Bijdrage van Stad Mechelen

Heb je al gehoord over de grootste plannen voor onze Binnendijle? Daarbij telt ook de stem van de natuur in onze stad. Want die beschouwen we als een evenwaardige partner in ons project Masterplan Binnendijle.    Ontdek 🌳 hoe de stad de natuur weer naar het centrum brengt 🦊 hoe dieren en planten een stem krijgen in het proces 💦 hoe we samen met de inwoners van de stad 15 basisprincipes formuleerden voor natuurinclusieve plekken langs het water   European Urban Initiative expert Johannes Riegler ging in gesprek met Mark Van der Veken (participatie en cocreatie Stad Mechelen) over het belang van water in de stad. En over hoe je de natuur als volwaardige partner kan betrekken in een stadsproject.   Lees het hier:   #masterplanbinnendijle #WATSUPS #UrbanTransformation #EcologicalDemocracy #CitizenEngagement #Sustainability #WATSUP   Ranja Van AsbroeckGrete HellemansNicole La IaconaKathy MarivoetNélida Hancco HerreraDr Antonella RadicchiMichiel Van MeleAn Schepersanne smitsJolien DamenThomas More-hogeschool

Profiel weergeven voor Johannes Riegler, afbeelding

Urbanist | DUT Management | Podcast Host | EUI Expert | validated URBACT Expert

“At first, I was concerned whether the approach would work, as our citizens have a no-nonsense attitude. But in the end, the process fostered a deeper understanding and empathy for nature, shifting the focus to a broader understanding of our connection to the environment," said Mark Van der Veken (Stad Mechelen) when I spoke to him about the experience of including the 🌳 voices of nature in Mechelen’s citizens’ assembly. Local public administrations worldwide are searching for innovative methods to engage residents in urban transformation projects. Few have gone as far as Mechelen, Belgium 🇧🇪 🍟 , in the European Urban Initiative's WATSUPS project - a New European Bauhaus demonstrator. Over five days, 35 residents co-created 15 basic principles to reconnect the city with the River Dijle—not just for people but for animals and plants, too. I have the pleasure of following the City of Mechelen’s work and capturing their experiences in running a citizens’ assembly that includes the voices of nature in the co-creation process. You can read more in my new article, now available on Portico: Read on to find out: 🌊 Mechelen is bridging divides between urban life and the River Dijle. 🐦 animals and plants became key voices in urban planning. 🛶 residents co-created 15 principles for nature-integrated spaces. 🌍 Mechelen sets a blueprint for ecological democracy in cities. Do you know of any projects that include nature as a stakeholder in urban transformation? ping: Ranja Van Asbroeck, Grete Hellemans, Nicole La Iacona, Kathy Marivoet, Nélida Hancco Herrera, Kathleen McCarron, Mathis Hampel, Daniela Rizzi, Björn Wallsten, Ann Maudsley, Benedikte Van Eeghem, Astrid Stroobandt, Line Ostyn, Linde Vertriest, Daniel Christian Wahl, New European Bauhaus, Sarah Theierling, Sarah Rohaert, Dr Antonella Radicchi, Cédric Goessaert, Ighor Van de Vyver, Michiel Van Mele, Patrick Princen, Attila Katona, Eileen Crowley, Alexandru Matei, Federica Risi #UrbanTransformation #EcologicalDemocracy #CitizenEngagement #Sustainability #WATSUPS #Mechelen

Mechelen's citizens’ assembly in action: Co-creating for and with nature

Mechelen's citizens’ assembly in action: Co-creating for and with nature

kaat mariën

✔︎ "de fietsgids & de wandelgids" in Mechelen ✔︎ Docent NT2 & Frans @CVO Semper ✔︎ Reisbegeleider @Joker Reizen ✔︎ Storyteller

3 d

Stad Mechelen we kijken erg uit naar nog meer groen en waterbeleving in de stad 🌿!

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