📣 Tickets for the Movies that Matter Festival 2025 are now on sale! The Movies that Matter Festival is coming to The Hague from 21 - 29 March, featuring 90+ powerful films, from gripping documentaries and fiction movies to thought-provoking shorts, plus an extensive in-depth programme. Check out the programme and get your tickets now via https://lnkd.in/efz6YpPj 📲 📍Festival venues: Filmhuis Den Haag Het Nationale Theater Theater en Filmhuis Dakota Theater De Regentes Theater De Vaillant Kunstmuseum Den Haag Amare - Den Haag T.M.C. Asser Instituut
Stichting Movies that Matter
Amsterdam, North Holland 5.915 volgers
Verruimt de blik op mensenrechten
Over ons
De missie van Movies that Matter is om de blik te verruimen op mensenrechten. Wij zetten film in om de dialoog over een rechtvaardige samenleving te stimuleren, om de publieke opinie te beïnvloeden, en om onze doelgroepen te motiveren zich in te zetten voor mensenrechten en een duurzame samenleving. De kunstvorm film is een buitengewoon sterk medium. Daar waar het in woord en geschrift soms niet lukt mensen echt te raken, kan cinema wél door onverschilligheid of cynisme heen breken. Dit maakt film het middel bij uitstek om mensen te betrekken bij de strijd voor mensenrechten en een duurzame samenleving. We genereren impact door mensen te raken, inzicht te geven en vragen te stellen. Wij zien film echter nooit als sluitend pleidooi, maar als startpunt van een proces van meningsvorming. Daarom combineren wij filmvertoningen altijd met verdiepende programma’s: met nagesprekken, paneldiscussies, lesmaterialen of workshops. Wij doen dit in binnen- en buiten-land met films uit binnen- en buitenland. Onze kerntaken zijn het vertonen van films over mensenrechten en het stimuleren van dergelijke vertoningen. De eerste kerntaak vervullen wij door de organisatie van het Movies that Matter Festival, de educatiewerkzaamheden en het organiseren van events. De tweede kerntaak vervullen wij met advieswerk in binnen- en buitenland, het industryprogramma op het festival, en het ondersteunen van festivals in het buitenland. Wij leveren geen financiële bijdragen aan filmproductie.
- Website
Externe link voor Stichting Movies that Matter
- Branche
- Non-profitorganisaties
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 11 - 50 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Amsterdam, North Holland
- Type
- Non-profit
- Opgericht
- 2006
- Specialismen
- Organiseren van filmvertoningen en debatten rond mensenrechtenthema's
Keizersgracht 177
Amsterdam, North Holland, NL
Medewerkers van Stichting Movies that Matter
Julie Nederkoorn
Impact, Storytelling, Film, Social Change, Community Building, Human Rights | Head of International Support @ Movies that Matter
Arend Hulshof
author | schrijfcoach | trainer | human rights | artificiële intelligentie | schrijver boek Rijpstra's Ondergang
Anne-lyke Elshout, v.d.
co-founder at fa-bricage
Eric Seleky
Head of Marketing & Communications | Passionate about crafting stories that drive social impact
Stichting Movies that Matter heeft dit gerepost
Op 22 maart presenteert Trouw twee programma’s op het Movies that Matter festival, rond films geselecteerd door Trouw-redacteur Remke de Lange: De Propagandist en Flophouse America. Lees meer en koop je kaartje via de link! Stichting Movies that Matter https://lnkd.in/eQTSjgjt
🎬 Don't miss the Dutch Focus Night this Monday 24 March! The Dutch Focus competition highlights Dutch feature films and documentaries. While diverse in style and subject, they all share a common goal: shedding light on social injustices and human dignity. On Monday 24 March, we present The Garden of Earthly Delights by Morgan Knibbe, which will have its world premiere at the festival. The film follows the lives of children, sex workers, and trans women in the Philippines who struggle to survive on the margins of society. With a hypnotic cinematic style, it immerses us in their daily reality as they navigate love, loss, and resilience. Dinah B. will open the evening with a keynote, reflecting on the theme of the film and its broader social context. As a trans activist, LGBTQI+ lobbyist and advocate for sex workers' rights and HIV & AIDS policies, she will connect the realities shown in the film to the larger fight for equality and justice. Following the screening, director Morgan Knibbe and actors Chezka, Bunny, and Benjamin will participate in a discussion moderated by Bahram Sadeghi. 📆 Mon 24 March at 20:00 📍Theater aan het Spui 🎟️ Get your tickets: https://lnkd.in/ef3MBDAP
Stichting Movies that Matter heeft dit gerepost
Stichting Movies that Matter en Theater De Vaillant slaan de handen ineen voor een unieke filmervaring! We presenteren drie bijzondere films: If I Die, It Will Be of Joy, Yalla Parkour, en Writing Hawa. Deze films nemen je mee op een krachtige reis van cultuur, avontuur en emotie. Na de vertoningen van Yalla Parkour en Writing Hawa nodigen we je uit om samen het vasten te breken met een Iftar. Betaal wat je kunt en reserveer hier je kaartjes: https://lnkd.in/ezEq6zTx
📣 Calling all industry professionals! Join us at the Industry Days during the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague for workshops, panel discussions, impact plan pitches, one-on-one networking sessions, and masterclasses on film & human rights. Most events are free—just register for a ticket via the programme pages. For the full programme and more information on each session, check: https://lnkd.in/eeYdDQp9 🎬✨
Stichting Movies that Matter heeft dit gerepost
🗓️ Op donderdag 27 maart organiseren we samen met Filmhuis Den Haag en Filmhub Zuid-Holland een inspirerende Docentendag voor vo-, mbo- en ISK-docenten. Een middag vol inzichten, tools en praktische handvatten om maatschappelijke thema’s bespreekbaar te maken in en buiten de klas 💬📽️ De dag start met het indrukwekkende theaterstuk MOED van Mahfoud Mokaddem, waarin hij als mbo-docent uitdagingen en dilemma’s deelt. Daarna volgen interactieve workshops door Diversion, Stichting Critical Mass en Cultuurbaas, waaronder een sessie over film als gespreksstarter en een speciale focus op cultuursensitief handelen voor ISK-docenten. De films die we onder de loep nemen zijn onder andere Bezorgd en Alles komt goed, welke allebei onderdeel zijn van het Movies that Matter festivalprogramma. We sluiten af met een gezellige borrel om ervaringen uit te wisselen. Mis deze kans op inspiratie en waardevolle ontmoetingen niet! 🔗 Lees meer over het programma en schrijf je snel in: https://lnkd.in/eBpp7c2d
📢 Join us for the Take on Film & Impact Pitches! On Tuesday 25 March, the film teams selected for the Take on Film & Impact programme will present their projects and impact goals to an audience of NGOs, international organisations, and impact funders. Industry professionals—including distributors, sales agents, and representatives from cinema and television—are also invited to attend. This year we are working again with impact projects from around the world, whom we are guiding towards meeting the right partners for their campaigns. These projects explore a diverse range of critical topics, including environmental activism, the systemic violence against protesters, the safety of journalists in war zones and in countries where democracy is under threat, European border management and its colonial past, LGBTQ rights, and copyright challenges in an increasingly digital and AI-driven world. 📆 Tue 25 March at 09:00 📍Theater aan het Spui 🎟️ The programme is free to attend, but registration is required. Discover the projects being pitched and reserve your spot here: https://lnkd.in/ei9eBg4F 💡 Impact Speed Dates (1:1 Meetings) If you’re an NGO, foundation, broadcaster, or impact producer interested in scheduling a one-on-one meeting with a film team to explore collaboration opportunities, get in touch: industry@moviesthatmatter.nl.
💡 How can films on social issues do more than just raise awareness? Are you a filmmaker looking for the formula to take your film to the next level? Join this inspirational morning session at the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague and learn more about creating impact campaigns that drive social change! Key figures from the film and impact industry will present case studies, participate in panel discussions, and share their insights into the world of impact. The event includes the following presentations: 💬 How to run impact distribution for a feature film. “Bride Kidnapping” Case Study by Alternativa Film Project, with Liza Surganova (Head of Alternativa Film Project) and Masha Shcherbakova (Impact Distribution Manager at Alternativa Film Project) 💬 WHY FREEDOM? Global campaign and impact over time by Mathilde Kirstein ( The Why Foundation) 💬 Building Audiences for Impact: From Engagement to Action by Paul Rieth (GET YOUR CROWD - strategy · content · event) 💬 Know Your Rights: The Power of Clear Contracts in Impact Distribution by Sarah Mosses (Together Films) 💬 Funding Impact: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Documentary Financing - a panel discussion with Emilien S. (The StoryBoard Collective , CH), Thea Berry (Together Films, UK) and Gerry Leonard (Working Films, US), moderated by Vivian Schröder (The Good Media Network, DE) 📆 Mon 24 March at 09:00 📍Theater aan het Spui 🎟️ The programme is free to attend, but reservations are required. Reserve your spot here: https://lnkd.in/e9B4rSsj
📽️ Want to learn more about bringing your film to the international cinema circuit and creating lasting impact beyond the screening room? Join us on Wednesday 26 March for the Industry session Take on Scaling Up Your Film during the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague! The session consists of two parts: 🌍 Part 1 – Films Don’t End at Borders In conversation with renowned producer and filmmaker Brian Hill (Century Films) and and internationally recognized producer Frank Hoeve (BALDR Film), we will explore the complexities of their crafts and how they have managed to bring their films to the international audience. They will share some of their secrets of how to navigate the process of choosing a project and guiding this all the way to the international cinema circuit. After the talk, there will be time for questions from the audience. This session is moderated by Mariette Rissenbeek. 🗣️ Part 2 – Films Don’t End at Closing Credits In the second part of the panel we will engage in a conversation with Marnie Blok, director of Dutch short film Beyond Silence (PRPL), Tamar Van Den Dop, actress in Beyond Silence, and Subina Shrestha, journalist, producer, and director of Nepalese documentary Devi (Mediadante). They will share their insights into how film can make a long lasting impact, far beyond the screening room. How do you build impact campaigns that have this kind of reach? After the talk, there will be time for questions from the audience. This session is moderated by Margje de Koning. 📆 Wed 26 March at 14:30 📍Theater aan het Spui 🎟️ The programme is free to attend, but reservations are required. Reserve your spot here: https://lnkd.in/eN2S8kys This programme is made possible by the Nederlandse Audiovisuele Producenten Alliantie (NAPA).
🎞️ Our new four-film Deep Dive selection explores a world on the brink of war, delving into the geopolitical power struggles that unfold. This selection features two timeless classics: Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb and Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator, alongside two recent films: Facing War by Tommy Gulliksen and The Damned by Roberto Minervini. On Saturday 29 March, all four films will be shown back-to-back at Theater aan het Spui, including a special introduction to The Great Dictator by Maren Merckx (VPRO Tegenlicht)! More information and tickets: https://lnkd.in/eQMwp7cb