The NetworKing Academy

The NetworKing Academy


Kallenkote, Overijssel 369 volgers

"It's not who you know that counts, it's who knows YOU!"

Over ons

The Networking Academy - a first of its kind in the world - is based on the foundations and principles of The NetworKing concept. Through a tailored program at Business School Notenboom, The NetworKing Academy’s goal is to enlighten graduates with corporate and entrepreneurial network-related topics in order to prepare them to become highly trained and professional networkers. The NetworKing Academy's target audience is the mid-career professional, who wants to improve his or her networking skills by directly gaining experience and achieving results.The NetworKing Academy offers its participants a real experience about practical and other current topics, that directly contribute to everyone’s personal Network Plan. The program, that is characterized by international perspective and diversity, is conducted in Dutch and lasts 2 months (eight sessions,) one evening per week, plus two ''NetworKing in Action' sessions.

2-10 medewerkers
Kallenkote, Overijssel
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Medewerkers van The NetworKing Academy


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor The NetworKing Academy, afbeelding

    369 volgers

    Don’t give up! 🏃♀️ Let’s rewind to the final session of The NetworKing Academy: Energize Your Network. In this lively and dynamic session, participants learned how to infuse energy into their networks. We celebrated the success of the course with champagne, reminiscing about the events we attended, with some reenactments of The NetworKing, filling the room with laughter throughout the evening. Amidst the laughter, we also had some profound conversations. We were honored to have Joseph Oubelkas with us, who captivated everyone with his powerful story and unique perspective. He skillfully mixed humor with his inspiring message, reminding us that the way we see the world is entirely up to us. And the way we decide to energize our networks as well.. Are you one to never give up? Applications for The NetworKing Academy this fall are now open! Visit our website or send us a DM for more info.

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    369 volgers

    An evening full of celebrations 🥂 To celebrate the tremendous effort and success of our participants, we raised our glasses and toasted to the success of The NetworKing Academy and the strong foundation we’ve built together. The NetworKing himself was touched by the warm words and thoughtful gifts from the participants, each one carrying a unique story. It felt like a festive celebration, full of cheer and heartfelt moments 🎁
 The last session of the Academy was a memorable, slightly chaotic, yet completely wonderful evening, made even more special by guest speaker Joseph Oubelkas and his incredible story. More on that next week… Thank you Dankjewel Merci ‎شكراً #netweken #networking #ondernemen

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    369 volgers

    The perfect finale to an unforgettable journey…👏
 The NetworKing Academy participants were treated to a surprise outing orchestrated by The NetworKing and AFAS Software. We started with a delicious dinner, cheered on the Dutch soccer team (a fitting tribute to Johan Cruijff) and immersed ourselves in the musical ‘14’ at AFAS Theater. The evening culminated in a lively party, with tons of things to celebrate. It was a joy to see participants and their loved ones come together one last time before setting off on new adventures. As we bid farewell to our spring cohort, we are immensely proud to have connected with such a remarkable group and very glad to now welcome them as members of The Network Club. Here’s to future encounters and continued success together 🎉

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor The NetworKing Academy, afbeelding

    369 volgers

    Looking back on The NetworKing Academy session about the art of negotiation within your network. Participants engaged in practical exercises, splitting into groups to apply the tips and tricks they’ve learned 🤝 Amidst the serious discussions, there was plenty of laughter as we reflected on the recent AmCham practical session. Humor proved to be a valuable tool, reminding us that a light-hearted approach can also enhance negotiation skills 😄

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    Putting networking skills to work... 💪 Last week, The NetworKing Academy participants put theory into practice by attending the American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands (AmCham) Luncheon to apply their networking skills and knowledge learned in The NetworKing Academy program. With six sessions behind them and following Ruf's guidance, the participants enthusiastically tackled the challenge and effectively networked the room. Resulting in new connections, new opportunities, expansion of their networks, while growing in confidence and self empowerment! Look at them go! 🔥

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    “Don’t try to sell anything” 🙅♀️ Last week's session at The NetworKing Academy brought forth invaluable insights, including this gem: 'Don't try to sell anything.' Wise words spoken by The NetworKing, reminding us to prioritize genuine connections over sales pitches. We delved into the topic of Acquisition within your Network, exploring avenues to secure new clients, cultivate fresh business opportunities, and ultimately, drive revenue. During the session, Marc ter Haar shared enlightening anecdotes, illustrating how he leveraged his network effectively. His examples emphasized the importance of reaching out authentically, while maintaining a courteous and approachable demeanor. And ultimately how this can all work in your favor. The session was ended with a few valuable tips shared by Ruf for the Networking in Practice session that took place at AmCham today. The perfect way to put all the skills learned over the past weeks to the test. As we wrap up Week 6 of The NetworKing Academy, participants continue to forge meaningful connections. It's a testament to the power of networking—simply by extending a hand, introducing oneself, and fostering openness, endless possibilities emerge.

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    A look back on the fourth session of The NetworKing Academy last week: Leading in your Network 🙌 While The NetworKing himself was in Indonesia, we got none other than Edmond Fokker at the helm of this session. With many inspiring stories about the past and the present he managed to keep us at the edge of our seat and think about what good leadership entails in todays society With Martijn de Looze as a guest speaker, we delved deeper into what good leadership is all about. How do you manage (a lot of) people, how do you inspire as a leader, how do you truly listen and make people feel heard. The knowledge and stories of Edmund and Martijn perfectly came together. Leadership is about caring, listening, loving. In order to truly connect with those around you, you need to look into your own heart. Less thinking, more feeling 💙 When was the last time you established a true connection? Tomorrow is already week five of The NetworKing Academy, with next Tuesday the first ‘Networking in Action’ session. Stay tuned for more 👏

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