
If you have innovation in your title, this is your tribe.

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If you have innovation in your title, this is your tribe. Leading and doing innovation in large organizations can feel like being on an island. Innov8rs offers you a community of peers to learn from and collaborate with. It’s a space to safely discuss crucial moves and critical decisions with others, facing similar challenges and chasing similar goals. You’ll learn new methods, frameworks and tools. You’ll understand what other companies are doing. You’ll collaborate with others to solve the many strategic and tactical challenges. Innov8rs is where you keep up with what’s working now and what’s coming next, in order to make it happen in your organization. Our purpose is to advance the field of corporate innovation, to deliver upon the promise of innovation for a better future, for our organizations and the world at large. We are curators and conveners, creating an environment for peer learning and collaboration, always on the lookout for what’s working now. One of our members recently summarized it nicely – Innov8rs is “great people, great content”. Want to engage? Become a member of Innov8rs Community or join our upcoming Innov8rs Connect events.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Corporate Innovation, Innovation Management en Learning Community


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    Some interesting conversations so far during the Q3-series of our Learning Labs. It's not too late to join the remainder of the sessions live. Like these ones coming up next week... 📅 Tuesday 10 Sept - Open Innovation In the last century or two, science has lived in two main homes: the academy and the corporation. But what if your idea is too translational or complex for the academy? What if your idea does not align with commercial timelines or objectives? In the last few years, we’ve seen a variety of models designed specifically to fund and make a home for research previously seen as unsuited for either the academy or the corporation. This work stands to open new frontiers in science, accelerate commercialization and make compelling scientific solutions available to many more people, as Lara Mangravite, Will Richardson, Jun Axup, Amanda Cashin, PhD and Diana Joseph will reveal in the first session in this workshop. "Venture Clienting" recently made it to the prestigious "Peak of Inflated Expectations" on the 2024 Gartner Hype Cycle. Despite the buzz, many innovation professionals are puzzled. Is "Venture Clienting" just the good old corporate-startup collaboration rebranded, or is it fundamentally different (and better)? In the second session, we'll hear from seasoned open innovation experts Christoph Baier, Steffen Knodt & Lars Roessler, demystifying the approach, suggesting when and how to use it (and when/how not), and exploring how different (and better) it is or could be, compared to other approaches. It's a fishbowl conversation- that means that anyone with relevant experiences can also join the panel, all to bring even more perspectives to the mix. 📅 Wednesday 11 Sept - Climate/SDG Developing concrete decarbonization roadmaps is a strategic imperative for any business that aims to stay competitive over the coming years and thrive in (an) uncertain future(s). Few topics are as complex, uncertain, and urgent—the pressure is building to not only set goals, but actually reach them. Strategic foresight methodology, with its trend analysis, scenario-building, and back-casting, is a valuable way to move from insights to concrete action. In this session Elvin Ibishli will explore the Rohrbeck Heger - Strategic Foresight + Innovation by Creative Dock decarbonization scenarios for 2030 and leverage theirr proven foresight-driven innovation methodology to tackle this critical topic. 👉 For more info, and to join go to innov8rs . co / learning-labs

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    AI is the buzzword of the moment when it comes to improving workplace productivity. The latest generative AI models can help organizations to improve their creativity levels, increase the speed at which they’re able to deliver results, and secure cost efficiencies. But what does this look like in an innovation context? How is AI being used by corporate innovators right now, and what are some of the ways they might use it in future? For a recent Innov8rs Learning Labs session, Rachel Gordon hosted a conversation with Jan Beránek, Stefan Raß and Christian Mühlroth to cut through the hype and share their perspectives on this transformative technology > #AI #corporateinnovation #innovationmanagement

    AI in Innovation Management - What’s Happening? - Innov8rs

    AI in Innovation Management - What’s Happening? - Innov8rs

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    Whilst we're yet to kick off the Q3 series of Learning Labs (happening tomorrow...), let's peak at the schedule for next week already. 📅 Wednesday 4 Sept - Foresight & Business Design Obviously, the most important mandate we have as innovation teams is to come up with innovations that succeed in the market place. Most likely, you'll have some process in place to generate ideas, get them tested, launch those that are validated, and scale those that get traction. Yet if you're like most innovators... you figured out that there's always some part of that process that isn't performing optimally. Join this workshop to gain two perspectives on refining your approach. One from June Barrage & Sarah Sunderji, providing an in-depth exploration of Disruptive Edge’s innovation process, a proven framework designed to help organizations launch winning ideas. Another one from Future Foundry's Jacob Dutton, guiding you through a comprehensive apprtoach to find, test and validate 100+ venture ideas by Christmas. 📅 Thursday 5 Sept - Incubation, Venture Building & Scaling The day after, building on the Wednesday workshop, Adam Berk will address core issues in customer discovery, leading to flawed analysis and poor decision-making—bias, misinterpretation of customer interviews, and failures in human-centered design. You'll learn advanced techniques to overcome these pitfalls, ensuring your customer discovery drives meaningful innovation. Also, in that same session Elliott Parker will dive into Venture Building as a new tool, that can enable companies to fund experiments from the balance sheet while rapidly capturing new insights from the market. He will highlight real-examples of corporations who’ve unlocked new growth opportunities using this approach. So... if you like to "sharpen the saw" on these crucial topics for any innovation team to get right... don't miss these two Learning Labs next week! 👋 Want to join these sessions, and the other six Learning Labs in this series running until 18 September? For a detailed agenda, and to apply to join, go to

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    Learning Labs are back! We'll kick off the Q3 series next week... Here's the schedule: 📅 Wednesday 28 August - Strategy, Leadership & Organization ✴ Innovation in the Autonomous Age with Philippe De Ridder, Co-Founder and CEO at BOI (Board of Innovation) AI is changing the way we innovate, operate and grow. As we navigate this evolution, the goal for executives and innovation leaders is clear: thriving in an increasingly autonomous world is not just about adopting new technologies. It’s about changing how we do business. Join this session to discover the strategic options for capturing the opportunity of Autonomous Innovation. ✴ How Companies Can Use Their Capabilities For Scaling Innovation and Generating New Growth with Frank Mattes, Founder and CEO at Lean Scaleup Scaling innovation by leveraging corporate assets is the greatest challenge for most corporations. A vast number of excellent ideas and concepts did not make it to success. They did not survive the ever-present Valley of Death. The key is to align "NOW and NEW", and Frank will highlight how in this session. 📅 Thursday 29 August - Governance & Portfolio Management ✳ Portfolio Management as a Driver of Strategy Execution: Lessons from Building Global Innovation Management Capabilities in Consumer Health with Dougal Beard, Former Global Head of Innovation Portfolio Management - GSK Consumer Health (now Haleon) and Kenvue At the heart of successful innovation delivery is a portfolio management ecosystem that aligns with the organization’s strategic roadmap, addressing the challenges between global vs local, structure vs speed, consistency vs autonomy (among others), and providing fit-for-purpose standards, guidance and data-driven capabilities for effective and efficient resource allocation decisions. In this session, hear about the 4 critical success pillars of Clarity, Consistency, Visibility and Accountability in building, implementing and managing a global innovation portfolio in a large consumer goods company, including definitions, metrics, reporting, prioritization and decision making. ✳ To ISO Or Not To ISO? with Dan Toma, Sara Husk, Douglas S. Williams and Magnus Karlsson. Many innovation professionals aren't too bothered about the upcoming ISO 56000 standards for Innovation Management. There's been quite the debate about whether or not innovation can and should be standardized, and if so, how. In this session, hear from four innovation experts sharing their perspectives about the standards and their practical use, so you can make an informed decision whether you "ISO" or not (yet). It's a fishbowl conversation- that means that anyone with relevant experiences can also join the panel, all to bring even more perspectives to the mix. 👋 Want to join these sessions, and the other six Learning Labs in this series running until 18 September? For a detailed agenda, and to apply to join, go to

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    We're back from summer holidays... ready for a new season! We couldn't be more excited kicking off tomorrow, welcoming Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt to a Book Club session for members of Innov8rs Community Many people are worried about the future. We face intractable global problems and daunting personal concerns related to work and life. And change—which the human brain is wired to resist—is accelerating so quickly that we can actually see the future arriving in real time. We brace ourselves for what happens next. In his new book, Frederik argues that instead of fretting over what could happen in THE future, you should think hard about what should happen in YOUR future. Your future may feel far away, but you build it in the present with the choices you make every day. In WHAT’S NEXT IS NOW: How To Live Future Ready, Frederik draws on his experience as Google’s first Chief Innovation Evangelist and the stories of over a dozen Googlers he trained to be ready for the future. Frederik helped build Google’s fabled creative culture. He co-founded the Google Garage, the home of Google’s Creative Skills for Innovation Lab, which he pioneered and where he trained tens of thousands of Googlers to experiment with cutting-edge ideas. He also taught classes on innovation and creativity at Stanford University’s for more than 10 years. Organizations as varied as NASA, the United Nations, the German Soccer Association, SXSW, the FBI, Mercedes Benz, Adidas, the NBA, and the International Monetary Fund have sought out his insights on creativity, innovation, and being ready for the future. We are excited to welcome Frederik to share insights from his book, and answer your questions about the topic. See you there!

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    Innovation and sustainability go increasingly hand in hand. Thus far, corporates have adopted a passive approach to combining innovation with positive social and environmental impact: in other words, they have paid attention to mitigating possible negative externalities of their innovation projects. Now, however, the time has come to take a more proactive approach: innovation will be more and more about creating new business opportunities that combine profitable models with a specific and well-designed positive social impact. At Innov8rs Milan, Danilo Raponi will explore why it should be so, and how it will be possible. #socialimpact #innovationmanagement #insurance

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    What have 100 startup projects in four years' time taught Volvo Group about accelerating innovation through collaborating with startups? What are the challenges that the large corporate and the startups have run into? How does a structured framework support in overcoming these challenges? What are the learnings and how do you make sure to continuously improve? Vishnu Rajanikanth is the owner of the CampX by Volvo Group concept. He leads a global team that delivers a portfolio of startup collaborations and new ventures. During his session as part of Innov8rs Milan, Vishnu will tell the story of CampX by Volvo Group, a balancing act between focus and flexibility. #openinnovation #corporatestartupcollab #innovationmanagement

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    What about applying AI to innovation processes? During #Innov8rs Milan, Susana Jurado Apruzzese will offer a pragmatic overview of Telefónica's application of AI within its early-stage innovation unit, exploring the extent to which AI can be trusted to automate and expedite innovation. She will describe the specific AI tools and methods that have been implemented to streamline the innovation process, discussing both the successes and the limitations encountered. Susana will share the results from various tests and the current uses of AI, providingyou with lessons learned and practical insights into the effectiveness of AI in enhancing innovation efficiency. Join the conversation? More info and apply to join via #corporateinnovation #innovationmanagement #AI

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    You have heard it, you’ve seen it. As corporate innovators, we are asked to do more. More support for the core, more topics (think AI and Sustainability), more short-term, more outcomes. But we are provided with less. Less budgets, less patience, less support from the core. How do you solve this dilemma? And most important: How do you solve it in a way that is feasible, given your demanding workload? Renowned innovation experts Dennis Boecker and Frank Mattes will join next week's Learning Lab to present a solution. You will learn how to find the leverage points for improvement in your innovation management system, and how to translate them into a meaningful, doable program so that they can improve innovation throughput step-by-step, without “boiling the ocean.” #innovationmanagement #focus #leverage #corporateinnovation

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    The external market will continue to throw things at you, and new shocks and opportunities mean people across all levels of the organization will find themselves in situations where they must exercise independent thinking and action. They can only do so if the organization has provided them with the information they need to make decisions without fear of consequences, so they know how to react and how others will as well. This occurs in companies with what Rebecca Homkes calls "internal predictability", moving with aligned speed. Join this high-energy and practical session with Rebecca Homkes as part our Learning Labs next week, to learn how you can build internal predictability within your innovation function. #innovationteam #agility #growth

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