Workplace Pride

Workplace Pride


Amsterdam, North Holland 5.146 volgers

The International Platform for LGBTIQ+ Inclusion at Work

Over ons

Workplace Pride is a not for profit foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people in workplaces worldwide. We strive for a world of inclusive workplaces where LGBTIQ+ people can truly be themselves, are valued and, through their contributions, help to lead the way for others.

2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
D&I, LGBTI Inclusion, Inclusive Workplaces en LGBTIQ+


Medewerkers van Workplace Pride


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    National Coming Out Day: Be proud of who you are and stand for LGBTIQ+ equality! Race, ethnicity, language, religion, culture, gender expression, sexual orientation, and gender identity should never be barriers to thriving in the workplace. Coming out, or inviting someone in, is a personal choice and can be a powerful step toward living authentically in both our personal and professional lives. In the workplace, everyone deserves the right to be genuine, honest, and fully themselves, contributing to an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. Coming out in the workplace is not easy, but it is a powerful way to break barriers. Today, we celebrate our authenticity and continue to advocate for our rights, sending a strong message: We are here to stay. #WorkplacePride #NationalComingOutDay #LGBTIQ #Equality

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    🌈 It is inspiring to see the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands taking a strong stand for LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the workplace. On #ComingOutDay, their roundtable on DE&I with the theme 'LGBTIQ+ Inclusion at the Workplace', co-organised with NCCJ Office, NN Life, and Randstad Japan, brought crucial conversations to the forefront. Our Director of Learning and Development Yuli Kim and Eiko Muramatsu (Randstad) for their insightful presentations, and to Azusa Nishimoto (Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation) for joining the impactful panel discussion. While today is a day to celebrate those who are "coming out", it is also a powerful reminder that being authentic is not always easy or safe. The Netherlands continues to champion the belief that everyone should be free and proud of who they are. Let us keep pushing forward in breaking down barriers and building inclusive, safe spaces for all. Together, we can create a future where everyone feels empowered to be their true selves. #InclusionMatters #LGBTQ+ #DEI #WorkplaceInclusion #ComingOutDay #StrongerTogether #WorkplacePride

    10月11日の国際カミングアウト・デーを記念し、オランダ大使館は、在日オランダ商工会議所(NCCJ)、エヌエヌ生命保険株式会社、そしてランスタッドと共催し「職場におけるLGBTQ+インクルージョン」をテーマに、働き方先進国オランダ企業によるDE&Iラウンドテーブル第5回を開催しました。キム・ユリ氏(ワークプレイスプライド/DE&Iスペシャリスト)とランドスタッドの村末栄子氏がプレゼンテーションを行った後、LGBT 法連合会理事の西本梓氏が加わり、有意義なパネルディスカッションが行われました。 カミングアウト・デーは、LGBTQ+などの性的マイノリティーであることのカミングアウトを支援し、LGBTQ+コミュニティの闘いについての認識を広めると同時に、一人ひとりを祝典する日でもあります。オランダは、人は誰もがありのままの自分であることに誇りをもてるべきであると強く信じています。しかし、ありのままの自分を表現することは、必ずしも安全で簡単なことではありません。だからこそ私たちは障壁を取り除くために努力し続ける必要があります。私たちの役割は、包括的で安全な職場環境を促進しLGBTQ+コミュニティの強力な味方であり続けることです。 ========== On the occasion of Coming Out Day on 11 October, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organized a company roundtable on DE&I with the theme 'LGBTQ+ Inclusion at the workplace', co-organized with NCCJ Office, NN Life and Randstad Japan. Yuli Kim (Workplace Pride/DE&I specialist) and Eiko Muramatsu (Randstad) gave presentations, and were later joined by Azusa Nishimoto (Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation) for a fruitful panel discussion. On Coming Out day, we support anyone "coming out of the closet". It is seen as LGBTQ+ awareness day, but is also about celebrating each individual. The Netherlands believes strongly that people should be able to be free and proud of who they are. However, being your authentic self is not always safe or easy and we need to keep working on breaking down the barriers. It is our responsibility to promote an inclusive and safe work floor and being a strong ally for LGBTQ+ communities.

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    🚀 The 2024 Workplace Pride Impact Awards Gala is fast approaching, and tickets are going quickly! Join us on Friday, November 22, 2024, at the iconic Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam for an unforgettable black-tie evening. This year's theme, “Voyage of Discovery – A Galactic Masquerade,” promises a cosmic adventure like no other! Y our Voice Matters! Nominate extraordinary individuals and organisations for the 2024 Workplace Pride Impact Awards, recognising outstanding contributions to LGBTIQ+ inclusion. The countdown is on—submit your nominations now! 🎟 Do not miss out on Early Bird Tickets—Sale Ends October 8th! #WorkplacePride #ImpactAwards #LGBTIQInclusion #GalacticMasquerade

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    Bella, We were truly honoured to have you share your powerful story at the 6th "Stories from the Heart" event at the Rijksmuseum. Your personal journey and advocacy resonated deeply with the audience, especially with our Workplace Pride members. Your voice is an inspiration, and it reinforces the vital importance of inclusive policies and continued advocacy. Thank you for being a part of this impactful event. Read a short review of the event here.

    Profiel weergeven voor Bella Aubree, afbeelding

    Sexual Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Youth | National Coordinator at Inti Muda Indonesia | Researcher | Pharmacist

    - Stories from the Heart: Bella's Journey - I am incredibly honored to have been a part of the 6th "Stories from the Heart" event at the Rijksmuseum, organized by Workplace Pride in collaboration with the Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). A heartfelt thank you to Deborah Abrahams for your invaluable guidance as a storytelling coach, your insight and support have empowered me to share my story with confidence. ❤️

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    🚨 Your Voice Matters! 🚨 The countdown is on! ⏳ Only 10 days left to nominate inspiring individuals and organisations for the 2024 Annual Workplace Pride Impact Awards Gala! These awards celebrate exceptional contributions to LGBTIQ+ inclusivity, and your nominations are key to making this year's gala truly unforgettable! All details here! Do not miss this chance—nominate before October 7th, 2024! #WorkplacePride #DiversityandInclusion #2024ImpactAwards #2024WorkplacePrideImpactAwards

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    Nominations for the 2024 Workplace Pride Impact Awards are now open! Your voice can make a difference! It is time to recognise exceptional individuals and organisations that have championed LGBTIQ+ inclusivity in the workplace. The 2024 Workplace Pride Impact Awards honour those who have made remarkable contributions to creating inclusive environments over the past year. 🏆 Award Categories: Network Award Volunteer Award Media Outreach Award Ally Award Role Model Award Members' Choice - Game Changer Award 🗓️ Important Dates: Submission Deadline: October 7th, 2024 (midnight) All the nomination information is located here! Join us in celebrating the inspiring individuals shaping a more inclusive world for LGBTIQ+ professionals. Let's build a brighter future together! 🌈 Do not miss this chance—nominate before October 7th, 2024! #WorkplacePride #DiversityandInclusion #2024ImpactAwards #2024WorkplacePrideImpactAwards David Pollard Yuli Kim (she/her) Christine Holtkamp Brian Yothers Omar Badawy Robert Corvers Mikel Heijman

  • Workplace Pride heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Tara Tankink, afbeelding

    Scientist Innovator Diversity and Inclusion at TNO

    Inclusie of illusie? - Queer zijn op kantoor Tijdens de Workplace Pride conferentie sprak Rob Jetten over queer inclusie: “We’re trying to put out the fire, while matches are being lit around the world.” Alleen al in de VS worden momenteel 516 anti-LHBTQIA+ wetsvoorstellen overwogen, en ook in Nederland zien we dit aantal stijgen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat 30% van de queer werknemers hun identiteit verbergt op het werk, en dat 39% grensoverschrijdend gedrag op het werk rapporteert. Dit aantal ligt nog veel hoger bij transgender medewerkers, waarvan 45% in Nederland aangeeft gepest, gediscrimineerd of geïntimideerd te worden op de werkvloer. Dr. Erin A. Cech en Prof. Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn maakten in hun keynote speeches op het LHBTQIA+ at work symposium duidelijk hoe lastig het is voor queer professionals om volledig zichzelf te zijn op het werk: *Het openlijk uiten van een queer identiteit wordt vaak als onprofessioneel gezien, terwijl het niet delen ervan wordt geïnterpreteerd als iets verbergen. Deze dubbele standaard plaatst queer werknemers in een onmogelijke positie. *Er wordt significant minder ‘professioneel’ met queer collega’s samengewerkt, ook wanneer informele samenwerking wel specifiek met hen wordt opgezocht (VB: De queer collega wordt niet naar de klant gestuurd, maar maakt wel de presentatie) *Dit is een gevolg van de “heteroprofessionele norm”—het idee dat alleen heteronormatief gedrag professioneel is. (VB: Waar het benoemen van je ‘vrouw’ als mannelijk medewerker wordt gezien als ‘open en eerlijk’ zijn, wordt dit als vrouwelijk medewerker gezien als ‘onprofessioneel en politiek’) *De heteroprofessionele norm draagt bij aan een werkomgeving waarin queer mensen meer stress ervaren, vaker ziek zijn, minder doorgroeimogelijkheden ervaren, en vaker van baan wisselen dan hun heteroseksuele collega’s. Heteroprofessionalisme heeft dus grote negatieve effecten op individuen, organisaties en de maatschappij als geheel. Toch blijven bedrijven zich verzetten tegen het actief bevorderen van LHBTQIA+ belangen op de werkvloer. Argumenten zoals “dat probleem speelt hier niet” (immunity) of “we zijn een neutrale, objectieve organisatie en kunnen ons hierover niet uitspreken” (depolitization) zijn veelgehoorde excuses om geen verantwoordelijkheid te nemen. Met deze reden zet ik me in als ambassadeur van Rainbow@TNO, de employee resource group die zich binnen (en buiten) TNO inzet voor LHBTQIA+ belangen. Zo hebben we vanuit Rainbow@TNO dit jaar voor het eerst een Pride-boot georganiseerd tijdens Leiden Pride. Dit was een belangrijk moment voor ons, omdat we samen met collega’s duidelijk maakten dat TNO actief staat voor inclusie, en zich uitspreekt voor haar LHBTQIA+ werknemers. Roos Beerkens PhD, Frieda Agema, Siel Hoornaert, Quirine Smit, Francesc Sastre (he/him)

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    🌈 Join the Young@Workplace Pride Mentorship Program! 🌈 Are you an LGBTIQ+ professional looking to make a positive impact? Whether you are seeking guidance as a mentee or looking to share your experience as a mentor, this program offers a space for mutual learning, growth, and empowerment. Why join? Gain insights from experienced professionals or fresh perspectives from young talent Participate in 1:1 mentorship, training sessions, and social events Build a strong support network within the LGBTIQ+ community We are looking for: Mentors: LGBTIQ+ professionals eager to share their knowledge and support others Mentees: Individuals with personal or professional goals looking for mentorship Ready to commit 2 hours per month over 6 months? 🌟 Sign up now and be part of a transformative journey! Full Details Here (Limited spots available) Let us come together to inspire change and empower each other! 💪🏳️🌈 #LGBTIQ #WorkplacePride #Mentorship #Inclusion #ProfessionalGrowth #Diversity Christine Holtkamp Maral Arikan

    Join the Young@Workplace Pride Mentorship Program!

    Join the Young@Workplace Pride Mentorship Program!

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    Congratulations to All Involved in the LGBTIQ+ Workplace Inclusion Symposium! A special thanks to Erin A. Cech for her thought-provoking keynote and to Michiel Kolman 🏳️🌈, the panelists, and all the contributors who made this event impactful. Together, we tackled essential discussions on heteroprofessionalism and the barriers to creating truly inclusive work environments. Thank you to everyone who joined live and online, and to the dedicated behind-the-scenes team—Christine Holtkamp, Chenhao Zhou, and Paula Hoffmann—for ensuring this symposium’s success. Let us continue to challenge norms and drive meaningful change toward workplace equality! 🌈 Prof. Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn Symposium slides, photos and a recording of the live stream can be found here: #WorkplacePride #LGBTIQ #AcademiaAtWorkplacePride #DiversityAndInclusion #Equality

    Profiel weergeven voor Prof. Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn, afbeelding

    Professor at Leiden University / Utrecht University

    “For us to solve these deeply culturally entrenched problems, we have to restructure the very idea of what it means to be a professional” - Dr. Erin Cech (University of Michigan) This quote nicely summarizes the key message of last week’s LGBTIQ+ Workplace Inclusion Symposium at Leiden University, marking the opening of the Academia@WorkplacePride year. The symposium was opened by Michiel Kolman 🏳️🌈, Workplace Pride co-chair and Academia@WorkplacePride Lead who highlighted the increasing importance of bridging science and practice given the worrying trends in lgbtiq+ acceptance near and far. In her keynote, Erin A. Cech provided an overview of the various ways that LGBTIQ+ inequality can show up in the workplace: disadvantages can emerge not only in feelings of social marginalization, but in a lack of professional respect and opportunities and even negative health and wellness outcomes. She discussed the kinds of work contexts that can amplify or undermine these inequalities, using the science and tech sector as a case, and ended by discussing the cultural “rhetorics of resistance” that employees and organization leaders sometimes use to block LGBTIQ+-inclusive diversification efforts and strategies for confronting those rhetorics. In my keynote, I further discussed the implications of heteronormativity at work by discussing the concept of heteroprofessionalism, or the norm that to be professional is to be cisgender and straight. I presented recent research findings demonstrating how disclosing a queer identity can be a double-edged sword, with disclosure perceived as unprofessional while concealment is seen as dishonest. I also addressed the specific challenges experienced bi+ employees, and what can be done to mitigate these. Then, a panel consisting of Melati Tamsma, Pascale Wautelet, and Roos Beerkens PhD, and moderated by Kshitij Mor reflected on the keynotes, offering insights and examples from their diverse workplaces. Many thanks to the audience for participating in the symposium, the speakers, moderator, and panelists for sharing their insights, and Christine Holtkamp, Chenhao Zhou and Paula Hoffmann for their tireless efforts behind the scenes towards making the symposium a success! Did you miss the symposium this year? A recording can be found here under the Live Stream Recording tab: Workplace Pride - Leiden University - Future of Work Hub - Interuniversity Network on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Utrecht University - Diversity at work - Nederlandse InclusiviteitsMonitor - InclusieNL

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    Nominations for the 2024 Workplace Pride Impact Awards are now open! Your voice can make a difference! It is time to recognise exceptional individuals and organisations that have championed LGBTIQ+ inclusivity in the workplace. The 2024 Workplace Pride Impact Awards honour those who have made remarkable contributions to creating inclusive environments over the past year. 🏆 Award Categories: Network Award Volunteer Award Media Outreach Award Ally Award Role Model Award Members' Choice - Game Changer Award 🗓️ Important Dates: Submission Deadline: October 7th, 2024 (midnight) All the nomination information is located here! Join us in celebrating the inspiring individuals shaping a more inclusive world for LGBTIQ+ professionals. Let's build a brighter future together! 🌈 Do not miss this chance—nominate before October 7th, 2024! #WorkplacePride #DiversityandInclusion #2024ImpactAwards #2024WorkplacePrideImpactAwards David Pollard Yuli Kim (she/her) Christine Holtkamp Brian Yothers Omar Badawy Robert Corvers Mikel Heijman

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    🌈 Want to create a more inclusive workplace? Join us at the 2024 LGBTIQ+ Workplace Inclusion Symposium! Hear from leading experts like Erin A. Cech and Prof. Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn as they share the latest research on LGBTIQ+ inclusion. 📚 Date: Thursday, September 5th Time: 10:00-13:00 Location: Telders Auditorium, Leiden Register Directly Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and learn how to build a truly inclusive environment. Full Program Details Here: #WorkpalcePride #WorkplaceInclusion #DiversityAndInclusion #Symposium #Leiden #Research #CareerGrowth

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