Technologie, informatie en internet

Haarlem, North Holland 2.399 volgers

Let's revolutionize the (child)care industry!

Over ons

We want to revolutionize the (child)care branch using AI matching algorithms for workers and families, Nina is an internationally operating childcare platform solving the problem of arranging reliable, affordable childcare. From matching and automated screening, Nina also offers a dynamic pricing feature, insurance and easy payment via the app. Starting with childcare via its nanny and au pair subscription products, Nina also has an ambition to expand into pet and elderly care to become the dominant care marketplace solution in the EU and US. Key highlights: * 2022 revenue of €3m * Consistent YoY growth rate of 115% for 4 years * 70% gross margin * CAC:LTV = 1:6

Technologie, informatie en internet
11 - 50 medewerkers
Haarlem, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Selected and trained babysitters, After school daycare, Reviews from other parents, au pair agency, platform, Marketplace, Digital Revolution, Technology company, Elderly care, B2B care solutions, Care Marketplace, AI technology marketplace en Care app


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    Hendrik Figeeweg 1 p

    The Haarlem Office

    Haarlem, North Holland 2031, NL


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    As an entrepreneur, you set goals to grow your business. There are many different ways to achieve these goals 📈 Founder Jasmijn Kok was invited to Kennismakers, a Rabobank show where entrepreneurs help each other to approach things differently. They share tips, experiences and talk about challenges. How are they similar? And what are they doing differently? The knowlegde of one can help the other. In this specific episode Jasmijn talks to Siang-Lan Go, creater & owner of De Pizzabakkers Group. They share experiences and talk about the challenges of growing a business and running a franchise organization. Curious? Check out the episode below!

    Kennismakers over franchise en groei. - Rabobank

    Kennismakers over franchise en groei. - Rabobank

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    Profiel weergeven voor Lisa Hospers, afbeelding

    Digital Marketeer

    Marketing stage bij ✨ Je denkt proactief mee over de beste campagne strategieën, vindt het leuk om te brainstormen en te helpen bij het uitrollen van onze campagnes op o.a. Instagram, TikTok en via influencers. Voor jouw inzet krijg je veel vrijheid, waardering en natuurlijk een fijne stagevergoeding! Solliciteren? ✉️ Zien we je snel? 💜 #stageplaats #stagehaarlem #marketingstage #stagevacature #marketingvacature

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    We are super proud and happy to introduce our Certified Childcare Consultant Course! 🎓👶 You say what now? We know it's a mouthful, but it deserves to be! It was a loooot of work! Yes, aside from growing and expanding to other countries, we have worked our socks off to develop an 8-module course that's all set to give our au pairs an amazing upgrade in the childcare department. Think of childhood development stages and milestones, safe and healthy environments, planning activities and routines, different parenting and discipline styles and how to settle on behavioural agreements and house rules. Pretty important, am I right? Oh and no long and boring lectures by the way – we're giving real-life case scenarios and examples to bring all those theories to life! We end the course with a live feedback and review session to improve and make sure there are no questions left. With this course, our au pairs elevate their knowledge and our parents gain a little extra confidence knowing their kids are in the safest, most caring and capable hands. Big shout out to Holland Page, Shereen Faye Kollmann, MSc. and Brenda Ribó Sterk for all the hard work! What do you think of our new addition to the program? ✨ #ninacare #aupair #aupairagency #aupairtraining #childcare #training #scaleup #startup

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    2.399 volgers

    Profiel weergeven voor Jasmijn Kok, afbeelding


    Why a Workation in Ibiza is a Valuable Investment for My Startup Yes, we went to Ibiza - but it's not just for fun in the sun. While it might sound extravagant, both for our company, Lyla, and for me personally, it's an investment that we firmly believe in. With 37 team members and a revenue of 2.7 million last year, here's why we're planning to do it again for sure next year. But first, let's talk numbers, shall we? I'll reveal the budget for our 4-day workation in Ibiza at the end of this post, and then you can decide whether you think it's worth it. 1. Communication and Information Efficiency Just imagine the immense value of our various departments connecting and communicating more effectively now that they know each other on a deeper level. Instead of relying on chance encounters, we proactively encouraged team members to sit next to colleagues they didn't know well. Those rental car rides led to some fantastic unplanned "coffee small talk" moments that can't be quantified in terms of value. 2. Team Vibes – Ready for Any Challenge Building a startup is a tough endeavor. Elon Musk once vividly described it as "like eating glass and liking the taste of blood." While that might be a tad extreme, our team operates under considerable pressure. Developing technology, serving customers who use it, and achieving rapid growth are not for the faint of heart. Lyla and I strongly believe that in a safe and cohesive environment, where colleagues trust and enjoy each other's company, we can tackle any challenge that comes our way. 3. Recruitment and Brand Building We encouraged our colleagues to tag us and post about the trip, showcasing it as a workation. Sure, it's true that corporate jobs often come with fatter paychecks, but there's something money can't buy: a close-knit group that collaborates on building innovative, adventurous, and exciting projects. Think about the cost of hiring a recruiter, and then you'll see the value in our budget. Budget Now, let's dive into the budget. But before that, let's give a loud round of applause to Romana, our meticulous HR manager. She managed the trip's program and budget down to the smallest detail, ensuring that everyone had an amazing time. Sure, we shared desserts, went glamping instead of 5* hotels and limited the choice of certain drinks ( cocktails are €18 on Ibiza my goodness) Romana kept a close eye on the budget, and that was perfect you need to place the money where the value is! And now, the moment you've been waiting for - the budget was... drumroll... 450 euros per person. I'll let you do the math and decide if it's a sound investment. Jasmijn

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    2.399 volgers

    Did you spot us on the NOS news last night? 📺✨ Oh yes, we're trending! More and more families in the Netherlands are swapping traditional childcare for a cultural exchange with an au pair. The interviewer wondered why this is happening. Why are families increasingly choosing to host an au pair? Well, who could answer that better than us?! Living costs keep on rising, and childcare spots are nearly impossible to find... especially in big cities! That's why families need to find an alternative. An au pair can be the perfect solution! Hosting an au pair means flexible, high-quality care for your kids. Not to mention, it's a unique cultural experience that your family will cherish forever. You'll broaden your children's world... How amazing is that?! The fact that it's also more cost-effective than regular childcare is just the cherry on top. So, it's no wonder more and more families are choosing an au pair! Want to know more? Check out the NOS news item here: or read the NOS article right here: or check-out

    Nederlandse gezinnen nemen steeds vaker hun toevlucht tot een au pair

    Nederlandse gezinnen nemen steeds vaker hun toevlucht tot een au pair

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    Profiel weergeven voor Jasmijn Kok, afbeelding


    BAM! ✨🎉 Dit artikel van de Volkskrant slaat de spijker op zijn kop! De manier waarop de kinderopvang in Nederland is georganiseerd, moet veranderen. Dat is iets wat we bij al jaren zien. We probeerden eerst een oplossing te vinden door ons gastouderbureau op te richten, maar realiseerden ons al snel dat er een tekort is aan gastouders. Het opzetten van een officiële gastouderopleiding leek de perfecte aanpak: zo konden we onze geliefde oppassers tot gastouders opleiden. Ideaal, toch? Helaas bleek dit geen succes; de taaie, ouderwetse wetgeving en hoge kosten maakten een einde aan ons gastouderbureau.Maar wij hebben een belangrijke missie binnen ons bedrijf: wij willen ouders helpen. Dus, we moesten op zoek naar een andere oplossing. Gelukkig hebben we die gevonden. Als erkend au pair bureau, koppen we iedere dag hardwerkende ouders aan toegewijde, zorgzame en super flexibele au pairs.  Dit blijkt dé oplossing te zijn voor het opvangprobleem. Een au pair is niet zomaar een 'nanny', hoewel de meesten van ons onmiddellijk denken aan Tippy van Gooische Vrouwen, klopt dit beeld niet. Au pairs zijn toegewijd en liefdevo en staan altijd klaar om je kinderen op te vangen na een lange schooldag. Ze leren je kids over nieuwe culturen, helpen hen om vloeiend Engels te spreken en ondersteunen onze ouders met 30 uur zorg per week. Het mooiste hieraan? In Nederland hebben we geweldige regels voor au pairs. Wij volgen strikt de IND-wetgeving, niet alleen omdat het moet, maar omdat we er echt om geven. We willen dat het een fantastische ervaring is voor onze au pairs, naast dat het ouders een ideale opvangmogelijkheid biedt. Hoe we dat doen? We begeleiden onze au pairs en families intensief tijdens hun au pair avontuur. We organiseren events, bieden EHBO-en taalcursussen aan en nemen al het papierwerk uit handen. Want als ouder heb je immers al genoeg aan je hoofd. Ik zie je denken, hoe zit het met mijn privacy? Zit ik straks iedere avond met mijn au pair op de bank! Laat ik daar even duidelijk over zijn. Nee, je zit niet elke avond met je au pair op de bank. Daar zit je au pair namelijk helemaal niet op te wachten! Ook je au pair heeft behoefte aan haar eigen leven. Ze gaat eropuit, ontmoet vrienden die ze kent via onze events, of trekt zich even lekker terug in haar eigen kamer. Een extra kamer is overigens ongeveer het enige wat je nodig hebt om in aanmerking te komen voor een au pair uitwisseling. ( badkamer mag he delen! ) En geloof me, de meeste ouders vinden het meer dan de moeite waard om hun kinderen een kamer te laten delen, zodat ze een extra kamer over hebben. Dus, wat denk jij? Is dit de oplossing voor het kinderopvang probleem? Want als we op de overheid moeten wachten… *wordt langzaam grijs*

    Opinie: Wat het cynische kinderopvangsysteem mijn vriendin en mij heeft geleerd: werken is iets voor de rijken

    Opinie: Wat het cynische kinderopvangsysteem mijn vriendin en mij heeft geleerd: werken is iets voor de rijken

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    🚀 Exciting news! We at just hit a MEGA MILESTONE! Our latest investment round just raked in a WHOPPING 100,000 euros.🚀 The biggest and best surprise of our last launch is the enormous traction in the UK market, which has been even higher than our most optimistic expectations, and earned us strong investor confidence. But we are not sitting back yet! We're now busy launching our au pair agency in Germany. This recent investment will be directed towards ensuring a successful kick-off in the German market and to further streamline our UK operations. Oh and guess what? Our win didn’t go unnoticed! We appeared on the TV show Business Class, answering some tough questions from Harry Mens - 📺   As we just embarked on this VC round, we're still welcoming new investment partners to join us in our quest to conquer the world! Learn more about partnering with Nina.care Let's keep reaching for the stars together ✨

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    🎉 Big Announcement: is Expanding to Germany! 🎉 We are beyond excited and incredibly proud to announce that our au pair agency,, is expanding to serve families in Germany! As we continue our mission to connect families with top-notch au pairs across the globe, we are thrilled to bring our trusted, reliable, and exceptional services to German families. Our au pairs are carefully selected and highly skilled individuals who provide quality childcare and share their vibrant cultures and experiences with their host families. With, families in Germany can now enjoy the benefits of a seamless, professional, and personalized au pair experience. 👨👩👧👦 We'd like to extend our gratitude to our amazing team, our partners, and our loyal host families who have helped us grow to where we are today. We're looking forward to this exciting new journey in Germany! Willkommen! 🎊   #ninacare #aupair #expansion #Germany #childcare #families #welcometoGermany

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