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Yesterday, the County Government of Taita Taveta (CGTT) led by His Excellency Governor Dr. Andrew Mwadime, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Solidaridad East and Central Africa led by our Regional Managing Director Rachel Wanyoike and Kenya Country Manager Hellen Wanjiru. The purpose of the MoU is to establish a framework for cooperation between the parties to advance mutual objectives in agricultural transformation and locally led climate action. This includes collaboration in implementing the Acting Now for Food Security and Resilient Food Systems project, which aims to contribute to food systems resilience, by supporting producers to build more resilient farms and food systems that are prepared for future climate change impact and economic vulnerabilities. Key Solidaridad East and Central Africa interventions in the county include climate smart agriculture, water efficient drip irrigation infrastructure, facilitating farmer-led cooperatives/groups to transition to farmer service hubs for inclusive service delivery, aggregation and B2B engagements for inclusive market connections, gender and social inclusion and climate action through our partnership with Acorn to offset carbon through carbon trading of removal units (CRUs). His Excellency governor Mwadime recognized Solidaridad for its impactful farmer-first interventiosn and pledged his administration's support for the Acting Now project and rolling out of the Acorn carbon project. The signing of the MoU marks the crowning of a thoroughly participatory process and is a critical step in our strategic partnerships with like-minded stakeholders in driving #ChangeThatMatters. Wairimu Kung'u Boniface Kirago ROBERT MUIGANA