The Hague 2025 - 101st International Session of the European Youth Parliament

The Hague 2025 - 101st International Session of the European Youth Parliament

Civiele en sociale organisaties

Den Haag, Zuid-Holland 198 volgers

Young Visions of Peace and Security

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The Hague 2025 is the 101st International Session of the European Youth Parliament. It will gather 300 participants from all over Europe from the 3rd to the 13th of April 2025 to debate political issues, exchange ideas and discover new cultures. The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is one of the largest platforms for the exchange of young ideas in Europe. It is present in 40 countries, such as the Netherlands. We organise conferences for political education aimed at young Europeans aged 16-24. Under the theme “Young visions of peace and security” the young participants will debate current topics and come up with innovative solutions. By taking part, young people are empowered with social and professional skills that enhance their future opportunities. They learn to express their opinion, build intercultural friendships, think critically and innovatively, and are stimulated to become active citizens in their local communities and European society. The entire conference is youth-driven, with around seventy volunteers working for over a year on this event, acting as facilitators, moderators or organisers. To make our non-profit programme possible, we create visible and mutually beneficial partnerships. We help organisations come into contact with young minds and innovative ideas that can enrich their work. Partnering with EYP is an investment in civil society, and the education of young people. If you are interested in working together, please get in touch at or

Civiele en sociale organisaties
11 - 50 medewerkers
Den Haag, Zuid-Holland


Medewerkers van The Hague 2025 - 101st International Session of the European Youth Parliament


  • We are happy to partner up with the Benelux Union and Parliament again! In collaboration with European Youth Parliament the Netherlands over the past years, this organisation has demonstrated real interest in and commitment to young voices in politics. Their support helps us engage European youth to the civic society in a program of cultural exchange and diplomatic dialogue.

    Profiel weergeven voor Eva Wildöer, afbeelding

    Partnerships Manager 101st IS of the EYP | Master Student Conflict Resolution and Governance

    Op vrijdag 14 juni gingen mijn collega Bente Presse en ik op bezoek bij het Benelux Parlement in de Eerste Kamer. Hier kregen wij de kans om de beleidsvoorstellen van het Europees Jeugdparlement, opgesteld tijdens ons laatste Benelux Youth Forum in september 2023, te presenteren en toe te lichten. Onderdelen van dit voorstel zijn meegenomen in het officiële wetsvoorstel over fietsbeleid van het parlement, dat tijdens de zitting werd aangenomen. Ook spraken wij met verschillende aanwezigen over onze aankomende Internationale Conferentie in Den Haag in april 2025. Partners als de Benelux Unie en het Benelux Parlement zijn voor onze organisatie van onschatbare waarde: ze zorgen dat onze evenementen toegankelijk blijven voor zo veel mogelijk jongeren, en dragen zo bij aan de maatschappelijke ontwikkeling van de jonge generatie. Alleen dankzij hen kunnen non-profits als het EJP hun werk voortzetten. Komende april verwelkomen wij meer dan 300 deelnemers van over heel Europa in Den Haag, het centrum van vrede en recht. Wilt uw organisatie bijdragen om ons evenement een succes te maken, en zo de jonge visie op hedendaagse veiligheidsthema's te stimuleren? Schroom dan niet om mij een berichtje te sturen, of stuur een mailtje naar We horen graag van u! _____________________________________ On Friday the 14th of April my colleague Bente Presse and I visited the Benelux Parlement in the First Chamber. Here we were awarded the opportunity to present and discuss the policy proposals of the European Youth Parliament, which were drafted during the last edition of our Benelux Youth Forum in September 2023. Parts of this proposal were included in Parliament's official cycling policy bill, which was passed during the session. We also spoke to several attendees about our upcoming International Conference in The Hague in April 2025. Partners like the Benelux Union and the Benelux Parliament are invaluable to our organisation: they ensure that our events remain accessible to as many young people as possible, thus contributing to the social-political development of the young generation. Because of their support, non-profits like the EYP can continue their work. Next April we will welcome more than 300 participants from all over Europe to The Hague, the centre of peace and justice. Would your organisation like to contribute to making our event a success, stimulating young views on contemporary security issues? Don't hesitate to send me a message, or send an email to We would love to hear from you! 

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  • Our #website is live! will be the online information hub for participants and partners of the International Conference. You can now find the key numbers, theme pillars and primary venues of the event on the website, and much more content will be added as our preparations continue: academic topic overviews for participants to study, organisational announcements on the program and travel plans, media output during and after the event, and much more! The Hague 2025 is a week-long conference about #peace and #security, organised for young Europeans, by young Europeans. The program consists of teambuilding activities, problem-solving work in committees and plenary debates in general assembly. If you are curious about the event and want to reach out to specific project managers, their email addresses are on too.

  • The Hague 2025 is organised for young people, by young people. The entire event is planned, designed and fundraised for by a core team of #project #managers, who have been on board for a month and will be responsible for the successful execution next April. In less than a year, European Youth Parliament the Netherlands brings together 300+ young Europeans together in The Hague 2025 for a week of #PoliticalDialogue and #CulturalExchange around the themes of peace and security. All aspects of the conference are managed by #volunteers, from host venues to participant support, and from finances to public relations. Project leaders Bente Presse and Yu Vos have been joined by a set of very experienced volunteers from the European Youth Parliament (EYP) network, based in the Netherlands and abroad. Each individual brings a strong skillset and unique vision, and takes responsibility over a specific portfolio. Reach out to them if you or your organisation want to contribute to this project, turning The Hague in a week-long hub of youth visions of #peace and #security!

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  • From 3 to 13 April 2025, the European Youth Parliament (EYP) will hold its 101st International Session in The Hague. For more than a week, 300 young people from across the continent will gather in the diplomatic hub of #peace and justice. In committee meetings and plenary debates, they will discuss solutions to issues of #security, peace and #democracy. The conference takes place 80 years after the end of World War II and will therefore be dedicated to commemoration and reflection on peace and security. Within the theme "young visions of peace and security", the participants will work in groups on political issues around #defence, democracy and #economy. In addition, the programme includes visits to ministries, embassies and other government institutions, as well as diplomatic and professional training. The event is organised entirely by a team of dozens of #young #volunteers, and further fully depends on financial support from commercial and public bodies. As partners of The Hague 2025, companies and organisations can propose debate topics and build brand awareness among a large group of young Europeans. The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is an international network of 25,000 politically engaged young people in 35 countries. Its 400 annual conferences aim to inform and inspire a young generation of open-minded, responsible and active citizens. The organisation enjoys the patronship of Ursula von der Leyen and Roberta Metsola, the Presidents of the European Commission and the European Parliament respectively. The European Youth Parliament the Netherlands previously successfully organised an International Conference in Rotterdam with the support of Prof Dr Jan Peter Balkenende and Drs Frans van Houten. A year from now, The Hague will not only be the international capital of peace and justice, but also a week-long hub of young visions for a peaceful future of Europe. More information on participation and sponsorship is available at



  • Hello and welcome to the official LinkedIn page of The Hague 2025 - 102nd International Session of the EYP! We cannot wait to show you what we have been working on (and everything that is to come) and to have you join us on this journey of making this conference a reality. We are thrilled to bring together young minds from all over the European continent to discuss, collaborate, and inspire positive change under the theme “young visions of peace and security”. The Hague, a hub of diplomacy and international governance, and renowned for its commitment to international justice, is the perfect backdrop for our collective pursuit of a brighter and more secure world. Whether you're a passionate advocate, aspiring diplomat, or just curious about shaping the future, during The Hague 2025, we wish to inspire future generations to engage and contribute to the global conversation on peace and security and to give them the tools to leave a positive impact. Stay tuned for exciting updates (one is about to come your way tomorrow), a logo reveal, and more! Warm regards, Bente Presse & Yu Vos Project Leaders #youth #conference #europe #thehague #2025 #dialogue #discussion #exchange #education

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