Women Win

Women Win


Amsterdam, North Holland 16.790 volgers

We believe in a future where every girl and woman exercises their rights

Over ons

Founded in 2007, Women Win (WW) is a global multi-dimensional women’s fund guided by the vision of a future where every girl and woman* exercises their rights. With a global team based largely in the Netherlands, WW collaborates with diverse partners to increase the assets, access, voice, and agency of women and girls around the world. Our work focuses on investing in and providing support for a diverse global portfolio of partners. We also aim to influence a wide range of cross-sector stakeholders and broker unusual partnerships. Women Win works to advance girls’ and women’s rights amidst the scarce resources currently available for feminist movements. Our programmatic work is distributed across three “Brands” which all serve WW’s overall vision, but each with its own unique mission: ● GRLS: Advance the playing field that progresses gender equity in sport & through play; ● Win-Win Strategies: Connect the power of business with the deep assets of women’s funds and organisations to economically empower women; ● Ignita: Champion innovative funding strategies that channel resources to local human & gender rights activists, organisations & movements.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland


Medewerkers van Women Win


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    16.790 volgers

    🎞️ Watch this weekend ➡️ CATEGORY: WOMAN Women in international sport experience the policing of their bodies, gender discrimination, questioning of their identities as women, and more. 'Category: Woman' is a film that exposes over 100 years of sex testing, highlighting contemporary stories of remarkable athletes whose lives and careers were destroyed by harmful regulations. But their passion to compete was emboldened as they stood up for their rights in the face of oppression. 📼 Watch here: https://lnkd.in/daxu5wxi A percentage of your rental will support Humans of Sport, an organisation that equips athletes with the tools to secure their livelihoods, remedy injustices, and change the realm of sport. 🏃♀️➡️ 🎬 Trailer here: https://lnkd.in/eY7pZ7NY

    category:woman trailer


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    16.790 volgers

    ⏰ Do not miss: ONSIDE Fund is open for applications until October 28 for English and Spanish, and November 1 for French and Arabic! 🌏 This is a GLOBAL CALL open to registered and unregistered grassroots groups, collectives and organisations working at the intersection of disability, gender justice and sport. ✍️ Read the eligibility criteria, watch the informative webinar and apply here: https://lnkd.in/e6AAxrx4 -- Image Description: A girl with curly hair is smiling. Colourful background. The overlaying text reads "Apply to get funded! Find all information at onsidefund.org/onside-2024". Large ONSIDE Fund logo is visible.

    • A girl with curly hair is smiling. Colourful background. The overlaying text reads "Apply to get funded! Find all information at onsidefund.org/onside-2024". Large ONSIDE Fund logo is visible.
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    16.790 volgers

    📅 Collective365 is closing soon - send your application by October 31st! 📩 The fund will provide grants of up to 28,000 USD to seed 🌱 new initiatives kickstarting innovations and up to 49,000 USD to scale 📈 established partnerships enhancing and evolving their existing innovations. Collaborative partnerships tackling social challenges and achieving sustainable development in and through sport are encouraged to apply. 🗝️ The Olympism365 Innovation Hub is a collaboration between the International Olympic Committee – IOC, Beyond Sport and Women Win, supporting innovations and impactful approaches to sport for good. Click here to read the full criteria and apply: https://lnkd.in/ebAEB55Z

    • Two young South Asian girls wearing long pants and shalwar kameez reaching below their knees, one blue and one pink, are playing badminton. They are outside in a nice weather and two small children are also around. The overlaying text reads: “Collective365: Applications by October 31!” The Olympism365, Beyond Sport and Women Win logos are visible.
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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Restless Development, afbeelding

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    🚨 Pre-registrations are open! 🚨 We’re excited to announce the upcoming Financing for Feminist Futures conference! Are you an activist, researcher, policymaker, donor, or member of a civil society organization who wants to make gender equality a reality for all? Join us in hashtag#Madrid on May 21-23, 2025, to connect, share, and strategize to secure more and better funding for feminist futures. With this conference, we want to bring feminist funding to the top of the international development finance agenda and collectively influence the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development. When decisions about financing are made, gender equality must be at the center, and women and LGBTIQ+ people in all their diversity at the table! 📅 When: May 21-23, 2025 📍 Where: Madrid, Spain 💬 Interpretation: will be available in French and Spanish 💰 Financial support: more details available once registration opens 🎨 Call for sessions & artivism: help shape the conference offering by submitting a session or art project (to be announced) ✨Pre-register now to signal your interest in attending the conference and stay updated on conference news, including the call for sessions and the opening of the financial assistance applications 👉🏽 https://bit.ly/4eaVSXf As part of the conference, 13 innovative research projects exploring strategies for advancing feminist funding globally have been selected. Their results will be presented at the conference. Discover the research proposals and their main themes 👉🏽 https://bit.ly/4eT7Vte This conference is a key initiative of the Walking the Talk program, which advocates for foreign policies, practices, and funding that reflect the voices of women, LGBTIQ+ people, and feminist organizations, particularly from the Majority World. Let's come together to shape futures where feminist principles guide global development and foreign policy! Illustrations: Magda Castría #Financing4FeministFutures #WalkingTheTalk #FiingForDevelopment #UnitedNations #GenderEquality #WomenRights #LGBTIQ #GlobalDevelopment #GenderJustice #FeministConference #MajorityWorld Restless Development, Equipop and Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Beyond Sport, afbeelding

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    We were pleased to present at Include Summit last week to speak on how the Olympism365 Innovation Hub is contributing to #DEI through sport! It supports diverse community innovations leading new and impactful approaches in sport for sustainable development. Two of our Ignite365 Award recipients also joined us to speak about their award-winning innovations: touch2see making sport events accessible for visually impaired people and WeSwim supporting people with disabilities gain confidence in the water. The Innovation Hub is a collaboration between the International Olympic Committee – IOC, Beyond Sport and Women Win. Our Collective365 funding opportunity is currently open for submissions. It focuses on collaborative innovations in sport for sustainable development. Get your submissions in by Oct 31 - apply today 👉🏽 https://lnkd.in/ebAEB55Z

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  • Women Win heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Zipporah Kamau - MA, afbeelding

    Social Impact + Governance | Founder at We Believe CBO | Gender and Governance Consultant | Changemaker: Promoting SRHR, Climate Action, and Good Governance| VV Visionaries Fellow | WILD Fellow 2024

    As we continue running the EmpowerHer STEM program, one challenge has repeatedly stood out: the lack of adequate school science labs and computers in public schools. Students often struggle to conduct experiments due to poorly equipped labs, while computer access remains limited, restricting their engagement with STEM subjects. In a meeting yesterday with the teaching fraternity at Wangige Secondary, it became clear that many students are not intentional in how they combine subjects. Some choose subjects because they’re “easy” or because a sibling took them. This highlights the need for increased advocacy, especially in public schools, to help students make informed choices. I was also recently contacted by the principal of Farasi Lane Secondary School in a neighboring subcounty, who heard about our STEM project and requested we run a similar initiative there. Like many schools, they face a shortage of lab equipment and computers—resources essential to providing hands-on learning in science and technology. The teaching staff at Wangige Secondary has expressed willingness to collaborate on sustaining the momentum of the STEM program, even after our project ends. We are incredibly grateful to Women Win for making this possible. Without their support, we wouldn't have uncovered these pressing issues in detail. It’s clear that much more needs to be done, and we are committed to continuing this journey. Let’s advocate for better resources so that all students can fully engage in STEM and reach their potential. We Believe Community Organisation Ashley Nganga #STEMeducation #PublicSchools #EducationForAll #EmpowerHer #WomenInSTEM #AdvocacyForChange

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Women Win, afbeelding

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    📢 Le Fonds ONSIDE est maintenant OUVERT en arabe, anglais, français et espagnol ! Le financement est disponible pour les groupes de base, les organisations et les individus qui travaillent à l'intersection du handicap, de la justice de genre et du sport pour renforcer la résistance et la résilience féministes. 📅 Les candidatures en anglais et en espagnol sont ouvertes jusqu'au 28 octobre, les candidatures en français et en arabe sont ouvertes jusqu'au 1er novembre. 🔗 Lisez toutes les informations et posez votre candidature ici : https://lnkd.in/e6AAxrx4 -- Une fille aux cheveux bouclés sourit. Fond coloré. Le texte superposé indique « Postulez pour obtenir un financement ! Trouvez toutes les informations sur onsidefund.org/onside-2024 ». Le grand logo du Fonds ONSIDE est visible.

    • Une fille aux cheveux bouclés sourit. Fond coloré. Le texte superposé indique « Postulez pour obtenir un financement ! Trouvez toutes les informations sur onsidefund.org/onside-2024 ». Le grand logo du Fonds ONSIDE est visible.
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    صندوق ONSIDE مفتوح الآن باللغات العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية! التمويل متاح للمجموعات الشعبية والمنظمات والأفراد الذين يعملون عند تقاطع الإعاقة والعدالة بين الجنسين والرياضة لتعزيز المقاومة النسوية والقدرة على الصمود. التقديم باللغتين الإنجليزية والإسبانية مفتوح حتى 28 أكتوبر، والتطبيقات باللغتين الفرنسية والعربية مفتوحة حتى 1 نوفمبر. اقرأ جميع المعلومات وتقدم بطلبك هنا: https://lnkd.in/e6AAxrx4 -- وصف الصورة : امرأة شابة ترتدي شورت ملاكمة أسود وقميصًا تمد ذراعها بقبضة ضيقة - كما لو كانت تضرب الهواء. يدها الأخرى تحمي وجهها. خلفية ملونة. يقرأ النص المتراكب "تقدم بطلب للحصول على التمويل! ابحث عن جميع المعلومات على onsidefund.org/onside-2024". يظهر شعار صندوق ONSIDE الكبير.

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    Apply to become a panellist on an ONSIDE Fund Regional Peer Review Panel! For the new ONSIDE Fund call for proposals, Women Win are setting up five Regional Peer Review Panels (RPRPs) composed of grassroots activists, leaders and experts working at the intersection of gender justice and sports. As RPRPs, you will screen, review, and score applications and collectively make decisions about funding. In line with one of the key priorities for this call for proposals, we encourage girls, women, and/or non-binary persons with disabilities and/or those with experience at the intersection of disability, gender, and sport, to apply. If you or anyone in your network is interested in this opportunity, we invite you to apply. 📜 For more details about the RPRP role, please refer to the Terms of Reference: https://lnkd.in/eYZXC26Y 📅 Please submit your Expression of Interest in English, Spanish, Arabic, or French by October 19, 2024 via this link: https://lnkd.in/eCzXrern Women Win will select the panellists based on the eligibility criteria outlined in the ToR. We aim to finalise the recruitment process and communicate with selected candidates by October 24, 2024.

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