It's a new week - time for another brand-new #referencegenome! 👇 Discover the reference genome of Phyllidia flava (sea slug), a relict species endemic to the Mediterranean sea. Although not currently listed as endangered by the IUCN, P. flava is highly vulnerable due to its restricted distribution, small population sizes, and the alarming warming of Mediterranean waters. 🌊 This reference genome for Phyllidia flava will significantly advance research across multiple disciplines, especially #ecology and #evolution. It will also serve as a valuable resource for #conservation efforts. 🔗 Go to the genome report: #referencegenome #genome #genomereport #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity European Research Executive Agency (REA) Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project
Biodiversity Genomics Europe
Scaling up the use of genomics to enhance understanding of biodiversity and guide interventions to address its decline.
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The Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project has the overriding aim of accelerating the use of genomic science to enhance understanding of biodiversity, monitor biodiversity change, and guide interventions to address its decline.
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- 2022
Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Darwinweg 2
Leiden, 2333CR, NL
There’s a brand-new #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe case study! 🧬 In 2023, a high-quality reference genome for Trifolium dubium, widely recognized as the #shamrock, was generated as part of the ERGA Pilot Project. Researchers at University College Dublin have been using this genome to study its #evolutionary history and beneficial traits, which could enhance breeding programs for agriculturally important #clover species. ➡️ More info on our BGE website: #TRIDUBIRE #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity #genomics #europe #casestudies European Research Executive Agency (REA) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project Katie Herron Ann Mc Cartney Graham Hughes
New week, new #referencegenome! 👇 Discover the reference genome of Loboptera subterranea: a cave adapted #cockroach endemic to the Canary Islands. The genome provides a valuable resource for understanding the genetic basis of how the Canarian Loboptera species evolved and thrived in subterranean environments. 🧬 🔗 Go to the genome report: #referencegenome #genome #genomereport #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversityEuropeanEuropean Research Executive Agency (REA) Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project
The brand-new #referencegenome of the Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) is here! 🧬 In the interview on our website, Elena Buzan & Boštjan Pokorny share insights on the Alpine chamois, its significance to local communities, the many applications of a new reference genome, and more! Watch the video for highlights of this conversation and read the full interview here: 🔗 Interview: 🔗 Video: #chamois #interview #species #conservation #management #genomes #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity #genomics #europe European Research Executive Agency (REA) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project Javni zavod Triglavski narodni park Fakulteta za varstvo okolja / Faculty of Environmental Protection Molecular Ecology UP
Time for another #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe video! 📽️ In this short video, BGE’s team member Laura A. Nájera Cortazar from the Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (BIOPOLIS-CIBIO) gives an update on BGE’s pollinators case study. This case study is focused on #pollinators in gardens and agricultural areas. “The results will not only help us to understand the importance of gardens for pollinator activity in #conservation, but also will set a starting point for monitoring these populations and to understand better how to protect them”, says Nájera Cortazar. ➡️ Watch the short video on our YouTube channel: #BGE #DNA #eDNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #genome #casestudies European Research Executive Agency (REA) iBOL Europe ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas International Barcode of Life Consortium Earth BioGenome Project
Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE): Pollinators case study
Fresh #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe news article: the endangered Hungarian Birch Mouse is selected as Mammal of the Year 2025! 🏆 This tiny #rodent’s genome is currently being sequenced with our support. Its selection as Hungary’s mammal of the year boosts conservation efforts for the species. 🔗 Go to the article and video on our BGE website: #genomes for #conservation #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity #genomics #europe European Research Executive Agency (REA) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project Hungarian Natural History Museum
There’s a brand-new #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe video (and case study)! 👇 Scientists from CIIMAR are leveraging #genomics for the conservation of Mediterranean red #coral – a key species under threat from over-harvesting and rising ocean temperatures. This project relies on an international network of collaborators and will benefit from the red coral genome assembled by the team as part of the Catalan Initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project. ➡️ Go to the video and case study: #genomes for #conservation #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity #genomics #europe #casestudies European Research Executive Agency (REA) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project 📸 Joaquim Garrabou
Two brand-new reference genomes available! 1⃣ The #referencegenome of Androsace saussurei is here, a recently described plant from the rooftops of Europe. 🏔️ It provides a valuable resource for understanding plant adaptation to extreme alpine environments and the speciation of high-altitude "sky island" flora. 🔗 Go to the genome report: 2⃣ The #referencegenome of Coenonympha oedippus, also known as false ringlet or Barjanski okarček in Slovenian, a Eurasian butterfly. 🦋 This new reference genome provides crucial insights into ecological adaptation and conservation of this #endangered species. 🔗 Go to the genome report: #referencegenome #genome #genomereport #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity #genomics #europe European Research Executive Agency (REA) #genomes for #biodiversity iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project Genoscope - Centre National de Séquençage Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG)
Time for the second "ERGA iBOL Europe Connections" blog! 💥 Today, we highlight the two growing communities powering the #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe (BGE) project: iBOL Europe and ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas. Each of these pan-European networks brings its unique approach to understanding and protecting the living world, yet both share a common mission: to safeguard Earth’s biodiversity at a critical moment in our planet’s history. 🌐 ➡️ Read the second post here: Stay tuned for more exciting insights in the upcoming posts! — This brand-new blog series unites ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and iBOL Europe, the two major Biodiversity Genomics Europe (#BGE) communities! The series of blog posts will explore the world of Biodiversity Genomics and the intersection of both communities. #ERGAiBOLEuropeConnections #connections #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity #genomics #europe #blog #blogseries European Research Executive Agency (REA) iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project
Did you know that over 25 key species of Greek marine #biodiversity are being sequenced as part of #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe? 🧬 👉 Discover how the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research is contributing to #BGE and advancing marine genomics in #Greece: Two of these #genomes are already openly available: 1⃣ 🦪 The rayed pearl oyster "Pinctada radiata": This resource will uncover genetic #adaptations to temperature & salinity, revealing how species thrive in new environments. 2⃣ 🌊 Noah’s Ark shell "Arca noae": This resilient Mediterranean #bivalve plays a key role in marine ecosystems by filtering water & supporting the coastal food web. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research #referencegenome #genome #genomereport #BGE #DNA #barcoding #genomesequencing #biodiversity European Research Executive Agency (REA) #genomes for #biodiversity iBOL Europe International Barcode of Life Consortium ERGA - European Reference Genome Atlas Earth BioGenome Project Genoscope - Centre National de Séquençage