Coverfoto van PanCare


Medische praktijken

Bussum, Noord-Holland 749 volgers

Over ons

PanCare is a multidisciplinary pan‐European network of professionals, survivors and their families that aims to reduce the frequency, severity and impact of late side‐effects of the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer. PanCare is working to achieve equity of access to care for childhood cancer survivors across Europe, to perform collaborative research and to act as a resource of research based information concerning all late side‐effects of cancer treatment. An important aim of PanCare is to work with the European Community to increase awareness and research about childhood cancer survivors. The mission of PanCare is to ensure equal access to optimal long-term care and to improve quality of life for every child and adolescent in Europe after their cancer treatment.

Medische praktijken
11 - 50 medewerkers
Bussum, Noord-Holland
research en longterm follow-up


Medewerkers van PanCare


  • ℹ️ We’re excited to announce the latest updates of the PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for long-term follow-up care and PanCareSurPass Recommendations for short-term follow-up care of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors! These revisions reflect the newest IGHG guidelines, addressing: 🔹Pulmonary complications 🔹Reduced bone mineral density 🔹Updated cardiomyopathy recommendations Plus, refinements based on expert clinical insights ensure to even better guidance for healthcare professionals and survivors. The changes are described in the PDF of the new PanCareFollowUp recommendations for long-term follow-up care (2024) and the PDF of the new PanCareSurPass recommendations for short-term follow-up care (2024) and in the upcoming amendments to the European Journal of Cancer and Journal of Cancer Survivorship in which the guidelines have been published. 🔹 The PLAIN summaries for survivors have also been updated to reflect these changes! 🔗 Check out the updated guidelines and PLAIN summaries now:   🔹 The PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for long-term follow-up care were originally developed within the EU-funded PanCareFollowUp project in 2020 as described in European PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for surveillance of late effects of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer by van Kalsbeek et al.( 🔹 The PanCareSurPass Recommendations for short-term follow-up care were originally developed within the EU-funded PanCareSurPass project in 2023 as described in European recommendations for short‑term surveillance of health problems in childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors from the end of treatment to 5 years after diagnosis: a PanCare guideline by de Beijer et al. ( 🔹 The PanCare PLAIN language summaries were developed within the EU-funded projects PanCareFollowUp and EU-CAYAS-NET as described in From long-term follow-up Recommendations for clinical practice to plain language summaries for childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors by van den Oever (2024) et al. ( They reflect the content of the PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for long-term follow-up care.

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  • Delivering Long-term follow-up care according to guidelines is very important to provide optimal care to survivors. Julia Balaguer and Teresa Tormo from LaFe hospital in Valencia feel that the survivorship passport can contribute to this. This way, in the future hopefully all survivors can be included in the LTFU Care system. Excited to learn more about PanCareSurPass? Watch video's with more information on

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  • Survivors require lifelong follow-up care due to the risk of late effects. To ensure the best possible support, it’s crucial that they receive individualised follow-up recommendations tailored to their illness and treatment. Additionally, survivors need constant access to their medical history and these recommendations. This empowers them to take charge of their healthcare and eliminates the need to repeatedly explain their story to new doctors. This is also reinforced by the words of Jelena Rascon, paediatric oncologist from Vilnius University Hospital in Lithuania! Follow us for more information about the SurPass and the PanCareSurPass project - there’s much more to come!

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  • Can you imagine why collaboration is important for such a project as PanCareSurPass and how this can trigger significant changes for children diagnosed with cancer? 🤔 To learn more about this topic we listen to from Samira Essiaf from SIOP Europe! Want to know more? You can watch the full video about collaboration within the PanCareSurPass project here: ‼️ Excited to learn more about SurPass and PanCareSurPass? Follow along – there’s much more on the way!

  • Do you remember when we talked about the importance of multidisciplinarity in research and development? 🤔 True multidisciplinarity only happens when the expertise of personal experience—including that of patients themselves—is integrated into research and development for really being able to cover the patients’ needs! 💡 Patient expert Jeroen te Dorsthorst from PanCare couldn’t agree more! 👏 ℹ️ Want to know more? You can watch a full video about collaboration within the PanCareSurPass project here: ‼️ Follow us for more information about the SurPass and the PanCareSurPass project - there’s much more to come!

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  • To ensure the best possible care for patients and survivors, a multidisciplinary approach is always essential to meet all needs. This applies not only to clinical practice and treatment but also to research and development! 🔬📈 We are proud to implement this very approach as part of the PanCareSurPass project, as explained by our coordinator Desiree Grabow from the University of Mainz! ✨ ℹ️ Want to know more? You can watch a full video about the history of the PanCareSurPass project here: ‼️ Follow us for more information about the SurPass and the PanCareSurPass project - there’s much more to come!

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  • Curious about the recommendations guiding the implementation of a digital Survivorship Passport? 🤓 ☝🏻 Hear from PhD student Ismay de Beijer from the Princess Máxima Center the three key recommendations we uncovered in our pre-implementation study 📝 ℹ️ Want to know more? You can watch the full video about the background of the PanCareSurPass project here: ‼️ Follow us for more information about the SurPass and the PanCareSurPass project - there’s much more on the way!

  • Have you heard about the Survivorship Passport and why it’s essential? 🎗️ Thanks to advances in cancer treatments, over 80% of children and adolescents with cancer in Europe now survive beyond five years. Today, there are more than 500,000 childhood and adolescent cancer survivors across Europe—and this number keeps growing! But with survival come the long-term effects of treatment, meaning these survivors need closer health monitoring than the general population. While clinical guidelines exist for health monitoring, putting them into practice in everyday healthcare can be challenging. That’s where the digital Survivorship Passport (SurPass) comes in! ℹ️ Want to know more? You can watch a full video about the background of the PanCareSurPass project here: ‼️ Follow us for more information about the SurPass and the PanCareSurPass project - there’s much more to come!

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