Combatting Senior Loneliness: YMCA's Commitment to Our Elders YMCA of the USA President and CEO Suzanne McCormick recently testified before the Senate Special Committee on Aging, highlighting the YMCA's crucial role in combating senior loneliness. She emphasized the importance of social connectedness for older adults and how the Y provides vital opportunities for them to connect, build community, and prevent chronic diseases. . . Combatiendo la Soledad en los Adultos Mayores: El Compromiso de la YMCA con Nuestros Ancianos La presidenta y directora ejecutiva de la YMCA de los EE. UU., Suzanne McCormick, testificó recientemente ante el Comité Especial del Senado sobre el Envejecimiento, destacando el papel crucial de la YMCA en la lucha contra la soledad en los adultos mayores. Enfatizó la importancia de la conexión social para las personas mayores y cómo la YMCA brinda oportunidades esenciales para que se relacionen, construyan comunidad y prevengan enfermedades crónicas.
Thank you, Chairman Scott and Ranking Member Gillibrand, for inviting me to provide testimony during the Senate Select Committee on Aging’s hearing, “Breaking the Cycle of Senior Loneliness: Strengthening Family and Community Support.” It was a privilege to appear before the committee and share how our country’s 2,600 YMCAs support seniors by helping them make connections, build community and prevent or delay chronic disease. As I said during my remarks, many older adults come to the Y seeking to improve their physical health. But they come back day after day because of what they find: a welcoming community that supports their mental health and reduces their feelings of isolation and loneliness. I applaud the committee for bringing attention to the epidemic of loneliness affecting seniors today. The Y is committed to building on the vital work we already do and partnering in communities to identify and implement new solutions. Watch the full hearing and my full testimony here: Senator Rick Scott Kirsten Gillibrand Andrew MacPherson James Balda Tori Strawter-Tanks #YMCA #YAdvocate