerce/digital-download/ Disallow: /api/ Allow: /api/ui-extensions/ Disallow: /static/ Disallow:/*?author=* Disallow:/*&author=* Disallow:/*?tag=* Disallow:/*&tag=* Disallow:/*?month=* Disallow:/*&month=* Disallow:/*?view=* Disallow:/*&view=* Disallow:/*?format=json Disallow:/*&format=json Disallow:/*?format=page-context Disallow:/*&format=page-context Disallow:/*?format=main-content Disallow:/*&format=main-content Disallow:/*?format=json-pretty Disallow:/*&format=json-pretty Disallow:/*?format=ical Disallow:/*&format=ical Disallow:/*?reversePaginate=* Disallow:/*&reversePaginate=* Any ideas?

    Getting Started | | andrewrench
  • Unsolved


    Hello I can not for the life of me figure out how to connect Facebook. I have tried, my wife has tried. We have tried on chrome, safari, and bing and we just can't seem to make it work. Can you help us with this? Thanks.

    Moz Local | | Ingrins

  • Hey DA of my website decreased last night what could be the reason?

    Reporting & Analytics | | mozmoz9
  • Unsolved

    internal linking domain authority

    Hey, I am very concerned about the link metrics I am seeing, really hoping someone can help. In October last year there were a total of 34.7K 'total links' attributed to my E-commerce website . This compared to 41.2k and 213k links attributed to my two main competitors. In November, my website had a forced update due to incompatibility issues my shopping cart version was having with the server on which it is hosted. (I was told by my web developers / hosting company that their server was upgraded.) This update created many problems such as checkout issues, page layout issues, sitemaps not automatically regenerating and the big one - it reverted back to http instead of https. Along with my developers, I spent 2 weeks fixing all of the issues until everything worked correctly and https was reinstated. After initial warnings from Moz, I have not received any critical crawler issues or warnings, big ranking drops etc since November. I was satisfied that all was ok. However, in November my 'total links' jumped to 81.5k and have since continued to balloon. December - 309.1k, January -335k, February - 665k, March - 716k, April - 719k, May - 742k, June - 751k. In the same period (November - June), my external links went from 5.3k - 8.7k. So it appears the huge increase in links are internal. In my latest report it states that 'internal follow links' are up by 8k and 'internal no follow links' are up by 1k. This is insane. I cannot understand why I have so many internal links and why they keep increasing. I maintain the website with updates, blog articles etc but no more than I have in the past several years. Worryingly, once this increase in links started being reported, my Domain Authority has also tanked. In October my DA was 37 (higher than my competitors) and has since dropped as low as 19. It has gone up to 21 this month (still significantly lower than my competitors). I have spent hours researching why this huge increase in internal links could be happening but have got nowhere. If anyone could advise what the issue could be and how I can fix it, I would be eternally grateful. Issues I have discovered along the way that may help with analysis:
    My site has many 404s (hundreds) - all relate to urls of old images that have been removed from the website. The 'Top Hits' on my website are from blogs (some spammy) to these deleted image urls that return a 404. I don't use any plugins. I do get 'duplicate content' notices as my blog posts archive themselves and generate new urls - as an example - 'blog post name' archived December 2023. It may be the case that the old http urls have been redirected to https but I have no warnings for 'redirect issues' in Moz. Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for any help.

    Link Explorer | | g3mmab

  • Hi there, I'm new to Moz: great tool so far! I just tried the page optimization feature and see that (for instance for this article) page titles are often too long. Now it's tempting to just shorten the title straight away, but I have a memory of someone once telling me changing the title will change the URL. And changing the URL is something not appreciated by Google. Could someone please explain if and why this is/isn't the case? And if there are any downsides/things to consider before changing the article's title? Thank you in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | RaoulWB

  • indexing googlesearchconsole onpage

    Hello, Smart People!
    We need help solving the problem with Google indexing.
    All pages of our website are crawled and indexed. All pages, including those mentioned, meet Google requirements and can be indexed. However, only this page is still not indexed.
    Robots.txt is not blocking it.
    We do not have a tag "nofollow"
    We have it in the sitemap file.
    We have internal links for this page from indexed pages.
    We requested indexing many times, and it is still grey.
    The page was established one year ago.
    We are open to any suggestions or guidance you may have. What else can we do to expedite the indexing process?

    On-Page Optimization | | Viktoriia1805

  • reputation seo consulting seo expert pdf searchresultshelp

    I am new here and I have an issue to solve. I do not anything about SEO.
    My ex harasses me using SEO and causing defamation by crawling unwanted website. Google does not remove the website as it is public record. 1: how can I remove it? I am not even sure if he uses backlink because website link is pdf and he might do some other technics
    2:Although I am sure he uses SEO, I can not prove it and nobody believes me. How can I proof it?

    SEO Tactics | | CerenSEO

  • redirect redirects

    We have an insurance agency website with 47 pages that have duplicate/low content warnings. What's the best way to handle this? I'm I right in thinking I have 2 options? Either add new content or redirect the page? Thanks in advance 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | laurentjb
  • Unsolved


    Looking for steps to configure the single Sign-on for MoZ system for my organization.

    Feature Requests | | Sandeep_amplity

  • My question is about competitor analysis.
    How can we track the outbound links of any website that is our competitors.

    Link Explorer | | pakistansites2

  • article reporting article performance seo ranking keyword ranking

    Is there a tool to check the SEO performance of articles(like 100+ articles) from different websites in one place? I am looking for a tool where I can put several URLs of the articles we have published in bulk for many of our clients, and it can show me how those articles are performing. This way, we can check the performance of these articles at any time; there is no need to add URLs every time.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Foxxr
  • Solved

    issue fixing

    I am facing a problem when I solve any issue in my running campaign.
    Is there any option to see once I fix the issue and my campaign shows it instantly or how I can see that my exiting issue after I fix it? Can any one suggest me, please?

    Moz Tools | | ClippingOutsources

  • google listing seo website submission

    have a domain that was unused for a while and displayed the "parked by Gandi" domain message. Recently, I decided to set up a fully working website on that domain, but I'm struggling to get it to rank correctly on Google. Google isn't updating the to the correct, and I have tried everything. The redirects to if you click on it. I managed to get the correct version,, to show up, but after a couple of days, it reverted to the old version and has stayed that way. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Additionally, I had an old version of the site using .com, and I forwarded that to the, but the old .com will not be removed from Google. it was just one page without much content. At the moment, Google's search results look very messy and out of date. I have submitted the URL in the Google Search Console using the URL inspection tool and requested indexing and reindexing. I have also submitted sitemaps, but nothing is really working. Any ideas?

    SEO Tactics | | Roycd

  • I wanted to implement lazy loading on my whole domain, but was unsure about the effect on the organic image search. Therefore I implemented it some months ago on 3 selected URLs with medium organic image traffic. Unfortunately all 3 pages dropped significantly (roughly 80%) of image impressions and clicks (seach console data). It seems that just images within the fold, that are not loaded via lazy load are still ranking. Does anybody have here more positive experiences?

    Image & Video Optimization | | _Heiko_

  • My website DA is gradually decreasing while I am updating my website regularly. Please suggest me good method to increase it. Site is Thanks

    Link Building | | james11223

  • seo consulting

    I am new here and I have no idea about SEO. I have an issue to solve.
    My ex harasses me using SEO and causing defamation by crawling unwanted website. Google does not remove the website as it is public record. 1: how can I remove it? I am not even sure if he uses backlink because website link is pdf and he might do some other technics
    2:Although I am sure he uses SEO, I can not prove it and nobody believes me. How can I proof it?

    SEO Tactics | | CerenSEO

  • seo experts in the world seoexperts

    Here are some of the top SEO experts in the world known for their contributions to the field, thought leadership, and innovative strategies: Rand Fishkin - Co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, widely known for his insights and contributions to SEO. Neil Patel - Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics, renowned for his SEO and digital marketing expertise. 3.. Brian Dean - Founder of Backlinko, famous for his advanced SEO strategies and detailed guides. Rafay Waqar - Co-founder of SEOServices and a LinkedIn influencer, he provide valuable insights into search engine algorithms and updates. Barry Schwartz - Founder of Search Engine Roundtable, known for his in-depth coverage of SEO news and trends. Aleyda Solis - International SEO consultant and founder of Orainti, recognized for her expertise in technical SEO and international SEO strategies. Bill Slawski - Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital, known for his deep understanding of search engine patents and algorithms. Vanessa Fox - Creator of Google Webmaster Central and author of "Marketing in the Age of Google," known for her expertise in technical SEO and analytics. Ann Smarty - Founder of Viral Content Bee and a well-known figure in the SEO community for her content marketing and link-building expertise. Cyrus Shepard - Former Head of SEO at Moz and founder of Zyppy, known for his comprehensive SEO knowledge and actionable insights.

    International SEO | | cupll.rs1
  • Unsolved

    moz da wordpress seo tools

    Re: Moz WordPress Plugin? Hi guys,
    I need some Moz SEO Wordpress Plugins For my website working with Moz API. I've already found Moz DA-PA Checker plugin Moz DA-PA Checker But Need SEO Plugins too. Any Suggestion will be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | mrezair
  • Unsolved

    seo rankings

    Bringing on a handful of established clients that have never focused on SEO. Needless to say, they will be starting past page 5 on many items. What is the best tactic to figure out their ranking, determine progress internally and also provide movement reports when they are past the five page limit?

    Moz Tools | | StartupStreet
  • Unsolved

    404 error rep[ort critical errors 4xx error blacklisted wtf

    I have a number of pages on the 4xx error report page that show a page tile saying 'Blacklisted' in MOZ on the critical errors page. What is this and how do I check it is really an issue and fix it? Some of the pages that show with this issue rank on page one in google.

    Moz Tools | | Mr_Roger_Dodger1

  • rogerbot reporting

    I feel like I spend a lot of time setting false positives in my reports to ignore. Can I prevent Rogerbot from crawling pages I don't care about with robots.txt directives? For example., I have some page types with meta noindex and it reports these to me. Theoretically, I can block Rogerbot from these with a robots,txt directive and not have to deal with false positives.

    Reporting & Analytics | | awilliams_kingston

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