Scientists for Future Netherlands heeft dit gerepost
"Are you listening to these voices? Are you going to tell the activist that they shouldn't interrupt the party?" The Utrecht University "Alumnus of the Year" Hiske Arts gets straight to the point with her alma mater - why aren't they listening to the anti-genocide protesters outside the building instead of taking a detour round them, and why are they going back on their promise to stop collaboration with the fossil fuel industry (who are going back on their promises about clean energy)? When I watched this my first thought was: this is *amazing*, and my second was: this needs to be heard by non-Dutch speakers too. So I translated it to English and Fossielvrij NL redid the subtitles. Please watch - and hold your organisations accountable where you can. Scientists for Future Netherlands Scientists For Future #S4F Scientist Rebellion Scientist Rebellion Netherlands Universiteiten van Nederland